The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1079: Hengren

Forty-eight-year-old Liang Cheng looks like he is in his early thirties. Sitting in the flying car, looking down the window, you can see the chaotic crowd and the cracked ground below.

I was thinking about the two people I was going to meet in a while.

Number one, the empress.

Number two, the gate.

I heard about these two people when I was still young. At that time, I was still in the magic capital and just joined the work. The old man at home explained just one word. Don't mess with them.

Because of his family background, he had to hide from others. At the time, he was quite unconvinced.

Later, I learned what the two men had done, but I'm glad that I was young and vigorous but I didn't meet them.

Otherwise, it is definitely not them.

Two people who regard human life as a mustard.

If the strength of prefecture-level powerhouses is sky-high, then they are sky. In this age of science and technology, no one can match their personal strength!

The entire base of Citigroup was turned upside down by one person, and the other was stronger.

Strong is not like people.

Just look at the chaos in the street below. The other party hasn't even started yet, and I don't know what method was used to cause such a large amount of damage in the city.

It was a walking nuclear bomb.

It's a big killer everywhere.

"Ambassador, they stopped. Let's go now?" The military attachor, who had a heroic posture beside him, asked the news from the connector.

"Well." Liang Cheng responded softly, and he came for this matter.

The sun is not falling, but people don't want to let them go so easily.

But it's not a problem to keep going like this.

Stopped now, it looks like I can talk.

"One enemy is one country!" Liang Cheng whispered softly.

The military attache took it for granted.

The military attache of the embassy is also a master, and has always been somewhat proud.

It can be seen that the pride disappeared long ago.

It is inappropriate for someone to say this to someone outside.

A little taller, a little taller, at least it can be compared, it can be said that there are people outside the sky.

As far as I can see, the domestic masters who have higher eyes than these two are incomparable. They are simply not a species.

One punch smashed a wall, and one foot smashed a few meters into a piece of ground. It was not impossible, but it was just that.

But people didn't do anything at all, just walked over, there was no good place behind them.

Had it not been for his own eyes today, he would not have believed that there was such power in the world.

Those who do not fall do not believe.

Then he recruited two fierce gods.

Hadrow Belfort looked at the two people in front of him, sitting on a bench as if basking in the sun, his face calmed.

The man in his thirties and above was bald and ordinary in appearance, and his two eyebrows were strange on his face, one above and one below, obviously false. No matter how you look, there is a fierce look on your face.

Women in their twenties and above, in red clothes, and their faces are very three-dimensional in the eyes of Europeans and Americans. A pair of narrow eyes are full of indifference.

However, the age of the two is not accurate. Twenty and thirty years ago, they looked like this. Over the years, the man has changed slightly, while the woman is exactly the same as thirty years ago, leaving no trace on her.

The two sat there, the distant chaos and the surrounding agents didn't affect them at all.

However, in the short time before, they caused tens of billions of dollars in damage to the fog and thousands of casualties.

The military department was in trouble, and now he had to clean up the mess. As a veteran powerhouse, not only did Sun Bulu lose face, but even li Li, the army, agents, police, and the armed forces of a country faced them as if a baby was facing a man with advanced weapons.

They may not be invincible, and it may take some time to find their weaknesses, but now they can't be kept up.

"Two, let's have a good talk." Hadrow Belfort walked in front of them.

It is dangerous to stand here, and the other person can kill him as soon as he reaches out.

But he also knew that the other party did not intend to do so.

Otherwise it's the same no matter where you hide.

Ren Baqian glanced at him gently. "It's too high, do you want me to look up and talk to you?"

Hadrow Belfort was so angry that he had to squat and talk to him?

Ren Baqian really meant that, although he knew the other party would not do that.

He always thought that human kind was deceived and Ma Shan was ridden. For example, he stayed at home honestly, and someone kept asking him trouble all day.

If you encounter it once, you have to interrupt your hand, and you will have trouble later.

"Two, let's find a quiet place to talk."

"Talk about buying Wudu?" Ren Baqian didn't understand, his voice was dull. "Buy ruins, there are 30% new, 50% new, 80% new, which package do you want?"

There was an evil spirit in everyone's hearts, but it still had to be suppressed.

A flying car dropped in the crowd from the air.

The so-called aerial car is not large in the compartment and can only take three people, one after the other. There are six ducted fan propellers above, with low noise, vertical take-off and landing, electric drive, and no wings.

The speed is pretty good, it can reach over 200 kilometers per hour.

However, if you can afford it, you don't like to use it. The carriage is too small and uncomfortable, which is far worse than some commercial helicopters.

The only advantage is that landing is much easier than helicopters.

Three Chinese men getting off the flying car.

At first he looked over thirty years old, with a Chinese character face, his back, glasses, and a suit.

First glanced at the collapsed building before walking towards several people.

"Mr. Ren, Ms. Qi, my name is Liang Cheng, our ambassador to Japan, the two ambassadors. If you encounter anything here, you can tell me that nothing can be done, even if I You can also ask for instructions from China. "Liang Cheng walked to the front of the two, and first stated his position, which was quite polite.

"There is work!" Ren Baqin got up and shook hands, releasing his goodwill.

This time, the country still did a pretty job, and Liang Cheng spoke beautifully.

The empress looked up at him: "If the envoys of other countries are as clever as you, even if they are ugly, they will not be chopped down as fertilizer."

With a little appreciation in words.

Liang Cheng secretly wrote down the words, smiled at the two, and said:

"Some people, this is not the place to talk. Change?"

Liang Cheng looked at Ren Baqian and asked for his opinion.

"Okay!" Ren Baqian stopped and was ready to solve it.

But what should be, what should be taken, what should be taken.

They did not go to No. 10 Downing Street, and did not go to places such as the MI. The convoy went directly to the embassy.

It is estimated that I didn't talk about any words for a while, and Ren Baqian was embarrassed to tear it down.

In the conference room, Ren Baqian and the empress took the polite seat.

The three parties sat in three directions, but Liang Cheng and the two were closer, but kept a little distance. After all, he's here to help reconcile.

The three parties sat silent, and Ren Qianqian raised his eyebrows, and the empress was dazed.

"Ah, there was a misunderstanding today, which bothered the two."

"Oh, misunderstanding!" Ren Baqian raised his eyelids and sneered.

Hadrow Belfort remained unchanged.

"But the two also caused huge casualties and losses to us. So far, the number of casualties has exceeded 150, with direct losses of tens of billions. Do the two have anything to say?" Hadero Belfort continued to speak. Looking at the two, the meaning in the words was to first point out the loss that will not be suffered tomorrow, and then see what conditions Ren Renqian would like to mention.

"A lot of nonsense!" Ren Baqian's words made Hadro Belfort and the followers around him ~ ~ say, this misty city, what do you want? "Ren Baqian continued to sneer.

"We are very sincere, and hope that both will show sincerity," Hadero Belfort said.

"Well, I begged you to talk?" Ren Baqian's face was fierce. "I didn't recruit anyone who didn't provoke anyone. I got shot with a spear and gun just after getting off the plane. Now I can't fight for mercy? Why do n’t you eat the **** out? "

Liang Cheng didn't move his eyebrows, but his heart was a secret road, and as it is said in the legend, he was a cross.

But the sun doesn't deserve it!

To do things for Citi, you have to be awakened.

It's those two people who change themselves, and that's their attitude.

Watch the play first, anyway, I'm a support.

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