The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1234: Emperor (1)

The Zhushan Road incident did not set off any storm, and the fire was put out before it could burn.

It can be said that the reason why they have only been extinguished until now is no different from the pigs in captivity. They are fat enough, so they are pulled out and slaughtered.


Day of the ninety-ninth year of the Great Yao, August 16.

In the early morning, Ren Baqian took a photo of General Wu, who hasn't rode a few times in these years, but he has been eating and drinking, and his two long legs are almost invisible.

That figure wants to jump up to challenge gravity.

Qi Shui arched in front of the emperor, and then hung the drone. The emperor sat in the drone with a red curtain as a curtain. In a case, a jug of wine was still piled together, allowing her to lie sideways.

Looking at this scene, Ren Baqian could see that he had just come to this world.

It's just gone.

The two were over forty years of age and had long been married. Now being a female officer in the palace, they can no longer be maids.

The two maids behind the empress were only twenty years old. One was Xishan and the other was Wangming. They had to be more careful than the green kite.

"Your Majesty, today is a good day, with a mild expression, yes, don't look at anyone as if you want to cut him. Although the emperor must have majesty, majesty and hacking are two different things. Don't be too relaxed, necessary solemnity It still has to be maintained. "Ren Baqian took the driver's side, where Xi Shan Wangming covered his mouth and chuckled.

The female emperor was a little annoyed, and her brains were twisted together: "Are you annoying? He is the emperor, he is the last! Whatever he wants, that is what, how does the world want to do with him?"

"The etiquette should still be there." Ren Baqian said earnestly.

"Where did the etiquette come from? The emperor's ascension at that time was wrapped in animal skin. I don't believe you pulled them out to confront each other." The empress said fiercely.

Ren Yaqian spread his hands, let's look down on the ancients. The armor on the emperor's body was not bad at that time. The level of Da Yao before he came was not as good as the ancients.

However, confrontation is not possible. There is only one human emperor's body. Unfortunately, he cannot answer himself.

"Less nonsense!" As soon as the emperor threw her sleeves, Ren Baqian flew on General Wu.

"set off!"

There were five hundred flying rides before and after each, and the palace was swaggering out. The civil and military officials also had some invitees, such as Prince Daxia, Prince Houting, and some senior masters who were waiting outside. After a slight pause, Entered the team one after another, making the team even bigger.

On the way south from the palace, there were crowded people on the side of the road.

The ancients, the Jings, and the Izumo people are all crowded together. There are crowds everywhere, and they want to see the style of the female emperor.

After all, the Empress has rarely appeared in recent years. It is far worse than when the people in the city had seen the Empress travel.

Although the former imperial capital was prosperous, it was far from the shock that the road was crowded for two days at this time. There were also two people shouting "People Emperor" loudly, so that people could hardly hear anything else.

You must know that there are nearly ten million people in the capital, even if one of dozens of people is here, hundreds of thousands of people have gathered at this time.

The crowd was crowded with the various portrait brands raised.

In addition, the royal ceremony was broadcast live on the big screens in the streets and lanes of all places in Dayao.

Everyone saw an emperor in a red and gold dress lying on the side of the car, drinking a glass of wine from time to time, or picking up two fruits. Occasionally, when looking up, a pair of indifferent and cold eyes seemed to penetrate everything, and looked into everyone general.

The so-called solemnity and seriousness are of little concern except for some old scholars.

What everyone remembers is the indifferent eyes, and the unparalleled posture that makes people want to worship.

Even lying there obliquely, without revealing majesty, makes people dare not make trouble.

Just know at a glance that this is the emperor of Dayao, Qi Zixiao.

No one except her had such a manner.

"His Majesty still looks like twenty years old." Someone on the streets of some cities admired the actress watching the screen.

"With His Majesty's strength, even after another hundred years, it still looks like this."

"That bald head is Prince Zhao, that is, he can marry his Majesty, and barely deserves it." Ren Baqian's reputation is not low now. If the Empress does not show up, it is even slightly higher than the Empress, after all, so many people are full because of him.

But when the Empress appeared, she was immediately compared.

"Don't you marry your Majesty?"

"Forbidden words, don't say this indiscriminately." It was the Izumo who spoke more carefully than the ancients.

"It's okay, this kind of words won't be offended by words." The talking youth laughed, and the marriage between Ren Baqian and the empress was spread with many details. At that time, many people thought that Ren Baqian was climbing into the emperor's emperor. Nowadays, few people say this, and they are more like two people.

So no one takes it seriously.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha! That's right!" An ancient man not far away laughed: "At that time, the Prince of the Prince wanted to **** the pro-kind, but his face was dark at the time, and he said straight:" Let me down and **** me! "

"His Highness's mind is nothing to say, and no one is dissatisfied. But the small body is really hard to beat, let alone more than twenty years ago."

"That's the princess, it's so pretty!"

"Not only beautiful, strong, but also generous and generous."

"Is that the elder veteran? I saw his picture in the newspaper before."

"Well, who are those people? They are also in the Baiguan team." Soon, a dozen people in the team caught everyone's attention.

"It's the Taiwanese company. Didn't the news tell us about it? A new Taiwanese company has been set up, and the news is full-time."


All the cities in Dayao started to hustle and bustle from early in the morning. Those with TVs watched live broadcast at home. Without TVs, they went to the streets and streets and gathered under the big screens.

After leaving the city, everyone began to speed up, and then walked for another hour before reaching a huge building group in the distance.

Temple of Heaven.

It has the same name as the building on the earth, but it just happens to use that name.

Construction started when Erhua went to Chen State, and it took one year to complete the construction.

In the middle of the building complex is the Temple of Heaven, which is 162 meters high and has a total of 999 steps, divided into nine floors, all made of white jade. Under the sun, it is magnificent.

"Time is anxious, and there is no time to sculpt on each layer of carving ~ ~ can only be followed up." Ren Baqian said softly, accompanied by the empress who came down from the car.

"There is no need to expend manpower and material resources." The female emperor shook her head slightly. "It's just a face project. I am here to worship the ancestors of the heavenly sacrifice and sacrifice to the ancestors, so it is famous here, even if it is just a stone, it is the Temple of Heaven."

Speaking, the emperor's voice grew louder, and her arrogance was unparalleled: "Here it is famous because of You, and because of You, it's called Tiantai, not it should be called itself."

Ren Baqian was silent, tilted her head, and looked at the emperor: "I always can't compare with His Majesty, and I like His Majesty!"

"Cough!" Erhua coughed behind. "Father, what's the matter, do what's the matter, don't put dog food! I'm quite full before I go out in the morning, and I'll support it after eating."

Ren Baqian turned to give her a dangerous look.

Who made your ears so good?

And no one else is watching the Temple of Heaven intently, isn't anyone talking?


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