The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 320: bonfire

"Why should we do this?" A student muttered blankly.

A row of twenty-three students squatted on both sides of the brook, and reached into the water with their hands. After a while, they quickly pulled out their hands and picked a small fish from their fingers. This thing is not small, but it hurts a bit .

"The ghost said that the final exam can add points ..." said another student.

"You don't have any sense of ancient warriors." Tong Lan sat down on a stone not far from the crowd.

"It's better than those who do their homework!" Another student grinned.

Thinking of the 25 people struggling to write at home, everyone immediately became much more balanced.

"What if you put Tintin in?" Du Laoli said quietly to him.

The teenager next to him almost did not spray.

"I also want to know, why don't you try it?" Said the young man with a sullen expression.

"Forget it, just talk." Du Laoliu laughed.

"This kind of fish will bite as long as the finger-thin meat strips? Why not make some meat strips?" Asked a young girl: "Du Lao Liu, the little cute you caught?"

She felt a little distressed about her fingers.

"It was confiscated by the miser, and said to have dinner at night, but it was not our share ..." Du Lao Liu expressed helplessness.

"Tonglan, don't you still have a pain in your nose?"

The next second he was kicked in the stream by Tonglan.

Although he didn't look deep, as soon as he entered, he could reach the waist. As soon as Du Laoli got up in the water for a long time, he got out of Lao Gao as soon as he got up.

It's not important to see three bite fish on his fingers. The important thing is that he put his hand under the crotch and grabbed one.

Du Lao's face was all green.

The clothes of the ancient men are usually wearing robes or shorts. Due to the hot weather, they are usually naked ...


Ren Baqian was in the village at this time. The village was not large. There were only dozens of wooden houses, all of which were about one meter high from the ground, mainly to prevent reptiles.

There were more than 200 people in the village. At this time, most of the young and strong were divided into two teams to go hunting, leaving the elderly and children, as well as a few guards to prevent beasts, before they took over 8,000.

At this time, the clan in the village had left, and Ren Baqian was in a wooden house, which had just been vacated for him.

The other guards had already cut trees outside to come back to set up the hut.

The ironware in the Zhaizi is very precious, and it is not very willing to use it to cut down trees to build a house. Those guards don't have so much to worry about.

Ren Baqian first sat on the ground and turned on the radio. When he opened it, he heard someone talking. Li Qianqiu was talking about military affairs with a weak voice. When Ren Baqian opened the radio, he heard them talking about the Daxia Army. trend.

The weak voice should be Hongwu. The last two sentences coughed twice from time to time, and the voice was far from his original mood. It seemed that the injury was really serious.

Ren Baqian listened, didn't interrupt, and when the rest was enough, he turned off the radio and packed up some other things up the mountain.

For example, some glass bottles are made by the glass factory to hold the brown water in the black pool and another mountain gap.

After the collection, you can send it back to the earth to let people test whether it is as you think.

When he was packing, Lin Qiaole drooled while hugging the animal with big eyes like a deer staring at the pair of watery eyes.

Seeing that little thing was going to be cut off by her.

In the evening, more than thirty young men came back from the outside with their prey, and they saw more than 20 young girls squatting by the stream, and a very delicate girl in white was sitting on the rock next to it. Feet.

"Who are you?" Asked one of the men in his forties.

"We are from the Zizhu Academy, with the teacher. Our teacher is your husband-in-law's husband's choice!" Shi Gan stood up and fisted.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Is that person?" A young girl with pigtails in the team looked surprised. She often went to Lancheng with her brother. She heard a lot about Lancheng. She also guessed that the husband-in-law chosen by the emperor was the man who had seen him like a liar. That one is just a guess.

However, the other party didn't come for so long, she thought the other party had long forgotten, and she would only remember it every time she entered Lancheng to hear someone mention it.

"It was the last time we saw that, it should be him." Na Gula said, holding his brother.

"I don't know yet," Nagu's brother groaned.

Soon, everyone saw Ren Baqian. He was walking in the yard, and he saw a group of mountain people carrying prey coming in all the way. One of the prey was particularly conspicuous. It was as small as a hill and required two people to carry it. With.

The people here are called black-faced juniors, which are actually wild boars.

"Sure enough, you!" A girl with small pigtails jumped out of the line, carrying two little beasts that Du Lao caught.

"Girl Nagu!" Ren Baqian greeted with a smile.

"I thought you forgot." Nagu muttered, "Will you hire me? Last time, half a catty of salt a day."

"Can't forget." Ren Baqian smiled.

The two talked a few gossips, and then Ren Baqian watched the crowd in the village to pack their prey there.

After dark, another team of young and strong also returned from the mountain, the prey was much worse than the previous team.

These mountain people are totally eating out of the sky. Good luck going out can solve the food for several days, and if they are out of luck, they do n’t have much to bring back.

In the evening, a pretty bonfire party was held in Zhaizi.

Shanmin is simple, and when he comes to the guests, he takes out all the food that can entertain the guests.

Ren Baqian also took out the seasonings and made a stewed river fish. The taste was very delicious, but unfortunately few people liked him.

Sitting on the wooden pier, holding the fish soup with a sip of breath, there was a drum sound in the field, and the clan was playing a musical instrument made of animal bones, which sounded a bit cymbal and awkward Simple, deep and vast.

And around the campfire, the mountain people are dancing a very primitive and wild dance ~ ~ The girls in the village are wearing animal skin skirts and short tops, exposing long legs and belly buttons, showing With his slender body curve. Ren Baqian felt even better if there weren't those big guys in animal skin trousers and legs full of legs and hair.

But everyone else was affected by the cheerful atmosphere in the village. Many students went down to dance, not to mention, there were a few good ones.

For example, Du Lao Liu, there are two female students.

"Why don't you go down?" Ren Baqian didn't ask again.

Not far away is a small short-legged Tonglan.

"Childish!" Tonglan looked disdainful, but her eyes were shiny.

"It's not childish. And if you don't do it now, you may not have a chance in the future!" Ren Baqian said casually.

In Tonglan's capacity, there are not many opportunities to dance this mountain folk dance. It's just like a little adult now so young, I'm afraid I won't do such things in the future.

"Hum!" Tong Lan hummed twice in his nose and ignored him.

Ren Baqian had some regrets, and she wanted to take the opportunity to take the picture, but unfortunately the little girl was unmoved.

Tiesuo didn't know when he got out of Ren Baqian's head, and dangled with the music, and finally knotted himself.

The things on Ren Baqian's head immediately attracted Tonglan's attention.

"Hey, what's on your head?" Tonglan wondered.

"Uncle (two beeps, long sounds)". Ren Baqian didn't need to think that it was that guy who came out again.

After a short while, the eyes of everyone around him were on Ren Yaqian's head. Just watch the iron cable tie himself above Ren Yaqian's head, and then knot himself again. It looks like seven gourds, with Ren Baqian's head moving and waving in the wind.

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