The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1123: Surrounding distribution and landing

A day later, several people who went to investigate returned.

"There is a tribe hundreds of thousands of miles southeast. The strangers are only half the height, the skin is gray, the ears are sharp, the skin is wrinkled, and the strength is low. Is nothing but the Supreme Realm.

This tribe did not domesticate fierce beasts, planted a large area of ​​vegetation, if you want to destroy, as long as three or five people, you can cover your hands. "

"The same is true of the tribes one hundred and fifty miles away in the southwest. They should be the same kind of strangers. The tribes are slightly larger, but they are only about five thousand."

"There is also a tribe two hundred miles away in the south, about eight thousand. This alien we have seen before is the giant arm family. This tribe is not low in strength. There are at least fifty people in Supreme Heaven and four people in Changshengtian. "Going to explore the south is Dong Guoyu, who is best at hiding investigations, and can move in the shadows.

Therefore, although the tribe's strength is very strong, it also allows him to find out.

"In the 237-square area, there are 36 powerful races, 369 middle races, and the rest are lower races. My people were one of the middle races.

Those two weak tribes should be inferior races. And that giant arm family should be a middle race.

If you guessed it well, it should be a lower-level race around the middle-range rule in a region, and in a larger region, a middle-lower race within the range of strong racial domination. The emperor thought for a moment about the detour.

"Qi's guess is good. When I hid in the dark, I heard that the tribe of the giant arm tribe chats. It belongs to the innocent God, and that innocent God is one of the thirty-six strong. The strongest of the race. "

Everyone's look was moving.

The Empress asked, "What else have you heard?"

"There is a big city five thousand and three hundred kilometers south from here, called the Innocent City, which is the home of the Undecided God. The aliens in the two directions of the southeast and southwest should be called graythorns, and they must face the giant arm tribe every year. Tributes are offered, and the Tribute Tribe offers tributes to the Innocent City every three years. This year is the year of the tributes. Someone in the Tribute Tribe talked about it before I heard it. "Dong Guo Martyr.

"You did a great job," the empress praised.

"It's a coincidence," Dong Guozhen laughed.

This trip to Dong Guozhen revealed a lot of things, especially about the existence of Innocent City, so that everyone at least had some preparations in mind.

"Is there a place nearby for me to wait?" Li Fu asked.

"There are a mountain range three hundred and fifty miles away in the West, which may allow me to hide temporarily. I made a circle in front of the mountain, and those alien species of vegetation only came to the bottom of the mountain. There are fierce beasts in the mountain, and their strength is not low. Those The Graythorns should not easily enter the mountains. "

"It's the best." Everyone nodded.

"Then clean up the traces here, don't be noticed that I have stayed here." The emperor ordered that the murderers in the Wudian hunted in the mountains all year round. They are best at ambushing and clearing the traces, leaving two people to clean up, others People went straight to the mountain range more than 300 miles away.

In just two hours, everyone arrived before the mountains.

The mountains here are not large, and they are not comparable to the 60,000 mountains, but it is enough for everyone to hide.

As soon as they entered the mountain, they met a group of fist-sized wasps with tail-like thorns, metallic luster, and a sweet smell.

Everyone knew immediately that this wasp must be highly toxic.

Moreover, this Vespa flies extremely fast, is not weak, has a strong body, and has almost the same strength as a human warrior. Coupled with the hordes, at least a few hundred or a thousand, flying over is a rush, and the sound of flapping wings is roaring. If the strength is poor or there are few people, you can only retreat when you encounter this group of wasps.

Ma Hongyu's pen first drew a river of water, descended from the air, rushed the wasp to a place, and drew a qi to trap it in it.

However, these wasps were also fierce, and they bumped into a circle of yellow ground gas around them, and the ground gas vibrated endlessly. If they were to delay for a moment, they might escape.

"Do it!" Ma Hongyu whispered after trapping Hu Feng.

When the fire snake Tao Qian shot, two fire snakes meandered in the air, tangled and twisted in the wasp swarm, and the wasps trapped in one place were turned to ashes.

"These bugs are so powerful, they almost couldn't get stuck!" Ma Hongyu said in a pen.

"Bacheng is good around here!" Pouting Gong smiled with a beard. "You go first, and I will come later."

After speaking, he went towards the wasp.

But for a moment, the pouting man caught up with the crowd, and saw that he was carrying a beehive larger than him, and a tempting sweet fragrance came from the hive.

When everyone saw him, they chuckled, and this deserves to be dumbfounded.

Everyone found a peak in the mountains, where they could barely see where they came from with a telescope. If anyone passed through there, as long as they didn't hide their breath, the speed wasn't too fast, and everyone could detect it.

And the vitality here is even stronger than the bottom of the mountain, which is regarded as a treasure.

"There is a ferocious beast in that direction. I am afraid that the breath is close to the strength of Changshengtian." Someone looked at the Western Road. "There is only a mountain distance from here, it is better to kill first, so as not to cause trouble."

"Gao Yi, why don't you take a trip?" Li Fu stood up.

In the previous three years, two of the people who arrived first broke through the realm and entered the open space, and one of them was Gao Yi.

