The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 183: Meet people

Late at night the next day, a man and a woman appeared at Istanbul Airport. The man was carrying a bag, the woman's red dress, and the woman's hand was on the man's back. The two were just like other young lovers traveling.

However, if you look closely, you can see that the man's body is completely weak, his legs are almost motionless, and his toes are about one centimeter away from the ground. It is only when the woman holds him in one hand that he looks like walking.

Naturally appearing here are Ren Baqian and the female emperor.

The two got off the plane and didn't leave. Instead, they waited overnight and transferred to Gaziantep in the morning the next day, the Turkish city of Turk nearest to the area occupied by the organization.

After arriving in Gaziantep, the two first ate some local specialties locally. Naturally, the empress was eating. From time to time, they sent food from a plate into any eight thousand mouths. Although not as gentle as ordinary women, this was the case. The treatment has given Ren Baqian nothing.

After eating, the two bought something in a nearby store. Thanks to the speech translation software, Ren Baqian and the Empress, who can only speak simple English, will not be able to walk in this unfamiliar place.

After bringing good food and drinking water, the emperor took Ren Yaqian to choose a direction, and after leaving the city, she moved quickly to a hidden place. The Empress now held a person faster than the unicorn, and Ren Baqian felt The wind kept pouring into his mouth, leaving his eyes open. He felt that if he tied a rope to himself at this time, he could fly like a kite.

Of course, it is more likely to be dragged like a dead dog.

He has been advancing rapidly for half an hour, and a row of iron nets can be seen in front of him.

A soldier in the distance looked inadvertently here, and suddenly the whole person rubbed his eyes a little unbelievably, and then opened his eyes to see that the red shadow had disappeared.

"Zhansu, what are you doing?" Another soldier looked in his direction.

"It's okay, maybe the eyes have just lost." The soldier named Zhan Su said suspiciously.

After another ten minutes, the two men who had left the border stopped behind a mound.

The empress took out her mobile phone and pressed it a few times, and then called up the satellite positioning map, which was taught by Ren Baqian before departure.

Thanks to the current media, the area occupied by that organization can be found almost in the news.

The area controlled by that organization is in the central, eastern, and northern parts of the country. Every year, many young people from other countries are brainwashed and sneak into this organization from this direction.

After pinpointing the direction, the empress rushed forward with Ren Baqian again. After more than an hour, the two had entered the area controlled by the organization, and the city could be seen vaguely in the distance. Behind.

A few moments later, several cars passed on the dirt road not far in front of the two of them, each with a pickup truck in front of it and a machine gun driving it. There were five or six people wearing camouflage, bulletproof vests and hoods on their heads.

In the middle is a truck with many people sitting on it.

Ren Baqian was embraced by the emperor and she looked at a few cars behind the stone, knowing that she was indeed within the target range.

It's time for the two to return to that world.

After all, time is tight, it is best not to delay too much time this time. Moreover, even if I have heard the news now, if it is too late, it will take a long time to come back again, and we have to re-inquire about the news. The next time I return is at least two and a half days, and can even be extended depending on the situation.

Besides, Ren Baqian had a little expectation on the laboratory side.

The next time I return is five days from that world, that is, fifteen days from Earth, so long, in case the laboratory finds a cure.

Although the odds are small, there is always a chance.

If so, there is no need to take risks.

The thought of any eight thousand here said: "Zixiao, go back first, come again next time."

The emperor nodded, "OK."

As the Empress nodded, the two disappeared out of thin air, appearing in the place where the two had left before.

The unicorn was lying on the ground with his belly facing up, and his back was scratching on the ground, it seemed to be a little itchy.

The two suddenly appeared to make the unicorn stunned, then turned over, humming twice in the throat, trotting to the empress.

The empress patted it twice, then landed on her back and said, "Go."


A few days later, in Daxia, there was a fiery red leaf everywhere in the mountain forest, which fell from time to time with the autumn wind, and a thick layer was laid on the ground.

Ren Baqian leaned on Kirin, and that Kirin was biting his own paws without any incident, or he might be biting his nails.

This unicorn is called Qishui. It is said that the first emperor found it near a lake called Qishui, and he called it this name. It has been in Da Yao Palace for fifty years. Far beyond ordinary creatures, it is said that it has a life span of at least five hundred years, and now it can only be regarded as just adulthood.

Ren Baqian was sitting on the ground at this time, and she was wrapped in a thick cloak, which the emperor brought back after going out once on the road.

Most of the time, I walked in remote places, which reduced the chance of being discovered. After all, the empress knew the danger of this trip.

Only occasionally will I go down to get something.

The previous time was because the temperature in the territory of Dayao plummeted. The Empress did not know where to get the cloak and a bowl of porridge.

Then just now, go down the mountain to get some food. After all, Ren Baqian can't just live with some animal blood.

However, his posture at this time was not very comfortable. At the beginning, it was okay, but that prayed for water before he stunned his body. Ren Baqian became a very awkward posture slightly sideways at this time. Although he could not move, he could I feel soreness in my arms, shoulders and waist.

He now hopes that the emperor will come back soon. This posture is really uncomfortable. It is better to lay himself flat on the ground.

For a while, the sound of whispering sounded, Ren Baqian immediately got up and looked in that direction.


As soon as Ren Baqian's thoughts had risen, two sword-saber figures appeared behind that tree.

When he saw the other party, the other party also saw him and the monster he was leaning on.

"This is ... Kirin?" One of them stunned.

"Sorry, we went the wrong way." The other man pulled him back and walked backwards.

Ren Baqian watched as the two disappeared into the woods, his heart tightened and he was seen, hoping not to spread it.

The number of such impure unicorns in this world is also very small. The most widely known is the Da Yao Royal Palace.

Unfortunately, I can't move it myself. Even if you can move, you can't treat them both.

Ren Baqian has absolute confidence in his own force.

As for praying for water behind him, from the appearance of the two to leaving, he didn't even look at it.


"Chengwu, what did you pull me for? That's Kirin." The two went out more than a hundred meters, and the person who had previously exclaimed Kirin shook off the arm of the other person and asked.

"Can we provoke anyone with Kirin? Even if we see a little bit of discomfort, we two don't want to live down the mountain today."

"This is also true. But I didn't expect that we would have seen Kirin one day, and we would have the capital to brag about when we went back."

"The unicorn in the world ~ ~, except for the occasional rumors, as far as I know, there is only one in the royal family of Da Yao, and I don't know when another will appear.

"Well, Chengwu, do you think it's the one from Dayao Royal Family?" The first man said smoothly.

"How is that possible?" The other man shook his head.

"But this is Kirin, not Chinese cabbage. You never get out of it suddenly? Why don't you leave?"

"Wait, it's a bit wrong." The man called Cheng Wu burst his eyes with his eyes.


"That person was just a bit wrong, the breath was too weak, and the posture he leaned on was a bit awkward." Cheng Wu recalled the man he had just met and said in his mouth.

"what do you mean?"

"That person may be seriously injured and difficult to move." Cheng Wu had some difficulty in channeling, and even he didn't believe this judgment himself. The more he recalled the situation, the more likely it was.

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