The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 170: Chat

Leaving the beach, Ren Baqian first rented a car and went to a supermarket to buy a lot of barbecue items and put them in the car.

Then he took the Empress to the front of the road aimlessly, and the wind blew into the car to disrupt the Empress's hair, and then shaved it on Ren Baqian's face from time to time.

Sun, coast, highway, aimless travel.

Ren Baqian felt that this was his dream life.

Open the multimedia in the car and press a few times on it, and a burst of cheerful music sounded in the car.

"Wear a floral shirt with a pair of ukuleles

Otherwise it will look like a rogue brother

Remember to bring a lady in a suit

Otherwise it will look like a little parking boy ... "

One hand gently tapped the beat on the steering wheel, and from time to time turned his head to look at the Empress nearby.

"When will Dayao be like this?" The Empress asked after thinking for a long time, feeling the joy and satisfaction of everyone here is more obvious than the big city with a fast pace of life.

"Technology and education are the foundation of everything, and the development of society is inseparable from these.

There are also rich and poor here. The rich are rich and the enemy can be a country, and the poor have difficulty eating. But most ordinary people can meet basic material needs in life. This is possible because the material is more abundant and the price is very low.

The advancement of science and technology is a prerequisite for achieving these, and the progress of science and technology does not require one person and two people, but most people receive education. Civilians do not just farm and hunt, but contribute to the country.

For example, in this world, children start reading at the age of eight and go to high school at the age of sixteen or seven. After high school, there are universities, and then there are masters and doctors. At least nine years. Will learn for more than two decades.

Such education allows everyone to have a considerable understanding of the world.

Every year, after graduating from university, which is the end of sixteen years of study, there are about seven million people.

After these people study, it affects all aspects of society, and the birth of technology is also among them. "

The empress heard the figure said by Ren Baqian, and was surprised again.

In total, Dayao has a population of less than 40 million, and there are 7 million people who complete 16 years of study here each year.

If you haven't come to this world, it is hard to believe such a thing.

However, everything she saw twice in this world made her feel that it was not a lie and that people around her could not lie to herself in this matter.

And these days, people in this world are very fragile and are not comparable to the ancient people, but they are much better at talking and feeling than the ancient people.

"Zixiao, IMHO, there is almost no basic education in Dayao, and it is still in the primitive stage of farming and hunting.

Only the children of a few members of the court are educated. These people may do well in their own positions, such as in the sixth department or other positions, but it is difficult to promote scientific and technological progress in decades and hundreds of years.

The proportion of geniuses born to ordinary people after learning may not be large, but a sufficient base can grow a sufficient number of talents. Together, these people can change a country or even a world.

The most important thing here is that they have learned and gained knowledge.

There are three words here: knowledge changes destiny, knowledge creates wealth, and knowledge is power.

Human power is a hundred pounds, a thousand pounds, but the power of a machine can be a hundred times a thousand times. Ten people, 100 people can do things easily with machines.

As long as you have knowledge, you can form enough power.

For example, this car "Renbaqian Pat the steering wheel.

"For example, previous aircraft could carry people in the air, such as rockets that could even send people out of the earth. These are impossible for humans."

"What do you all learn?" The Empress asked.

"A lot, all-encompassing. The content before high school is the same, basic education. It includes mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, language and history. After high school, each person chooses the direction of learning.

There are those who study physical chemistry, study the rules of the world, and the composition and changes of matter.

Some people study medicine and will be doctors and doctors.

Some people who study agriculture will tell people how to get better yields after studying. They will study crops with higher yields.

If there is a learning machine, it is possible to design and manufacture machines and equipment instead of manpower. A job of ten people and one hundred people can be done with one machine. The same goes for cars, airplanes, and other things.

Some people study music and play a variety of infectious music, just like the songs they play now.

Some learn to build and specialize in how to build various buildings on various terrains. You can see those high-rise buildings.

There are even those who specialize in foreign languages, those who study cooking, and those who repair.