The other one is Huanxian Xinzong Xinyi, who is taciturn. The original soldier was a treasure jar, which could release Huaxianxian to attack the enemy, often hurting the invisible.

However, when it comes to the means of attack, it is not as easy as guns.

After the two left, the crowd separated two people to find food and water, and others opened caves on the mountain peaks to hide and practice.

Then move the tree vines to block the opening of the cave, which is difficult to detect in the distance, even the two sets of air projection equipment used to hide the tracks do not need to be turned on.

Li Fu and his long and short gun Gao Yi followed the breath towards another mountain and looked for it. In the distance, a white snake with a length of more than 20 meters was hung on a boulder. There are two claws at the front, but they are no more than one meter long.

It was found that the two were approaching, and the giant snake curled up and stared at them with cold and fierce eyes, making a slight sound.

"I can handle this thing alone," Gao Yi said with ease.

This serpent is so strong that if it was a bit difficult to deal with it before, now it has taken that step, unlike the previous one.

We must know that in addition to its own exercises and moves, the biggest method of Shenlun is the magic soldier.

After taking that step, you already have your own heaven and earth region, which is itself a great means of confrontation. Even if this step has just been taken, it is not comparable.

Xia Yonghe, who the Emperor had seen before, was close to his soldiers in the heavenly area, but countless spears in the area could be used to block the enemy and kill the enemy.

However, Gao Yi, who has a long and short gun, is different from him. Gao Yi's heaven and earth are within the range.

If you deal with people, you can easily find the flaws of the opponent, expecting the enemy to take the lead.

Li Fu is different from Gao Yi. Li Fu's heaven and earth area has strengthened his ability to see through the weaknesses of objects, so that he can see the opponent ’s weapons or his own weaknesses in battle, even a hard body can strike. That is broken.

In other words, Gao Yi can find the enemy's flaws, but if the opponent's body is hard enough, he may not be able to break the opponent's body.

Li Fu is the opposite. No matter how strong the opponent's body is, he can be broken as long as he finds a weakness. However, if he can't find the flaws in the enemy's shot, he may not have a shot.

Seeing Gao Yi taking the initiative to play, Li Fu saved time and laughed: "The old man has old arms and legs, and he wants to rest."

After talking about a place to sit, I saw that there was a cluster of berries next to the place where he was sitting, with red fruits hanging on it.

Li Fu picked a few, used his own method to determine if it was poisonous, and threw it into his mouth, his face was pleasant.

Gao Yi was quite speechless when he saw that this melon seed was watching the crowd.

Fortunately, I had to be familiar with the heavens and the earth, hone the method of battle, set my mind to ignore Li Fu, and had one more long, one short and two guns in my hands, and lifted my spirit into the attack range of the giant snake.

The movement of the body's air engine, combined with the consciousness, rolled outwards, and immediately felt the five senses, and all the wind and grass movement within a range of dozens of meters around the body were at your fingertips.

At this moment, Gao Yi felt a warning sign coming from her heart, her body swayed to the side, and she just escaped the white snake's probe. She picked up the short gun in her hand, and felt that she was hitting a very solid object, directly on the white snake scale. Mark a string of Mars.

When the giant snake missed it, he rolled it on him, but Gao Yi had already prepared. His body turned around and turned around the giant stone. The spear shot on a scale and saw the scale collapse. The giant snake An extra blood hole suddenly appeared on the body.

However, compared with the snake's body, this blood hole is like an injection, which makes it feel a little pain at the most. The eyes are more cruel and heavier. It takes back more than half of the attention originally allocated to Li Fu and the attack is more fierce.

The two sides struggled for a while, Gao Yi made a long gun attack, shot a short gun, or hid or blocked. The snake always took him helplessly. Instead, he had many wounds and blood stains, and the surrounding trees and rocks were swept away.

The snake feels bad under the heart, and the enemies in front of it are difficult to entangle. And not far away there was another person who felt it was extremely dangerous and resigned.

However, as soon as it was planned, Gao Yi noticed it and immediately entangled it. He had a spear in his hand to make it inevitable.

But for a moment, Gao Yi found a flaw in the giant snake, and shot seven inches into it.

The snake was nailed into the 7-inch, struggling and rolling, sweeping the messy neighborhood again ~ ~ However, Gao Yi's long gun nailed the snake, but he lost his strength for a moment and fell softly. Ground.

Gao Yi jumped into shape, stepped on his feet, and speared directly into the boulder.

The body turned back, and the short gun nailed into the brain along the eyes of the snake.

The snake's figure twisted slightly a few times before finally losing its voice.

The two dragged the giant snake back. A large snake was tens of meters long and had more than a thousand pounds of meat, but it also only allowed everyone to beat teeth.

Then everyone will find their own food while practicing.

Fortunately, there are no shortage of water sources and ferocious beasts in this mountain range. There are still a few that are close to the strength of this giant snake, but in a deeper place, everyone ignores them first, and they will just call for a tooth festival in the future.

Although one of the herders came to report, everyone knew that the other party had not arrived so soon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, one after another in order to break through or go further.

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