The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1193: collision

"This is the earth? The homes of those humans?" In space, a woman in a gorgeous robe looked at the screen in front of it, a picture of the outside of the spacecraft, a blue planet.

The woman's hair is very short, and her appearance is not delicate, but she has the majesty that makes people feel scared at first glance.

And on the back of the robe, six other arms protruded.

However, what is most interesting is that each of her arms exudes a light golden color, as if made of metal, which is completely different from other eight-armed people.

"The three sacrifices are finally coming." Another eight-armed woman exhaled.

When I first got into this spaceship, it was very novel, but after a few months, when the original novel disappeared, it was only boring.

"Dare to even practice here, for fear of crushing those fragile humans and equally vulnerable spacecraft."

"Though those humans are fragile, their stuff is quite interesting."

"You can move all those interesting things back to your mother star, and they won't have any opinion anyway. Of course, as long as we get to that place called Earth, even if they have an opinion, it depends on our mood."

This two-hundred-square-meter room is furnished with sofas, soft beds, and a bar for drinks. Such a large room on a spaceship is already a luxury.

There are six eight-armed women standing or standing in the room, of different ages. The only thing that is the same is that they all have eight arms. In addition to the three sacrifices, there are two people's arms exuding different shades of metal.

From the position and the expression of each person, the status of the eight-armed tribe called the three sacrifices is undoubtedly the highest.

The head of the Thirty-Three Festival slowly motioned to the people to stop, and slowly said, "According to those human beings, there are strong people among human beings."

"Those who are so fragile, the strongest are only the four-armed tribe, and the so-called strong are just the strong among the humans." An eight-armed woman said at will.

Chief Sanji didn't refute, and her views were similar.

"Anyway, the most important thing this time is to understand the situation of human beings, and let them teach us to make ships that can sail in the astral world. In addition, their technology is also useful to our people." Road.

之外 In the knowledge system of the eight-arm family, beyond the mother star is the astral world.

In human speech, it is called space.

"So don't allow arbitrary behavior. Human beings are weak, that's the best. But we can compose more." The chief of the three sacrifices warned, and the voice turned: "Of course, we must also let them understand that they and us difference."

"Remember the Lord, please rest assured." Others started.

Gao Sanji smiled with a long mouth, this was a plan that had been set before he came.

Human beings are as vulnerable as children to them. Even if they possess powerful weapons and some useful technologies, all of them must bow to power in the face of truly powerful power.

It was astral that originally influenced them to exert their power. However, when they came to Earth, it was like a baby with huge wealth opened the door to protect their own room.

At this time, in the command hall, a wavy pattern was displayed in the air in one of the corners, and one voice was heard when approaching, which was the voice of the eight-armed tribe in that hall.

"Did it come out? What are they talking about?" The commander in the uniform asked Shen Sheng.

没有 "No, this language is different from their official language. It is their ancient language. They are not mastered by ordinary people. It is only used in the royal family, nobles and shrines. Therefore, the sample is insufficient and it is difficult to analyze for the time being.

And this language involves some very complicated things. When they use this language, a strange magnetic field will appear, which takes longer to parse. "

算 "Forget it, no matter what their idea ... the base is ready." The commander frowned.

I hope everything goes well. It is said that the demons are in the base and should be able to compete with these eight-armed people! The commander thinks more about his family and will see them soon.

Twenty-five hours later, with a slight tremor, everyone in the command hall cheered.

I finally went home.

"Go and notify the envoys of the Eight Arms." Although the commander has not completely relaxed, the tension before him is gone.

大型 Large space stations outside the node have been tested by everyone and the spacecraft to prevent bringing the microorganisms of the Ceratosaurus to the earth. Otherwise they would have to go home for two weeks of quarantine.

But now it only takes three days to finish everything and you can go on vacation.

Uh ...

As the ship's door opened, Ren Baqian watched the guard of honor wearing a dress lined up on both sides of the red carpet.

This gives him a sense of vision when heads of states visited when he watched the news broadcast before.

"It seems that there should be flowers at this time ..." Ren Baqian came up with such an idea, and then saw four beautiful women selected by various countries holding flowers standing under the ramp.

Li Renba's expression was a little weird. I don't know who arranged the rituals to welcome the aliens.

"Let the nuclear bomb and a hundred electromagnetic cannons aim here better than flowers to express human kindness." Ren Baqian chuckled softly.

The sound is not high enough to be heard by several people around.

Others seem to hear nothing.

有着 Here are the high-levels of various countries, even if they are not the top ones, who dares to aim a nuclear bomb here?

He first came out with several experts, all of whom were real experts. He was in charge of communicating with the Eight Arms.

After seeing it, I saw a few tall women with arms behind them, like a thousand-handed Guanyin.


The missions of all countries were ready to welcome alien visitors, and they felt that the air seemed to explode in a circle of ripples, and huge energy values ​​exploded in the front. From the body of the ambassadors of the eight-arm tribe, towering as if they were sky-high energy columns. over there.

Huge pressure came from the front, making people couldn't help lowering their heads and not looking straight.

"Asshole!" Everyone thought that.

"What are they going to do?"

Everyone strives to straighten their spine and neck, and wants to look directly at each other. They are the top group of people on the earth ~ ~ They represent human beings, and no one wants to bow down and bow down to alien visitors.

However, the huge power gap made every bone of their bodies groan.

If it wasn't for the other party's failure to kill, at least half of the people at the scene would explode under this tremendous pressure.

Fortunately, at this time, another huge breath erupted from the crowd, and most of all eased the huge pressure brought by the eight-armed envoys.

The female emperor in a red dress sneered, striding forward with a touch of coldness in her eyes.

These **** aliens.

Although the Empress does not mind being a gun when it is beneficial, she will not be so proactive.

But these eight-armed envoys reminded her of the **** aliens outside the two walls.

I thought of the battle that had just ended.

I thought of those who died.

This gave her the urge to shoot each other.

He came across the empress with wild and wild patterns.

A few tall figures came out of the crowd with the footsteps of the empress, with a stinging killing on his face.

These ancient masters, like wild and murderous men, exploded at the moment of breath collision.


"Huh?" Standing in front of the gangway, he gave a surprise to the human master of the eight-arm tribe.

:. :

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