There are also many people who choose to become MR after teaching and teach students what he has learned. So there is no shortage of teachers here "

Ren Baqian said proudly when he parked the car on the side of the road.

"Here, the brain is the most powerful force. Knowledge is everywhere, but it is also the most valuable."

Of course, he selectively filtered some things.

For example, if you are studying sports, the other party may have difficulty understanding why you have to learn how to run, jump, and jump long.

There are also economics, politics and the like.

The emperor listened to Ren Baqian's words, her eyes were distant.

She realized that what Ren Baqian said at this time was the biggest difference between this world and Dayao.

Really everyone is like a dragon.

"So, what do you want to do?" The Emperor asked Ren Baqian, looking aside from the cold, with a little hope.

"First, the Damosan Iron Mine and Jingyan matter, and then we have to start with education. The ancients are very powerful, but the power of the mind will be stronger than the physical force." Ren Baqian replied He had already considered this matter.

"One more thing is the survivors of Hao Kingdom." Ren Baqian said again.

"In the world alone, there are 56 ethnic groups in China. They have different habits and customs, but these 56 ethnic groups are all fused together. They are also members of this country. They are working hard in one direction and doing all for this country.着 contributes.

Hao Guo's survivors have been under Da Yao's administration for seventy years, but have never been involved.

In fact, they can do a lot of things. The ancients are good at fighting, not good at farming, doing business, manufacturing and so on. However, these Hao state survivors can, and can make up for the deficiencies of the ancient people.

The two parties do not have to be opposing, but can cooperate. Maybe those people in your eyes are very weak, and you can even wipe them out with your order. You only keep them at the original agreement, but they can also become strong. "Ren Baqian continued.

Although he has never seen the Hao Kingdom's survivors, but Hao Kingdom has been dead for so long, the ancients and those survivors are still in such a state of complete opposition, and even have an army to guard them, always guarding them against small actions or even rebellions.

This is totally wasteful. Waste of military power also wastes nearly 20 million people.

How many things can these people do if they can be liberated?

"They will rebel, even now they are not honest." The Empress immediately said.

"They are like birds in a cage. They do n’t see any future. You have n’t merged in the past seventy years, so they will not let them rest. But they ca n’t always be like this. If they later lay down the country of Yun, Chen and even Daxia Isn't it necessary to circle them to a designated place and always be prepared for their rebellion? "Ren Baqian said bluntly.

"I never thought of laying them down, and the emperor did not intend to do so, otherwise the Yun kingdom would have been destroyed decades ago. The ancient people were understaffed, and many people still lived in the mountains before, which is not enough to control this. Great territory. "Said the Empress.

"So it's too wasteful for those people to be there. If you can use them, Da Yao's power will not only double, it will increase a lot, and the people's life will be better than now. Have n’t they let them manage themselves? Why not let them do more?

I talked with your Majesty last time about this matter, and they can be fully integrated into Da Yao, as long as they pull out a few people who have dissatisfaction. Most people do n’t have many ideas. As long as they can live and work in peace and contentment, they can see hope ~ ~ As long as they strengthen their identification with Dayao, they will not be unconcerned. Even if there is no heart, there will not be too many people to follow, and it will not cause too much trouble.

If your Majesty is not assured, you can come a little bit, get a little bit involved, and slowly let them into Da Yao. As long as the ancient people control some key places, they can't make waves.

Decades ago, the entire Hao Kingdom was beaten down. Now, what else do these people need to worry about? "

"I won't agree with the up and down."

Ren Baqian can imagine that the resistance to this matter must be great. "You can come a little bit, and let a small group of survivors of the Hao Kingdom who are safe and self-defense come out and see what kind of changes will happen.

Hundreds of thousands of people will not make any difference, but may see some differences. "

"Do you have any ideas?" The Empress asked.

"It's a bit, but I really have to see those talents to know." Ren Baqian, after all, had not seen Hao Guo's survivors. I don't know what their current status is. Only by seeing how their lives really are can they determine themselves. Idea.

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