The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 234: Chen needs to change opponents

Ren Baqian showed his upper body and stood in the field. Over the past few months, he had grown a lot of muscles, at least the original ribs could not be seen.

At this moment, his eyes were full of perseverance, staring closely at the opponent, even if Chen Qing could not recognize the sharp eyes, the man who was full of vigor and breath like a sword turned out to be his own. Come bland friends.

The notebook behind is connected with the sound of the INTOTHEBATTLEFIELD of Daping Shushu, the soundtrack of the high-blooded college. When I watched this movie, listening to this music was really exciting.

At this moment, the strong rhythm and dense drum sound made Ren Bian's adrenaline soar, and his warfare was boiling. I felt that I could bring the gun to the battlefield at this time.

At this time, Ren Baqian's attention was obviously attracted by the sound-producing thing not far behind him, his eyes moved, and he kept banging on the speaker.

"Opportunity!" Ren Baqian shot the light, stepped on the ground with his feet, and rushed towards the opponent like a wild dog with a rope off.


Then he flew back at a faster speed than when he went back and landed heavily on the ground with a large 46-foot footprint on his chest.

"Oh-!" Ren Baqian groaned on the ground with a long moan: "Your Majesty, Chen needs to change an opponent."

"You can choose the guard in the palace!" Said the emperor who was not far away eating popcorn.

"Can you lower your age a bit? Chen Ke hasn't even reached the round!" Ren Baqian cried.

"How to adjust?" Ren Yaqian's current guard is about 30 years old, and the ancients have not yet reached the peak. In addition, the guards in the palace are not the best. Under the same strength, the strength of the flying ride is stronger than the guards in the palace.

"Chen thinks that if his opponent is about ten years old, Chen should be able to try it." Ren Baichi said his request seriously.

The Empress almost laughed at Ren Baqiantian's shameless look.

Qing Jie and Hung Ho both look down on each other, can they nod?

The opponent of any eight thousand looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

I did n’t even use half of my strength. What about me?

"Practice is the right practice? I Chen's current strength, even if the hands and feet are tied, Chen is not an opponent." Ren Baqian got up from the ground and asked earnestly.

The empress looked at him squinting for a long time, and finally said, "Okay!"

Ren Baqian heard the words with great joy: "The following Cheng Dewu Deze was merciful to the Waipu sentient beings!"

"Continue today! The next day's matchup will give you another opponent." Said the emperor.

"唉 ——!" Ren Baqian sighed, took a pose, and then stepped on the rhythm of a song in a night wish, rushing towards the opponent like a wild dog who had shed his hair.



This is Ren Baqian's seventh day since the Empress taught him boxing, these seven days can be said to be a snot and a tear.

Those eight strokes alone made Ren Baqian suffer.

Ren Bianqian's bones have been formed for a long time, and many actions cannot be done at all.

Then the emperor asked the two guards to press a line of Malay directly on his shoulders. At that time, the voice spread like a pig to the whole palace.

For three days in a row, Ren Baqian walked with his legs outside, and felt like noodles.

Practice every day, which is better, and at most tired. Every two days, he still suffers, which makes Ren Baqian full of thoughts.

Today I finally can't help but put forward my thoughts that I have pondered for several days.

At night, another female officer dissipated the blood on his body, and he was also coated with a layer of Indian **** oil. This is the name of Renbaqian. After coating, his body was reflecting, but the effect was really good, every time After being coated with Indian divine oil to shed blood, he was covered with Shutai, and the next day he saw no scars on his body.

He didn't know that this Indian divine oil could only be used by a few people in the ancient people. Although it is not a valuable city, it is also extremely expensive. Even a child of a member of the Korean Central and Central China, only occasionally can use it, it is impossible to wipe his whole body once every two days.

One bottle of this medicine will cost a hundred or two silvers, and one bottle at a time will cost more than ten thousand silvers a year, even for the empress.

