The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 303: Bear Student Growth Diary

The next day Ren Baqian was riding a motorcycle under the guard of the bull rider, which was all eye-catching. Since he was out of the palace, all the eyes have fallen from the ground. That weird roared like that.

Even Xu Wei and others took a glance at Ren Baqian and the monster he sat among.

On this day, the students entered the school and saw the weird thing standing next to it.

A group of people surrounded the motorcycle group, curiously touched it up and down twice, it was hard, as if it were metal, but the black color on the outside did not seem to be a common stain, making people wonder what it was.

Many people will eat two burritos on the road, and then touch the motorcycle, leaving a pile of greasy paw prints on it.

"what is this?"

"I don't know, it was made by the teacher?"

"This is the machinery the teacher said. Look at this. It's all iron."

"It looks weird, but it's a little lighter, I don't know what's the use." Some students lifted the motorcycle over their heads and made a few laps, and put it back in place.

"Tonglan, what do you do?"

A small man suddenly crowded in the crowd, touched it two times, and then pulled it with his fingers.

"Ah, there are traces left." Someone shouted immediately.

"A bunch of stupid people, this is the color of the outside." Tong Lan despised, and she made a long mark with her finger on the motorcycle.

Ren Baqian didn't mind watching a group of students watching motorcycles in the distance. This thing is meant to give them a long experience.

When students asked in class, Ren Baqian casually said, "You'll know later."

"I talked about the change of physical state before. Today we will talk about the phenomenon of light and turn the physics book to page **** ..."

Ren Baqian now reads according to the textbooks every day when he lectures. By the way, he also learned the characters while studying physics ...

By the end of today's class, Ren Baqian went to the motorcycle to see the scratches on it, grinning, and didn't blame them.

Then I sat on the motorcycle, kicked the kick lever, and twisted the throttle again. The motorcycle suddenly made a loud roar, and the two pipes behind it began to emit smoke.

Startled those students, how loud is this thing to fart?

Then Ren Baqian ran out as if riding a wild dog off his feet, and a group of guards yelled to keep up.

"This thing turns out to be riding and it can run." Some students were surprised.

"It seems to be fun!" Stars popped out of Tonglan's eyes.

Not only was she with stars in her eyes, many people were around, after all, this thing was too novel and not long, but she could run.

Riding this thing to the street is not just pulling the wind, it's just flamboyant.

Ren Baqian rode all the way back to the palace, and several big guys who just came out of the palace saw the thing Ren Baqian was riding on all of a sudden.

"Chief Ren, what kind of mount is this?" Tong Zhenye curiously came up and touched East and West, looking like a dude.

"Where's the mouth? How do you feed?" Without waiting for any eight thousand answers, he grabbed the collar of the clothes and pulled him down, riding on it, and then put one foot on the car body.

"Well? Why don't you leave?" Tong Zhenye began to wonder again.

Looking at Tong Zhenye's appearance of a clay bag, Ren Baqian laughed at his side, his nostrils turned to the sky.

Finally, Tong Zhenye and others were sent away, and he returned to the palace after he was eight thousand.


The next morning, the students were still walking around the motorcycle as they were yesterday.

"Is that how a ghost rides yesterday?" A man looked out and saw Ren Yaqian sitting on it, not seeing Ren Yaqian.

"Then what? How can you move?" A group of students, you, me, I, you, patronized yesterday to see this thing, did not see how the ghosts made this thing move.

After school that day, all the students looked at him with a look of enthusiasm.

"Did you see it? How did it move?"

"I saw my legs move twice, like stepping."

"Wrist is also twisted."

"First left hand, then right hand. It should be like this."

On the third day after school, the group of students continued to watch Ren Baqian's movements, which were basically the same as what they saw yesterday. They were even recorded by Ren Gang's movements.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Tonglan stood directly on the horns holding the bowl, and walked and ate, just to go to school to play that thing early.

