The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 176: Assassinate

I have to say that what Ren Baqian is looking for is a very common mineral with a very wide distribution. It is easy to find in this world. When I first came to the Ministry of Industry, I was solved by Tieze Iron Spring.

After the two left, Ren Qianding Dingwan ordered that the coal mine must be mined. The coal mine is not only resistant to burning, but also has a high heat. It is of great use whether it is used to burn bricks, make glass, or smelt iron ore. .

The only trouble is that the distance is too far. According to Tong Zhenye, it takes ten days to pull by car. The manpower and material resources consumed in this way are too great.

It would be great if a coal mine could be found at a short distance.

I spoke a few words with Tong Zhenye, and Ren Baqian said goodbye. After that, I just had to wait for the two of them to come back and determine that it was limestone. Then I could start mining directly.

"Let's go to the Beast Garden." Ren Baqian said to the two guards after leaving the Ministry of Industry.

I haven't seen those two little guys for a while, and I still miss them. Secondly, sweet potatoes should be close to maturity.

As for the money that he and Shi Guanshi set up the shop in together, he doesn't care much now.

To put it bluntly, money is really of little use to him now.

It was not far from the Ministry of Industry on the ride of Qu Niu. After turning a corner, four people suddenly appeared on the wall, holding something in his hand and aiming at Ren Baqian in the middle.

"Master, be careful." When the two guards at the back saw the scene, their faces suddenly changed, and they shouted immediately. One of them was fit and pushed Ren Baqian from the back of Qu Niu.

At the same time, only one "hum" sound was heard, and countless cold lights shot towards Ren Baqian from both sides.

Almost shrouded front, back, left and right.

Ren Baqian didn't respond at all what happened and felt like he was slammed out, and then he had a lot of pain in several places.

The guard who knocked him off was like a sieve, and fell straight to the ground.

At this point, Ren Baqian also fell to the ground, with a lot of pain throughout his body, and he was completely stunned at this time, did not expect that he would be assassinated? As long as the guard moves slowly, he has become a sieve.

He almost died? This sudden cognition made him lose his mind for a while, and then a great fear and anger rose up.

But the pain in his body kept him from moving.

At this moment, pain was coming from both his legs, back and waist. This pain made him doubt that he would die next second, and soon he was dizzy.

The other guard's eyes were red and he roared and stopped in front of Ren Baqian.

"Come here, someone is assassinated." The guard roared, and he could naturally see that the strength of these people had not even reached the ground wheel, as long as he could kill them all in a moment. But if someone uses this skill to hit Ren Fuyu again, Ren Fuyu will be dead.

The four at the wall glanced at Ren Baqian lying on the ground, then all rushed towards him.

The four knew that they could not leave Lancheng alive. Since receiving this task, they have come with a mortal heart.

Although Ren Baqian has already hit a few arrows, he can't leave anyway, it is better to go up and make two swords to confirm the target's death.

The sword in the guard's hand turned into a beam of snow, chopping the current one into two, while the other three still rushed up as if they didn't notice it.

The "Dang" guard opened a sword in one man's hand, shot him on the wall with one foot, followed by a knife to make another's head rise into the sky.

However, the sword in the hands of the last and most powerful man was not running away to Ren Qianqian, but lightning went straight to the guard's chest, and when he cut off the head, a sword was inserted into his chest.

The guard bleeds blood, eyes wide, throws away the long knife and grabs the opponent, his hands are like iron tongs, no matter how the other party struggles, they can't get rid of it.

Then he put one on the opponent's head, followed by a second and a third.

After a few strokes, the man had half of his head, his brain and blood sprayed everywhere, and then the body was thrown aside by him. The sword on his chest didn't move at all. He knew for himself that if the sword was pulled out, he would die faster.

Someone rushed to the scene in just one minute and saw this **** scene.

Two guards, one shot into a sieve, and one standing with a sword in his chest.

And the Ren Fuzheng was lying on the ground in blood.

And there were still a few corpses scattered around. Such a scene turned out to be extremely angry. Someone dared to come to Lancheng to assassinate members of the court, or the most special one.

But now I still have to quickly check Ren Yaqian's injury. His legs are penetrated, the waist is penetrated forward and backward, and a blood groove is added to the back.

However, people still breathe, and the injuries are not fatal in a short time.

As for the guard, it's okay for the time being, but it won't be possible after a delay.

After a while, Ren Baqian was rushed to the doctor's office.

Tong Zhenye looked fiercely: "Do you know who he is? He must be cured, no matter what method he uses, you die too."

You have to know that Ren Baqian's involvement is not the slightest bit, the emperor's husband, Damoshan Iron Mine, better smelting technology and what he calls cement, no matter what it is, he cannot die.

How could the doctor of the Doctor's Bureau not know Tong Zhenye, and when he looked at the young man and the official robe on him, he immediately guessed his identity.

After all, there is only one foreigner in Da Yao.


After half a column of incense, in the heart-raising hall, the whole wooden couch turned into fragments.

The emperor's face frosted, and she appeared outside the Hall of Yangxin's heart in a flash, and her body emptied and went straight to the Doctor's Bureau.

Tong Zhenye was watching the doctor treating Ren Baqian's wound, and the guard was not far away.

Suddenly he noticed that a breath of horror was moving quickly in this direction. The breath was so familiar that he could experience it almost every month.

He came to the yard and waited for the arrival.

"I've seen Your Majesty." As a red shadow appeared in the physician's office, Tong Zhenye bowed his head to salute.

In the next second, he flew out, smashing through three walls, and was not only smashed out of the Physician's Department, flew directly to a nearby government building, and then crashed into a building.

Loud noises and flying stones caused a riot.

At the moment, seven or eight people appeared in that yard. You know that this is the Ministry of Defense, how dare anyone be here?

Still others jumped directly to the wall, wanting to see who was so presumptuous.

At this time, there were a lot of people standing in the courtyard of the Doctor's Bureau. Everyone looked like a chilly chirp ~ ~, before Tong Zhenye came out of the half-damaged house with a frowning hand, covering his waist.

"Master Copper, what do you mean?" Shang Shu Qin Shan said awkwardly.

"Well." Tong Zhenye was also angry. Who did you mess with?

"Your Majesty is over there." The next sentence of Tong Zhenye let the fist soldiers Shang Shushu immediately scoop down.

"What happened?" Qin Chuan frowned.

Your Majesty is generally unhappy and will not do so.

"Renbaqian Renfu was just assassinated." Tong Zhenye wasn't angry.

Qin Chuan and Ren Baqian had no dealings with each other. After thinking about it in his head, he remembered who Ren Baqian was.

"Tong Zhenzhen, come here." Just as he was about to continue to ask, a cold voice came from the yard, and he choked back all his words.

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