The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 345: I just scare them

"Wangba, where are you? When you come out, I will definitely kill you ..." Ren Baqian quietly poked his head and looked carefully into the darkness in the distance.

He didn't notice that an antenna on his head had completely exposed him.

Here are the corners of the East Wall and the South Wall, which are a few quiet places.

The shouting and killing sound came a dozen meters away beside him, but he ignored it.

"Pay attention to where the arrow is coming from, where did it shoot out?" Ren Baqian said to Shi Hu beside him, Shi Hu also had a night vision goggle on his forehead, looking curiously towards the outside. Things look like this to people, making him feel very novel.

"Notice, let it go!" Ren Baqian said behind him, only then that he had adjusted the angle of the mortar, and those who stayed there just had to put the shell in.

After a while, a "gun" sounded from the city. Ren Baqian stared closely at the sea of ​​people below. Although he couldn't see the people, he could see some movements, but he was looking for someone who was bending his bow at that time The silhouette is enough. The range of the bow movement is not small, and it is likely to be found out.

"Boom!" The shell exploded directly outside the city walls, dyeing a corner of the night vision goggles red.

At that moment, he saw at least three people doing the same action, but none of them shot.

"Isn't one of them?" Ren Baqian thought in his heart, holding back without firing.

Quietly slipping down the city wall, the mortar was readjusted at an angle, and Ren Baqian hid in the city again, letting people fire.


Ren Baqian carefully looked at the figure in the dark and scolded MMP in his heart. At least ten people made the same move this time.

Da Xia doesn't just have a marksman, so he can't find anyone at all.

Ren Baqian thought of this, moved the gun holder down, and held the trigger and swept past.

Whether it is or not, if you hit it, you will be unlucky if you make a mistake.

The first two archers did not respond and were beaten into rag dolls.

The third archer leapt swiftly towards the rear, then ran off with his legs.

"Master! Master must die!" Ren Baqian suddenly felt as if he had found the Lord, regardless of the others, and directly operated the machine gun and sprayed the metal dragon towards the figure.

However, there are too many people in the dark outside, and only the color blocks formed by the human body can be seen. The man only flashed, and Ren Baqian could hardly find him from the crowd.

After hitting a bullet chain in the approximate direction, Ren Baqian let Shi Hu down the wall with a spear.

There were still many things at night, and I couldn't spend them with him forever.

After several thousand rounds of artillery shells, the shape of the East City Wall became several offensive faults, which made the soldiers on the wall in this direction calm down.

And most of the ladders have been destroyed. At this time, the offensive intensity is acceptable, and some soldiers can take turns to rest.

By Ren Baqian, eight shots were fired in the direction of the North Gate, and two of them were shot. One of them hit the wall and then fell to the ground before exploding. The other one was hung directly on the wall like the two on the east.

These artillery fired out, and suddenly Xia Jun outside the city wall was empty, and the ladder disappeared.

After walking in all three directions, Da Xia's offensive finally weakened, and after half an hour, he finally retired. Without the siege equipment such as the aerial ladder, even if they are crowded, it is useless. Only by cutting down the woods outside to make equipment can the next wave of offense be organized.

When the Daxia Army retreated, many soldiers sat directly in the pool of blood, leaning against the wall, and falling asleep.

After struggling for so long, even those who are hit by iron can't carry it.

Ren Baqian took the guard to the wall again.

"Take that down." Ren Baqian pointed at Shi Hu, pointing at the shells nailed to the wall below.

"Isn't it going to explode?" Shi Hu knows the power of this thing. I have seen it too many times in the past two days.

"Be careful not to touch the front end." Ren Baqian waved his hand.

He had already asked about this thing. This kind of shells are double-safety. One is opened when it is fired at the bottom, and the other is the fuse at the top. It needs to fall and reach a certain force to touch the fuse.

As long as one condition is not met, it is safe.

Not to mention that it is now being penetrated by an arrow, even if it is hit by a tracer bomb, it will not easily explode.

Ren Baqian asked people to find a few pieces of cloth, first cut off the arrow shaft, and then wrapped the shells, let people carefully set aside, the next time the Daxia attack, throw directly below.

Can it explode in this case? He doesn't know.

Even if it can't explode, you can kill one.

Then I carefully looked at the long arrows that were cut off from the shells. They were all wooden poles, with white feathers at the tail, and the front end was made of fine iron.

After looking at it for a long time, I didn't see anything. I handed both short arrows to Shi Hu.

"My lord, it's the same person's arrow." Shi Hu said with one glance.

"How do you know?" Ren Baqian asked curiously.

"Some archers will make marks on the arrows, meaning that this person shot himself. Here, there are traces carved out on both arrows." Shi Hu explained, passing the tail of the arrow to Ren Baqian , Pointing at the tail.

"Sure enough!" Ren Baqian looked towards the place where Shi Hu was pointing. Sure enough, he found a small pattern at the bottom of the arrow shaft, like a simple flower.