When she got to the door, she probed her head and glanced into it. She didn't see Ren Baqian, but she saw the thing in the corner. Two other Bastards were faster than herself, and she was sitting on it A small rod next to the pedal imitating Ren Baqian's movement.

Tonglan appeared after the two, and shot the man on the motorcycle directly on the wall, sitting on the motorcycle himself: "I'll play first, and I'll give it to you after I've played enough."

Xu Peng, who was shot on the wall, looked up from the ground with a stunned look.

In order to play this, I came here early in the morning, and was robbed by this girl who was only half her height. But who can't let him beat this girl.

Tonglan sat on the motorcycle and hummed, and then laughed with flowers on her face, two little hands holding the handlebars, and kicked towards the starting lever.

Not pedaling ...

Tonglan's face suddenly turned green, and her legs were not long enough ...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Xu Peng and Du Lao Liu, who were dissatisfied with her first right to take this thing from her, immediately burst into laughter.

Looking at Tonglan's short legs in that pedal, it was too out of reach, it was too cola.

Ren Baqian, who was standing in front of the window and watching the scene in the distance, smiled.

Quickly pick up the phone to shoot this down, and properly black history in the future.

However, when he picked up the phone, Tonglan was already embarrassed and flew out on the motorcycle. He pulled Du Laoli from the top down and pulled him down. Then he appeared in front of Xu Peng. He hit his fist in one hand and hit his head directly on his chest.


A hole immediately appeared on the wall.

Xu Pengren also disappeared.

"My lord, won't it break?" Xu Wei stood behind and was a little worried. This thing must be very valuable to think about. It would be a pity if they were broken by these babies.

"Anyway." Any eight thousand waved.

This can also stimulate some students' interest in learning.

This thing was nothing to him, it was just a bit more troublesome to bring it from the earth.

Tonglan was still unconvinced, and after the two of them lay down, tilted their bodies to start the motorcycle, regardless of the stand, and rushed out as soon as the throttle was turned.

I saw that the motorcycle was overturned in less than three seconds. At the moment of the overturn, Tonglan jumped to the ground and the motorcycle was overturned to the ground.

"It's not fun." Tonglan put her hands behind her back, leaned her face, and darted back to the classroom proudly, and saw that Ren Baqian's face was full of pleats looking at herself in front of the window and made a grimace.


After Tonglan left, Xu Peng also turned over from the wall, and the dust of the cement red brick was almost the same as the demolition workers.

While he was looking around looking for Tonglan, another person held up the motorcycle and sat up.

Xu Peng looked angry and looked at the man again. He was suddenly gasped for breath, but still had a seizure.

He can't beat this either.

Shi dare.

The two youngest in the whole school are the two that can play the most, which makes others very depressed.

Shi Gan is not very old, but he is about one meter and seven meters tall, and he is also strong. I saw him riding on a motorcycle, his face was so beautiful, he tried it first, then tightened the throttle and kicked it on the starting lever. The motorcycle Go straight out.

Ren Baqian watched as he rode a motorcycle and galloped against the wall, the back of the motorcycle lifted up, and Shi Gan's head was directly on the wall.


When the dust falls ~ ~, you can see that the motorcycle has fallen out of shape in front of the courtyard wall.

There is a big hole in the wall.

Shi Ganren is gone.

"This bunch of stupid people" Ren Baqian was standing behind the window, almost smiling, and he had already taken the pictures, especially Shi Gan sitting on the motorcycle with a beautiful expression of stepping on the starting lever, plus him for two seconds What happened after Zhong really laughed at him.

If you slow down, you can still see the expression that freezes on his face when he hits the wall.

He was going to get a camera and he would take pictures of them later.

After a few years, when they became the mainstay of North Korea, they screened the series "Bear Student Growth Diary" throughout the day.

The only pity is that I just missed the scene where Little Loli's short legs were not long enough to kick the starter. Otherwise, her response must be wonderful when she sees that scene in the future.

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