The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 242: I am also very wronged

He asked, "Did you do the captivity last time?" Ren Baqin asked a little with curiosity.

Jin Jun took a closer look at Ren Baqian, very calm, without a look of panic, it seemed to hold his own.

It's a pity that he also holds his own.

Neither side is in a hurry.

"You can't say this arbitrarily, we are serious businessmen." Jin Jun smiled lightly.

"Serious ... businessman?" Ren Baqian also laughed, and it really seemed to be the other party. And the other person's words are about us. It seems that he represents others, otherwise he would say me and not add them.

"Ren Baqian, was born in 1993. He graduated from SY University two years ago. He lives in Jianxing Hometown, T. He has parents and younger brothers. You see, we know a lot about you, so I ’m not afraid of you running or jumping over the wall. You ca n’t run, even if you run away, the monk ca n’t run the temple.

Now let's talk about things that interest me, such as, how did you suddenly appear? I'm more interested in this now. "Jin Jun spread his hands, he felt that he had discovered a big secret, which made him a little excited.

From the past of Ren Baqian, he was just an ordinary person, so Jin Jun didn't have anything to worry about, even without a weapon when he came. It is not necessary, but it is prone to trouble.

What to worry about? How about the other party daring to treat themselves? Without talking about his family, even if he gave him a knife, would he dare to kill himself? And can it be killed? From his past, he was as clean and weak as a lamb.

But now it makes him a little bit better. I don't know when the kid actually learned some skills.

But not too worried. Still, do the other party dare?

Ren Baqian was silent for a moment, and he felt bad immediately after listening to the other party's words. Although he knew the other party's downfall, he was not in a good mood no matter who was threatened by his family.

He looked at the two thugs. One of them was still covering his crotch and couldn't get up on the ground. The other one got up from the ground and looked at him fiercely.

"People can change." Ren Baqian sighed, and he didn't need to say more about the rest, as long as he knew a few points. First, the other party is not just these people, there may be people behind the other party.

Secondly, the other party actually came from the laboratory that he cooperated with Chen's father in the beginning.

Jin Jun heard Ren Baqian's sigh and felt something wrong. Before he could react, Ren Baqian had pointed the trigger with his pistol.

Fortunately, there is a silencer. After a few noises, Jin Jun lay on the sofa with shock and incomprehension.

Then came the fierce thug, who fell down with several blood holes.

Ren Baqian looked down at the man who was immersed in deep egg pain, and stretched his feet to step down on his neck.

The Empress always liked to do this, it seemed very refreshing, he suddenly wanted to try.

I didn't expect the other person to cling to their calves and want to fall down, but unfortunately the other party couldn't do anything about it.

Ren Baqian slightly regrettably made a shot on his head. Unlike hitting him, the opponent's back brain exploded directly, which was disgusting.

Ren Baqian walked to Jin Jun to straighten his crooked body, and sat down beside him.

Jin Jun wasn't dead, but he couldn't say anything. He bleed blood from his mouth, and his eyes were full of fear of death.

"It's a surprise, isn't it?" Ren Baqian put his hands on his shoulders and saw that the other thug was still convulsing. He seemed to be still alive. He raised his hand to make up a shot, and the other party stopped immediately.

"Actually, I'm even more surprised than you." Ren Baqian said in a hurry, his face sad.

"Anyway, this is my home too. When you go in and out, this is the city gate? You said, who did I provoke? Whoever messed up? Every day, there is no good thing. I finally came home, and I met you, and you said I would not It ’s unlucky ... Every day I think about me, that one thinks about me, Daxia thinks about me, you also think about me ... "Ren Baqian Xu Xu said there, Jin Jun spit out with the last breath, and fell softly in Ren Ba Thousand shoulders.

When he died, he was listening to Ren Baqiansu's nonsense.

"Well, it's hard to find someone to talk to. You waited for me to finish talking?" Ren Baqian turned to look at Jin Jun. He felt very wronged. He didn't have many opportunities to talk to others. Someone said, but it's not easy to have someone who can talk. How long do you insist on it?

"Ye--!" Ren Baqian sighed deeply and reached out to push Jin Jun aside.

What should we do now? If the last day is easy to handle, the scene will be dealt with, and the dead body will be taken directly to the other world.

But now that I have just returned, there are two and a half days left.

It took less than a day, and the person in the other party couldn't reach Jin Jun. Ren Baqian does not think that Jin Jun's whereabouts are unknown.

So leaving the bodies here is definitely not enough, but the three bodies want to be taken downstairs and loaded and pulled away, and the risk of being found is also great.

God knows if there are only three people in the other party, if I leave a driver downstairs? I was discovered as soon as I went down. At that time, the other party just called Jinjun and found that the three of them could not be contacted. I am afraid something will happen immediately.

I ca n’t make it myself. This time I ’m really going to die, it ’s really bad luck!

