The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1121: Plan

The latest website: Not long on the earth, Ren Baqian set foot on the spaceship again.

This time it wasn't a few ships, but a fleet of 35 ships.

Among them, there are eight giant ships over three kilometers long and twenty ships over two kilometers long. This is the main force of the Earth Expeditionary Force.

In addition, the spacecraft with a length of more than 1,000 meters was delivered to the eight-arm family, and the two sides jointly dispatched a four-leaf clover star.

Of course, the eight-armed tribe is the main force, but the earth also sent more than 100,000 troops, and this time there were 30,000 people.

In addition to the large amount of materials carried along with the ship, there are a full three robot production lines, and several satellites for communication and monitoring.

These people were also the vanguard of the development of the Clover Star.

Then came the real migrant army.

It is natural that people cannot conceal such a huge thing as 100,000 troops. In fact, the entire planet is paying attention to this time.

As has happened before, when a country or a civilization develops to a certain level, it falls into a bottleneck. The most common way to alleviate internal conflicts is to engage in external wars.

This is true today.

After more than a century of peaceful development, although the earth has not reached its limit, the strata of various countries have long been solidified, and the contradictions between different strata are gradually increasing, even to a sharp and dangerous point.

Because of this, governments have long restricted the use of artificial intelligence in various fields, but this has only delayed the outbreak of contradictions.

Therefore, after the two sides signed the agreement, the news of colonizing a new planet was announced to the public soon, and it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Planets, colonies, vast lands, more resources, and the opportunities brought by war and reclamation all mean development, status, and wealth.

Of course, many organizations that have called for peaceful development with aliens have emerged, such as the Human Rights Organization for Aliens, the Association for the Protection of Aliens and the like, which have earned their attention with their various amazing remarks. Eat less full supporters.

When Ren Baqian saw these news sometimes, they all had the urge to throw them outside the two walls and let them express their ideas among the aliens and develop the organization.

Maybe they can really develop a group of pacifists who resist the war among the aliens.

Of course, it is more likely to take away food and add food to aliens.


"Those aliens are still outside the two walls?" Ren Baqian asked.

Conquering the Clover Star, Ren Baqian played a small role in it, but the emperor had to shoot with the King of the Eight Arms family.

The Eight-armed clan sent three kings, plus the Empress is four masters of immortality, enough to suppress Leiman.

Ren Baqian needed to deal with some other issues, such as the Flint and Chisha clan. After the Earthlings retreated, the Innocent City mobilized 5,000 Flint and 80,000 Chisha Chen Bing in front of the two walls.

After a face-to-face meeting with the two races, the human race master retreated into the 60,000 mountains, and wanted to introduce the two races.

Both races are hot and dry, and the forest-filled environment of 60,000 Dashan is not suitable for them.

If the Firestone clan triggers a fire, the 80,000 Chisha clan will not escape. They are just hilarious, not completely afraid of fire.

It seemed this plan had failed, and the two races had no intention of entering the 60,000 mountains.

"Yes, both gaps are now occupied by them. And they have the intention to expand eastward." Qin Chuan, Shang Shu Shangshu.

"East is the direction of the ocean. Although they won't be too close to the coast, they can't let them find that the territory of the Sword Sickle has fallen into our hands, and we must give them some trouble." Ren Baqian thought for a while.

"The unit strength of the Flint clan is also the lowest, and there are at least five heavens. Among them, there are at least five hundred extreme heavens and fifty immortal heavens. And they have fire and huge strength. The flint clan is the enemy, not to mention There are 80,000 red sand races, face-to-face confrontation is never feasible. "Qin Chuan said directly.

"Of course they can't be positive. Half of their logistics is responsible for themselves, and half of them are responsible for the lower races transferred by Innocent City. As long as they can cut off their logistics, they will be in chaos." Ren Baqian thought for a while and ordered:

"How to do it? Let Li Fu attack the logistical team? As long as they assign some masters, it will be difficult for us to succeed. Those Chisha tribe cannot be underestimated. As long as it becomes a number, hundreds of thousands of Chisha tribe spit red simultaneously Sand arrows, even if they are long-lived days, may not be a good deal, Li Fu and their people are too few. "Qin Chuan sighed.

Ren Baqian frowned. The Chisha clan did have some trouble.

Although each person can only spit ten red sand arrows every day, and the range is only 100 meters to 200 meters, the power is not small.

At close range, it is much more powerful than a sniper rifle, and its speed is extremely fast.

If it is a team of thousands of red sand clan, the red sand arrows cover overwhelmingly, it is even difficult to avoid, even the long-lived sky masters will inevitably suffer casualties in this case.

However, as long as the ten red sand arrows spit out, the red sand people have little threat.

"Otherwise, you still use electricity as you did against the sickle? As long as you put some water on the ground and turn on the electricity when they pass, they can all be electrocuted. Even if you survive by chance, the threat is greatly reduced. Qin Chuan suddenly came up with an idea.

Ren Baqian took a look at him in surprise, not to mention the feasibility of this method, but Qin Chuan actually used his brain?

"Mr. Qin ran water in the house two days ago, and was just called once, and his beard was scorched."

Then the beams flew out of the hall.

"We don't need to pay attention to the miscellaneous grains with the largest transportation volume, we just need to pay attention to them.

These two are the main foods of the Flint family, both need to grow in a high temperature environment and have relatively high storage requirements.

In addition to these two, they also have a kind of food, which is the Chisha tribe. From the data, the living environment of the two sides is similar. The Huoshi tribe not only provides protection for the Chisha tribe, but also uses the Chisha tribe as a reserve. Appetite, the two sides are a more peculiar coexistence relationship.

Therefore, as long as this kind of ground fire is cut off, they will confuse themselves.

The 80,000 Chisha tribe, even if all become rations, may not be long enough for them to eat. Moreover, those Chisha clan will not be tied up. "The empress, who had been staring at the information in her hand, said suddenly.

Everyone heard that their eyes suddenly lighted.

"Your Majesty said yes, as long as the ground fire fruit is destroyed ~ ~ We don't need to do anything, they will kill each other by themselves."

Ren Baqian nodded, he also thought of it just now, but it was just a vague idea, not as clear as the emperor said.

"Yes, if it's just ground fire fruit and Yanmi, then the target is much smaller, and it can be destroyed by low temperature. There are many ways to think.

However, other grains also need to be destroyed, and the City of Cleanliness cannot be made too easy. As long as they make themselves mess, we will have less trouble. "

"The Bailian religion has developed for so long, and there are a lot of believers. It is also a big force near the city of Innocent, and it is time to move them.

And it is a riot battle between some lower races, which is not easy to notice in the early stage. It was too late by the time Spotless City was discovered. "

After a lot of discussion, everyone had a plan, and the rest was how to achieve it.

At this point, Ren Baqian was very confident. Some of the things originally prepared for the Huozu clan now can be used.

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