The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1105: My King is with you all

"I know ... I will clear them all ..." The Empress looked away with a cold look on her face.

"Be careful, the most difficult thing is not the herdsmen, but the jade waist slaves. Although the strength is not strong, but there are too many. Although two herders have died, at least 150,000 are left, otherwise their casualties will also It won't be so heavy. "

Ren Baqian couldn't help it.

He believed in the strength of the Empress. In the second stage of the Changsheng habitat, there should be no problem in sweeping the 60,000 mountains, but you must be careful of various means of the alien race, which is completely different from the human race.

The herders themselves are not strong, and even with the controlled aliens, the number is much less than the human race masters.

However, there are more than 100,000 jade waist slaves. Although the strength is only a human wheel, it is extremely fast and small in size. It is overwhelming when attacking. If Ma Hongyu wasn't good at trapping the enemy, obstructing the enemy, or attacking on a large scale, the casualties would be even higher.

Even Du Qian, the tenth cover-up player in the new world, died.

You should know that these are all the top masters in the world. With less than 60 soldiers condensed, they all have the potential to reach the world. There are so many casualties at one time, which makes Ren Baqian very distressed.


The empress turned off the radio and walked out of the room, at this time on a mountain in the 60,000 Mountains.

From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, rows of wooden buildings are spirally arranged. Ten thousand soldiers train at the foot of the mountain, shouting to kill the sky.

This is Yaskawa Castle, where the southern capital is now protected. In terms of a city, in fact, it is just an expansion of the village. There are no civilians except soldiers. There are 30,000 troops in Dufu House in the south, and the other 20,000 are located in the depths of the 60,000 mountains to clean up the beasts, rotating 10,000 people every other year.

"Let Fuyu see you."

But for a moment, a middle-aged man in leather armor carrying a long bow came to the empress.

There is also a layer of green scales on the leather armor, which looks like the skin of a snake-like beast.

This man is the vice capital of the southern capital of protection. Xi Wanya sits in the depths of the Sixty Thousand Mountains to preside over the fierce beasts of the Qing Dynasty.

"How many Supreme Heavenly Warriors in the mountain have not been ordered?" The Empress asked coldly.

"Fourty-four people are known!" Fu Ye calculated in his mind.

Since the southern Duhufu moved into the 60,000 Dashan Mountain Inventory Village and cleared the road, Xi Wanya has repeatedly lowered the order to mobilize masters everywhere. There are now 26 Supreme Heavenly Warriors under His Majesty Qi Ziting, and 11 in the Southern Guard House.

In the known villages, there are still 54 masters scattered all over the place and not called.

"There are so many people? Can the call be passed?" The Empress hummed.

"Passed on."

"It's really unruly!" The empress said casually, her voice was flat, and her words were dissatisfied.

"Reordered to them again, they must arrive in Quxia City within six months, if there is a delay, there is no amnesty to kill! I'll see, I speak in person, how bold they are!

The empress said with a sense of murder.

She naturally knows that the ancient masters are mostly fierce and unruly, the more they go deeper.

She wouldn't bother to care about them in the old days. But now is the time to hire people, and the war against the aliens is imminent. If they dare to ignore the call by virtue of their strength, then die!

Fu Yan fisted at the female emperor: "Yes, I will inform Qu Xiacheng at the end."

Although Fu Ye hasn't seen those people himself in the past few years, he has also heard a little about it. He knows that those fierce masters scattered around the masters not only did not listen to the tune order, but also had a lot of crazy words.

This made the Southern Metropolitan Government very angry and dissatisfied with those people.

Xi Wanya has to preside over Qingyu, and he can't spare any effort to deal with them.

Now your Majesty opened his mouth, and someone must be unlucky.

Fu Ye smiled gloatingly.

But a moment later, Fu Xun passed the information to Quxia City, and dozens of flying birds flew to various soldiers.


Two months later, Ren Baqian silently watched the Manchu Wenwu who was huddled below.

"Look at me as a black tiger." Tong Zhenye punched as fast as lightning, but Qin Chuan was not slow at all, and kicked his leg with a kick.

