The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 326: Book of Dayao

After the crowd began to calm down, Ren Baqian sorted out the robe that was almost dragged down, and said to the copper earthquake field, "Although salt can be made, there is still a problem that needs attention."

"What's the problem?" Tong Zhenye was startled and just got the good news, fearing that Ren Baqian would say bad news at this time.

"These two outlets are too far away, and it is still a small problem. Although it consumes a lot of manpower, I can also afford it." Ren Baqian pondered for a moment.

Dayao has a population of 30 million. Even if one person consumes two pounds of salt a year, one thousand people is one ton, and ten million people is ten thousand tons. This amount is too large. "Ren Baqiandao. This is calculated based on the fact that Dayao's average salt intake is much less than that of normal people on the planet.

The normal intake should be double that of Ren Baqian.

Ren Baqian just calculated in his heart that the pot of brine should have made three pounds of salt, and the ratio of brine out of salt was about 4%. In other words, one pound of brine can produce four pounds of salt.

With the strength of the Dayao people, they can carry up to two hundred kilograms of brine at a time, producing eight kilograms of salt and four kilograms.

Regardless of the issue of the container, just talking about manpower, it takes two days to go back to the yellow brine, even if the place where the salt is boiled is placed between the black brine and the yellow brine, it will take a day and a half.

The same is true for black brine.

In addition to the rest time, it is actually equivalent to a person who can bring back four kilograms of salt brine in two days. It can rain 180 times a year, and can produce 1 ton of salt.

Then the manpower needed to transport water is at least 10,000.

With boiled and sun-dried salt, at least 11,000 people.

But it may actually require 20,000 people. After all, transporting brine is actually a hard work.

In addition, more than 20,000 people are required to make containers, transport water and milk, and transport ingredients. This is only calculated based on the minimum consumption of two kilograms of salt a year for Dayao people.

If Dayao's salt production is completely enough to meet daily needs, it will require more manpower, at least more than 10,000 people.

Of course, paying this price for salt production is also acceptable to Dayao.

The problem is another point.

"The main problem is that the amount of brine cannot keep up with such a large consumption." Ren Baqian thought for a while. "The black water pond is okay. I pay attention to the place where the yellow brine is out. It should have a flow of 20 to 30 tons a day, and there is too little salt."

The flow rate of 20 to 30 tons is too far from the requirement of any 8,000, plus a considerable amount of black brine can only produce about 2 tons of salt. One year, there are not more than 700 tons of salt, which is too little, less than one tenth of the consumption.

At first Ren Yaqian thought about expanding it, but later he thought that this was not a good idea. Because the water flow is small and not anxious, it means that the problem is not just the exit, but the distance from the underground to the exit is not long.

"Master Ren has an idea?" Tong Zhenye asked.

"One thing is to drill wells. Since black brine and yellow brine can be produced, it means that there is more than one seawater lake enclosed in the ground below. Drilling wells in a suitable place can draw spring eyes closer, save manpower and resources, and Can solve the problem of insufficient brine. "

"It's easy to say." Tong Zhenye laughed. He would worry about it if it was something else, but the matter of drilling wells was not difficult.

"If it's a few hundred meters, a thousand meters deep?" Ren Baqian said quietly. And it's not just a well, the location of the seawater lake is too deep to determine the location.

All I know now is that 80% of them can be hit near the two spring eyes.

However, the distance is too far to meet the requirements of Renbaqian.

Ren Baqian did not believe that there was no sea lake below the rest of the mountain.

In the long run, drilling is more suitable.

But this will not happen overnight.

You need to know that in ancient times, it took a year or even years to drill a well.

The ancients had great manpower, but did not help much in this matter.

"Let's build the salt plant first. If the yellow brine is not enough, use another method of boiling the salt with black brine, although the speed is slower. I just hope that the black water pond can support it for a while. Eight thousand thought for a long time, somewhat helpless.

The question I asked myself, but it is not something that we want to solve overnight.

Even if you drill wells in multiple locations at the same time, maybe you can use one or two with good luck. But it takes at least a year.

That night, Ren Baqian returned to Earth again, and when he returned, there was something stranger in the eyes of others.

The whole body is dark, and the front section is a thin tube, which is longer than any eight thousand height.

In addition there are several heavy boxes.

"What is this?" Lin Qiaole was curious.

"A little preparation, I will teach Daxia how to be a person in a few days." Ren Baqian was full of confidence, and by the way he despised the gangsters. A heavy machine gun with ammunition turned out to be a lot of work.

Although the situation in Yanchang has not been all settled, he is already preparing to go to the Emperor for a while.

This is the 85 type 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun he just got a little time from the country.

The total length is two meters and fifteen, the gun body weighs close to 19 kilograms, the gun frame is 18 kilograms, the theoretical rate of fire is 650-700 rounds per minute, and the effective range is 1600 meters. It can break two people within the range.

Thinking about holding this thing on the battlefield, Ren Baqian was a little excited. At that time, he must be photographed by his heroes and left to future generations.

He is the legendary Rambo.

In the next two days, Ren Baqian accompanied Tong Zhenye to take a trip to Heishuitan and the yellow brine spring, and found an address that he felt was suitable for the establishment of a salt field. At least this location does not need to detour too much, and will be on the road. After weeding down the weeds and trees, it is easier to walk with a container.

At the same time, seven or eight positions were selected for well drilling.

At eight thousand words, he has a unique technique for selecting positions.

Anyway, other people also rely on blindness at that time, then it is better to come by themselves, in case it is found.

Every night, I will talk to the people in the Ministry of Industry about the design drawings of the drilling. The drilling is completely dependent on the pedals and the lever principle to drill. It is more advanced than the Zhuojing well. It is already the world's most not using modern machinery. A good plan.


"Your Majesty, Da Yao's credentials have been returned."

In the Da Xia Imperial Palace, an old man sits on a high seat ~ ~ There are two rows of Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs.

"Read!" A smile appeared on the old man's face.

Now half a million troops have entered the territory of Da Yao, and a channel has been opened. 200,000 reinforcements have arrived at the border, while 300,000 new troops are still training in Daxia at this time.

For a whole million troops, his purpose is to win Da Yao as a whole.

And now the development of the war has also reached his initial expectations. After opening the portal, Da Yao has already looked like a girl who is playing tricks in his eyes.

However, Da Yao ’s credentials should have been sent before the war began. I do n’t know what Da Yao ’s little girl wanted to say and how to explain it.

Although no matter what she said, it was impossible to let Daxia retreat, but listening to her explanation, combined with the current progress of the war, she was happy.

Xia Jiulong, sitting proudly on a high chair.

The minister below also had a smile on his face.

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