Ren Baqian felt that he was really aggrieved. Who did he recruit?

Going upstairs and turning around, the bedroom was turned upside down.

Pack up some of your own stuff, and be ready to run at any time, and then come to the Empress's room, where there are many clothes bought for the Empress, which are full of the closet, but unfortunately they can't be taken away.

Isn't she unhappy? Forget it, just buy it next time.

I took out my mobile phone and sent a video to my home. My mother only picked it up after two beeps.

"You are getting younger and younger!" Ren Baqian smiled, not seeing that he was about to die.

"Reluctant to call home? When are you going to come back? And the girl last time ..." Ren Baqian's mother kept looking.

"Let's have time. I'll go out during this time. I'll go back when I get back."

"A total of several hours on the road, and now I can't see you a few times a year, I almost forgot that you have such a son."


After talking to his mother for ten minutes, Ren Baqian hung up the phone slightly regretfully.

I hope it will pass smoothly this time, otherwise I'm afraid that I want to go home.

Originally, my brother Ren Wannian passed a good university exam. The family recently had a college banquet, and he planned to go back this time. Now it's gone.

After all, it was the unlucky ones outside.

"Hey, Chen Qing, do you know one named Jin Jun?" Ren Baqian called Chen Qing again.

"How do you ask him? Where did you meet him? He's bothering you?" Chen Qing immediately followed the inquiry of eight thousand.

"What's his origin? Tell me in detail."

Following Chen Qing's words, Ren Baqian finally knew the origin of Jin Jun.

As Ren Baqian thought, it was not a good deal with Chen's father, it was a business rival. There are two older brothers above him, Jin Wen, Jin Wu, and then Jin Jun.

Among them, Jin Wen is at the helm, followed by Jin Wu, Jin Jun at the end, but also the boldest one.

The Jin family's power is not small in this city. They have very good ways of doing things. There are a group of people under their hands. They did the last bar thing.

However, they rarely leave their tongues for doing things, and there are many Ma Zi who plead guilty. Under the protection of manpower, Father Chen had no way to take them for a while.

After listening to Chen Qing's words, Ren Baqian said, "I have something lately. Please help me to look after the house and be careful of the Jin family's hands."

"How did you fight against them? Is there anything I can do to help?" Chen Qing asked immediately.

Ren Baqian hung up the phone. No one can help him now.

After moving around the house, I first found some scotch tape and attached the gun holes on several people. I wanted to see if I could stop the blood, otherwise I couldn't clean it if I kept bleeding.

OK, the effect is a little bit, and then wrapped around the sheets, the blood finally did not flow out.

It was the guy who was like Shaqima who was shot in the back with a single shot.

Pulled the three together, Ren Baqian started mopping the floor, but some blood leaked into the seam of the floor, and he could only clean it up once. After I finished packing, I looked at the gun hole on the ground, and I regret that I just hit it too fast. Now it's okay. I just hit the ground directly, and I can't do anything about it.

Continue to find the pliers and pull out the bullets inside, but a hole was left directly on the floor. He then found two bullet eyes on the sofa. Fortunately, the sofa is leather. Although it is stained with blood, it is better to clean up.

"It would have been better to come back with a longevity knife. The other side's dishes are compelling. My 40-meter sword made them run 39 meters first." Ren Baqian whispered in his mouth and opened the sofa. Find a bullet.

A sound of electric bell rang, Ren Baqian flipped the phone on Jin Jun, watching Xiaohui written on it, and then pressed to connect.

"Jun, Wen is still waiting for you! When will you leave?" Ren Baqian heard this and immediately knew that Bacheng was waiting for the driver downstairs. And Wenge is inscription, right? It looks like I can't hide it for so long.

"Cough, cough ..." Ren Baqian coughed a few times, spit again, pretending that his throat was uncomfortable, and then tried his best to sound Jin Jun's voice: "You come up."

The sound is a bit different. Ren Baqian expected the other person to think his throat was uncomfortable ~ ~ so his voice changed.

"Jun, you have a bad voice? I'll be here," the other end of the phone said directly.

Ren Baqian hung up the phone and seemed to be able to hide it for a while.

Ren Baqian first dragged the three corpses to a corner, and then sat on the sofa waiting for the other person to come in.

"Jun?" Someone sounded at the door after a while, and then the door was pulled open, and the other side did not have much defense.

As soon as the man came in, he saw a handsome but blood-stained young man pointing at himself with a pistol, and he pulled the trigger before he called out eight thousand.

Shut the door, Ren Baqin turned and looked at the house, also sighing. Although cleaned up, there are blood stains in the corners of the floor, and there are gun holes on the floor and sofa.

Even if the body was handled properly, the police only had to come to the door, and he was immediately exposed. Not to mention the elevator and what only a few people came up to monitor.

The evidence is conclusive.

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