The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 179: wake

Among the senior Shiqing mansions, more than a dozen members of the Korean and Chinese people sat in a circle, and their faces were ugly.

Most people have heard about the assassination today. After all, when the empress rushed to the doctor's office with anger, many people noticed it and knew what happened.

But no one thought that Her Majesty would take the Ren Baqian alone to the north.

In addition, it is difficult for everyone to accept the action of the empress alone.

You chose him as your husband-in-law, and everyone disagreed. You said it was piled to the wheel, and everyone accepted it.

It turned out that the Renbaqian did have some capabilities, at least increasing the output of iron ore in Damoshan several times.

This makes everyone a little change in the eight thousand.

But now Ren Baqian was assassinated and poisoned. The emperor took Ren Baqian alone and headed north, which made it impossible for everyone to accept.

Tianzi doesn't live in Weitang. Although Dayao doesn't have it, everyone in this mind has it.

You have to know that if something happens to the empress, all the big Yao will be in trouble, but this is when Daxia is sharpening his sword.

The Empress herself was the highest force of Dayao.

At this time everyone felt that the matter was too difficult.

"Masters, what do you do now? Anyway, you can't let your Majesty go to Daxia alone." Tu Wan first looked around and asked.

"Let Feiqi go forward to pick up His Majesty." Qin Chuan of the Ministry of Defense frowned.

"If Xia rides into Daxia, Daxia will not sit idly by. His Majesty will be even more dangerous at that time." Someone said.

"The danger is not small at this time," Qin Chuan said immediately.

Although they were arguing endlessly, two hours later, the fifteen hundred riding and flying riding camps encamped outside Lancheng went north all the way.

Long before, the pigeons had already headed towards Hongwu.

However, Hong Wu wanted to stop the emperor, and everyone thought it was very unlikely. No one knows where Her Majesty will enter Da Yao from that mountain.


The empress sat sideways on the back of the unicorn. No matter the unicorn ran and jumped, the emperor's body seemed to stick to its back.

Ren Baqian was placed on the emperor's lap.

I have to say that the Emperor really does not take care of people, and Ren Baqian's chest and abdomen are placed on her legs, which is the best she can think of, but in fact, Ren Baqian was almost sick with stomach.

If it weren't for the coma, I'm afraid I'd be struggling to say that you should just give me a knife.

Although Ren Baqian was in a coma at this time, in fact he just had no sense of the outside world. He found that he was in the lake that the water wanted to see. The lake was no longer the calm as before, but it was a giant wave.

I want to dive down, but I can't dive anyway, I feel like I'm blocked by every time I want to dive down, and then be swept away by the big wave.

I don't know how long this has passed, and even when I am conscious, I suddenly wake up from a coma.

His first feeling was that something was on his chest and abdomen, making him want to vomit, but he couldn't vomit.

At the same time, the body has no strength, and it is difficult to turn his head.

At this time, he was being placed in front of something. The ground, weeds, and stones under his body were swept backwards, and the wind was blowing on his face.

When he groaned, the cold-looking empress looked, and lifted him on the back of Kirin, sitting side by side.

Ren Baqian was finally awake at this time, and he realized who was next to him from the fragrance he just smelled.

"Your Majesty." Ren Baqian felt his throat dry, opened his mouth weakly, and his voice was covered by the wind.

"You're awake." The Empress said a very nutritious sentence.

"All those who assassinated you are dead." The Empress continued.

"Your Majesty, this is where to go." Ren Baqian was finally able to move his neck a little at this time, but instead of looking forward like a normal person, he looked towards the emperor beside him.

The purpose is the clear eyes and the eyebrows full of vitality.

"Daxia." The Empress returned only two words to him. In fact, she didn't know what to say, she was not a woman who would care about people.

"Going to Daxia?" Ren Baqian's head was still awake, but even if he was not awake, he knew that the empress would go to Daxia, which is completely unacceptable.

The female emperor was the emperor of Dayao, so she was going to Daxia?

What's going on? Why do I have to work hard to move my fingers?

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Ren Baqian asked weakly.

"You're poisoned, I'll take you to get medicine." The empress' voice was a little colder.

"..." Ren Baqian froze for a moment, was he poisoned? The female emperor took herself to Daxia for antidote? Da Yao can't help it? This poison is hard to get rid of?

"What would happen if you didn't take antidote?" Ren Baqian asked.

"You can't move, you can't talk, people are sober."

"how long?"

"You must take antidote within half a month, otherwise there is no use for antidote."

After listening to this, Ren Baqian was very panicked, and wanted to scold someone aloud, but didn't know who to scold. According to the Empress, this sounds like gradual freezing, the one that Hawking got, and the disease is more urgent, and it will become like that in a short time.

If that happens, you might as well die.

"Don't worry, there is an antidote." The Emperor comforted him.

If the antidote is good, does the emperor need to take herself? What is the identity of the Empress? How could she easily enter Daxia territory?

Ren Baqian thought with the cerebellum, this matter is not so simple.

"Your Majesty, how long have I been in a coma?" Ren Baqian panicked for a long time, then remembered to ask the time, he was poisoned, not frostbite, and since it is poisoned, it should be able to be untied. Not here, maybe the earth can.

Of course, this is just his thinking.

After all, the poison of the other world is not so easy to solve, and the time is too short, only half a month.

But he can only think of good places.

"Ten hours." Said the emperor.

The empress has taken Ren Baqian on the road for a day and a night.

Ren Baqian calculates the time ~ ~ I came back last time between 11 and 1:00 in the evening, and it is still a few hours and a half days away.

"His Majesty, there may be a way to go back to Earth," Ren Baqian said.

The empress looked at him, "How sure?"

"Chen, I don't know." Ren Baqian shook his head bitterly.

"There are only fifteen days, and there are still fourteen days. It will take ten days from Lancheng to Jiuzhong Pavilion to whip up the horse. Although the speed of this unicorn is fast, it also takes seven and a half days. You go back twice each time for a maximum of two days Half, otherwise it would be too late. "Said the emperor seriously.

Although the speed of the unicorn is twice as fast as that of the fast horse, the fast horse can be changed with a whip, but this unicorn is going to rest. So it's just more than two days left.

If Ren Baqian went back twice and two and a half days each time, if he failed, he would have two days and a half to negotiate or rob. If there is a shortfall, life would be worse than eight thousand years.

The Empress has been thinking about this for a long time.

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