Think of an officer in charge of Jiupin who is only six or two dollars a month. A shop on Jingyang Street can only be seen for more than a hundred or two dollars a year.

The medicine used in the medicated bath has a higher value. It takes 1,000 yuan of silver for one medicated bath and can only last for seven days.

These two things for 8000 alone will cost 50,000 silver per year.

Dayao is not wealthy, and the entire palace costs only 42 thousand silver a year, most of which are on guards, female officials, and servants' servants. And the cost of any eighty-one person is more than the cost of the entire palace a year.

The Empress relied on the royal family's income on the gold and silver mines only to have a slight surplus, plus the cost of Ren Baqian, the palace income immediately became a deficit.


On the second day, Ren Qianqian hurried out and merged the Secretary of Ordnance Secretary's wind throat and the engineer Cao Siqing and Tong Yan rushed to Jingtian Furnace. In the morning, he received news that the pile of bricks that had burned before Jingtian Furnace came out, but all became Shreds, shattered at the touch.

On the way, Ren Baqian sat on the back of a horned cow while jogging up and down and thinking about the reason. Since the cement can be burned out, some of the ore components in this world should be similar to the earth, not to mention that the bricks are mainly clay, no This should happen.

At the Jingtian furnace, the furnace supervisor Tiemu hurriedly greeted him: "Master. Yesterday the fire went out. We just wanted to take bricks out according to what the master said ..."

"Wait a minute, let's look at the situation first." Ren Baqian waved his hand, hurried to the stove, the bricks in it had not been taken out basically, Ren Baqian went down the ladder, and there were only half of the bricks left in a circle. , The rest have become debris and fell on the bottom of the furnace.

And the remaining bricks were all cracked from the surface, and they were still bulging in many places, and they suddenly turned into pieces when touched by hand.

Ren Baqian frowned.

How is this going?

"Master Ren, how?" Tong Yan shouted above.

After the last time drinking together in the Qinglou, everyone was familiar.

Ren Baqian frowned and climbed out of the furnace with a dust, facing the iron road: "Do it again, I'll see what went wrong."

Later, he said to Tong Yan: "It's not clear why, let's talk about it."

While the craftsman of Jingtian Furnace was working, Ren Baqian took out a piece of paper from his arms and compared them step by step to see which step went wrong.

"No problem?" Ren Baqian muttered. He watched Jingtian Furnace craftsmen crush, stir, and pinch the bricks step by step.

"Is it wrong on this paper?" Ren Baqian began to wonder if there was something wrong with the information he found.

Maybe there is something in it that is not written on this paper.

"Master Ren, what is this?" Tong Yan and Fenghou put his head together, only to watch him mumble with a piece of paper there.

"Remember something." Ren Baqian casually said that they couldn't understand anyway.

"I have never seen such words." Tong Yan glanced and shook his head.

Ren Baqian ignored him, he had to see it before he was out of whack.

"Well, what are you doing?" Ren Baqian watched the craftsman deliver the pinched bricks to the stove.

"Sir, you say ~ ~ It's going to burn." The craftsman looked blank.

"Yin dry, first dry in the shade, how can it be burned after being fed in like this?" Ren Baqian also had his eyes widened.

"Sir, you made us burn like this last time." Tiemu gave a grimace.

"How is that possible? This brick hasn't dried yet. Can it burn out?" Ren Baqian stared.

"Master Ren, you didn't say Yingan last time, that's how it burned." Fengmiao spoke on the side of justice.

Ren Baqian looked disgustingly at the throat: "How is that possible?"

I was thinking there, "Your sister, didn't you say it last time?"

If you think about it, it seems that the last time you burned the cement belt bricks in one day, where did you dry in the shade?

Ren Baqian replaced Su Rong: "This time, don't go wrong. Dry the bricks in the shade first, remember to dry them in a cool place, not in the sun. After the shades are dried, put the bricks in the stove and burn them. Furnace, different firing times at different temperatures under the experiment. "

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