The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 174: Clapper

"The Damoshan Iron Mine is completely open-pit mining and easy to transport. The biggest problem is that the iron content is too high and the hardness is too high, so it has been difficult to mine. As long as you make a few large such solar furnaces, It melted a little, and the mining speed immediately increased. The increase depends entirely on the size and number of solar furnaces. "Ren Baqian talked to everyone.

At this moment, everyone can no longer afford to study the mirror. All eyes are on Ren Baqian, and their minds are attracted by what Ren Baqian said.

The lack of iron ore has plagued Da Yao. Although some iron ore can be purchased from Yun and Chen, the quantity is very small. Those merchants are more enthusiastic about transporting high-value, volume and light weight things, such as salt, fur, and gem , Cloth, porcelain.

Ironware has always been very precious. For ordinary people of the ancient nationality, a two-pound fine iron short knife can already be regarded as a treasure that can be obtained after years of accumulation.

The emperor wants to expand the army by 20,000, and she has to find a way to prepare even her weapons. If she does not have 8,000, she will have to transfer some of the treasures stored in the palace's library over the years to other countries in exchange for weapons.

In the meantime, it is more difficult for civilians to buy iron, but this is also no way out. After all, equipping a new army is the most important thing at present.

So just now Ren Baqian used the guard's standard weapon for experiments. The guard, just like the dead son, shouted: The knife is in people, the knife is dead. For him, the sword is closer than his son.

Under such circumstances, now Ren Baqian said that the production of Damoshan can be increased by a hundredfold, and everyone has an incredible look.

If that's the case, Ren Baqian has done a great job. Even if he doesn't do anything in the future, this merit alone will be enough for him to gain a foothold in the Dayao Dynasty.

If Ren Baqian said before that they could increase the output of the Damoshan Iron Ore by a factor of one hundred, they would never believe it, for fear it would be questioned in front of the Empress.

However, he just showed that using this disc to melt away a part of a steel knife in an instant, coupled with the characteristics of Damoshan, everyone felt that his words were too exaggerated at this time, but felt that it was really possible .

"Renfuyi, are you serious?" Tobu Shangshu copper Zhenye, a big man with a beard on his chin with a beard braided, his eyes flashed and stared at Ren Baqian.

"Naturally, but before that, the glass factory needs to be built. Building a glass factory can make enough mirrors to assemble solar furnaces."

"What do you need for the glass factory? As long as it can be done, you can be sent up and down the Ministry of Industry." Tu Wan said in a deep voice.

"The same is true of the Ministry of Households." The Ministry of Households Shang Shu Tu Wan is a woman who looks a little older than the Secretary of the Taifu County, Gu Yue, but has a very charming charm.

At this point everyone knew why His Majesty called them.

One is to observe this treasure, and at the same time, let all parties cooperate to build this glass factory. On the other hand, I am afraid that it requires the support of various ministries. Money, people, these are all necessary.

However, in order to eat the flat cakes under Ren Baqian, at this time let them work hard, and no one would say half a word.

"Others don't need to bother you, this glass factory is regarded as an industry in the palace. Naturally, the palace will allocate money to build it." Ren Baqian said for the emperor.

"Eh?" The crowd was startled, wondering what it meant.

Then one after another thought, such as Daxia, Izumo, and Chen Guo ’s royal family actually had industries, but Dayao was poor and poor. Both the emperor and His Majesty had low material requirements and were not luxurious, plus their thoughts. It is not on this, so the royal family has always had little industry.

Ren Baqian made this statement at this time. Don't think about it, it must be his idea. His Majesty would not.

"I will also arrange for the solar furnace in Da Moshan. You do n’t need to do anything, but you need to call some artisans when you build it. At the same time, you need to recruit some skilled hands among the ancient people. You must be smart."

After hearing this, the Ministry of Industry's Shangshu Copper Zhenye had no objection. Needless to say, Ren Baqian said that the mining speed of Damo Mountain could be increased by a hundred times, even ten times. He needs the support of any manual department.

Speeding up mining is already in the best interest of the Ministry of Industry.

Tu frowned slightly at night, and she had more thoughts on what such a glass factory could do, but she felt relieved. After all, this Ren Fuyi, also the husband-in-law chosen by the emperor, proposed it, and others wanted to do it through the power of the palace.

Because of this, the glass factory will be the emperor's property in the future.

Can she still grab things under the Empress?

In this way, everyone has no opinion.

"That's it." The emperor said claps when she saw that everyone was silent.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone said.

Originally, everyone saw nothing at all, but after this incident, he looked at it a bit high. After all, he can make such things, so he is still capable. It's a pity that it was too weak, and one hand strangled to death.

"The work of the glass factory will begin tomorrow. Ren Fuzheng will be responsible for it, and the other ministries will help."


Having said that, things have been completely settled. The crowd went to the palace without vain. At least they could see such a magical thing, which made everyone open their eyes.

By the way, I took the sunglasses one by one, and the group of people didn't think about returning, and nodded towards Ren Yaqian one by one wearing sunglasses, and left, for fear that Ren Yaqian would ask them to ask.

In their hearts, the sunglasses are still good. After all, they do n’t know much about glass and glass. The mirror should be made of precious stones, and the workmanship is also exquisite. It is also good to go back as a heirloom.

Naturally, they would not know that these sunglasses were bought by Ren Baqian on the street for 30 yuan each. If he wants, he can come back with a sack at any time.

Everyone rushed to the eighth and nodded before leaving, which shows that these North Koreans and Chinese big brothers recognized him a little bit, which is a good thing.

In the evening, he went to Yang Xin Dian and talked with the Empress for a while, and talked about the things needed for the construction of the glass factory. Although the afternoon was simple, in fact, things were still quite a lot.

The first is fuel, and it is best to find coal or other fuels that can be replaced in this world. If not, you can only use charcoal.

The second is the blast furnace, both for steelmaking and glass.

Since a blast furnace is to be used, cement and bricks are needed.

There are also materials needed to make glass: sandstone, soda ash, feldspar, dolomite, limestone, mirabilite, etc. ~ ~ Most of them need to be found in the territory of Dayao, of course, this does not require him to go in person To find, just bring back a few pieces from the earth and let Da Yao people look like this.

But soda ash still needs him to make.

Therefore, although it is only to build a glass factory, there are actually a lot of things to be built.

Among them, cement and bricks were prepared to be provided to the Ministry of Industry for 8,000 yuan, and this technology did not need to be hidden. Even if it is glass, after a while, he is ready to get out of the technology after making the most profit.

Among them, cement can be used in all aspects of road construction.

There are many uses for burning bricks. For example, if you want to cast blast furnaces for smelting in the future, and ordinary people do not need to grind such a large stone and transport it back to the city.

And brick houses are much better than wooden buildings in terms of heat preservation, waterproofing, anticorrosion and fire prevention.

For these things, the Empress naturally has no opinion, she only needs to see the results.

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