At the foot of Tong Zhenye, his figure pulled back half a foot, but his fist suddenly released, and two bird eggs flew out of it and hit Qin Chuan.

An odor suddenly permeated the Jinyudian.

"Ha ha ha ha, even if you are old, you will not be an old man's opponent even if you are treacherous!" Tong Zhenye laughed.

Qin Chuan's face was iron-blue, smelling the madness on his body, and he rubbed himself again and struck with Tong Zhenye.

Ren Baqian's eyes crossed the two. In the back of the department, Shang Shutu later used the yin-yin leg smoother than Qin Chuan. He had his legs and legs lowered. After a moment of effort, he scratched the punishment department's Shang Shuyan rock, and practiced Jiuyin bone-like claws.

It's true that Jiuyin's white-bone claws may not be able to match the skill of the figure. The moves are not delicate, but the hands are extremely fierce.

In particular, the magical Yinyin leg was even more invincible.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the Ministry of Households also joined together.

As for the officials and officials, they watched the excitement from a distance and applauded from time to time.

The senior veteran Shi Qing and the young veteran Zhe Kouhai hid early.

The new Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Education shivered from the distance ...

Ren Baqian pulled out a loudspeaker from the back: "Stop, stop!"

Huge sound waves swept through the Golden Temple, but the crowd continued to clump into their ears.

Ren Baqian's face is iron blue, these **** ...

The brawls in the palace of Jin Mao, annoyed, he almost forgot why everyone was fighting.

After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that the stall was too big recently. The Ministry of Households still had no money in the treasury. The Ministry of Industry and Copper Tongye felt that there were so many artisans in the Ministry of Industry. , Indicating dissatisfaction.

Qin Chuan opposes Tong Zhenye ...

The Ministry of Justice Shangshu is looking for pictures late for money ...

Anyway, it's like messy ...

Needless to say, today ’s early dynasty does n’t need to be opened again, and finally it is a mess.

This is not the first time I have seen this situation.

This was true even when the Empress was there, not to mention that the Empress is now in the 60,000 Mountains ...

"You go to death, Wang Bazhen!" Ren Baqian cursed fiercely, striding across the battlefield.

Everyone should fight, it should be lively and lively, and several people near him grinned at him, showing a smile.

As for Ren Yaqian's ruthless words ... if the ruthless words are useful, what fists are needed?

However, as soon as Ren Baqian was out of the Golden Palace, a glass vial filled with colorless liquid in his hand shot directly into the middle of the battle group.

An extremely stink rushed straight into the brain as if being stunned by a sledgehammer, which made the fainting scent fill the Jinyin Temple instantly.

"MMP, my king is with you all!" Ren Baqian looked stubbornly, not forgetting to shout, "Heart break, escort!"

There was a ghost crying in the hall of the golden urns, and everyone could not care about the fight, and immediately jumped out of the main hall, but the stench contaminated on his body stinked for three hundred miles in the wind.

Even with a broken heart, I drew my face and covered my nose away from the crowd, holding one hand directly on the hilt of the sword, and threatened everyone with eyes wide open: Do n’t come over any of you, and whoever comes over, I cut off who!

"Prince Zhao!" The crowd roared, and almost spit it out before their throats roared, and fled back to the house to bathe and change clothes.


Ren Baqian returned to the harem with a sneer and put a gas mask on his face. When I walked into a hall, I saw rows of cabinets that were two meters high and shining red and blue.

Several blond men and women are undergoing final commissioning ~ ~ A gust of wind blows, and several blond men and women suddenly change their faces, almost spitting out with their mouths covered.

Ren Baqian ignored the strangeness of several people, but looked at the cabinet in the hall with a smile.

These cabinets alone took three months to bring back eighth from the earth.

There are 60 cabinets, 60 computing nodes, 240 processors, 10.24 million computing cores, and the peak operation is 1.3 billion times per second.

Of course, the most important thing is not its computing function, but that this supercomputer can support real artificial intelligence, and it stores a lot of information about earth science and technology, history, culture and so on.

With this supercomputer and a fairly high level of artificial intelligence, not only can it reduce the workload of any 8,000, but it can also calculate the optimal development path.

Ren Baqian has great expectations for this.

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