"Well, if you don't die, he will be fatal." Ren Baqian waved his hand and ignored the archer's affairs. He returned to Chengling Mansion and moved out the box containing the mines. Ten mines were scattered and scattered over a hundred to two hundred meters outside the city.

The 72-type anti-infantry jumped the thunder. After being stepped on, the part of the thunder bomb will jump to a height of one to two meters and explode. The power of the explosion is not strong, but the 650 killing fragments contained in it can be used A large number of wounded were created within a radius of fourteen meters.

Such mines are not intended to kill people, but to hurt them. After all, an injured person needs two people to carry away, and also needs to be taken care of. It is more likely to drag the other person than to kill them directly.

And the wounded still need food.

This is why Ren Baqian brought landmines back when he returned to Earth.

The other party wants to exchange money? Then he created a large number of wounded himself. You cannot fight, you have to send someone to take care of it, and you have to consume food.

"Be careful not to step on it. If anyone stepped on it, it is estimated that it can be buried directly in the soil." Ren Baqian put the mine in a pit, sprinkled the soil on both sides and covered it, and then emphasized again.

After hearing this, the escorts and flying rides around them immediately shuddered.

Any of these things used by Ren Baqian, even if they were of the earth-wheel class, would have to be seriously injured and killed by accident.

The very strong guys are all cat-like in the aisle, not even the atmosphere.

In fact, this type of mine will not operate until it has been buried for a period of time. This is to prevent people from stepping on it.

At the same time, the so-called thunder jump is not like in the film and television works, if you step on it or be pressed by something, it will not jump out and explode. As long as you step on it, the fuze will be ignited. Even if it does not move, it will explode in place within a short time. , But the damage to the surrounding area will be smaller.

Then, ten mines were buried in the north and west directions of the city. Ren Baqian took the man back to the city, asking people to find more than a dozen white cloths, and using chicken claws to crawl out and write on it. "Be careful!"

"Sir, isn't this a reminder to them? What if they are found out?" Shi Hu said, touching his head.

"How many meters can this cloth see clearly?" Ren Baqian asked him with squinting eyes.

Shi Hu heard the words, turned and ran to the distance. Then he looked at the light of the lantern carefully and ran back again, "Is it 30 or 40 feet in the daytime? I can't see it clearly now even about a dozen feet."

"How far are we buried?" Ren Baqian hated iron and steel.

"It has to be fifty or sixty feet." Shi Hu put his fingers on his fingers and figured it out.

"Isn't it? The other party stepped on the mine first, and killed and wounded one. Then seeing the cloth on the city wall, do you pay attention to your feet when walking? Even if you don't want to pay attention, you can't stop them from thinking wildly?"

"Then what? We didn't bury it under the city walls, they will soon find out!" Shi Hu continued to ask, he still didn't understand what Ren Baqian was doing.

Ren Baqian held his arms solemnly: "I just scare them!"

Shi Hu: ...


The next day, Daxia rested for a full day, and on the third day he carried a pile of cloud ladders and continued to attack the city.

Nowadays, the large-scale ladders like mobile buildings are gone, all are ladder-like ladders, which can be directly carried to the city wall by a few people.

The army first approached Liaocheng in a formation full of fighting spirit.

When Ren Baqian heard the news that the Da Xia Army had already left the camp, he hurried to the city wall with the Emperor, Li Qian Qiu and others, only to see that the neat army was out of the barracks and lined up to approach Liao Cheng.

At the front are still soldiers with shields, behind them are archers and pikemen.

Between the two soldiers, several others carried the ladder.

As far as the eyes can see, there are at least 40 ladders, and there are ladders coming out from the camp.

"They cut our ladders are all our trees, right?" Ren Baqian suddenly jumped out of such an idea.

"They also fired our tree for cooking and cooking!" Li Qianqiu followed with a whisper.

"Is this what we eat? Use ours and hit us?" Ren Baqian asked again.

Li Qianqiu's expression was condensed, and this issue had never been considered before. Now it's as if that's the case!

Suddenly the whole person was in a bad mood.

"Coming soon!" Ren Baqian and Li Qianqiu talked casually, watching Da Xia Jun approaching the farthest mine buried yesterday.

Li Qianqiu knew that Ren Baqian ran out and buried something at night, but he did n’t know what it was. At this moment, when he heard him, he focused his attention and watched carefully ~ ~ Going up, the second row went up again, and it was magically not stepped on.

However, an archer in the third row made a slight "click" sound when his foot fell.

A second later, when he stepped up, the thunderbolt bounced directly from the ground.


With firelight, countless steel **** and fragments shot at the surrounding area.

In addition to some people being blasted and sieved directly into the sieve, many people were injured by shot fragments, and Daxia's army suddenly became messy.

Then the second, the third ...

The crowd looked at the confusing Daxia army formation at the city head, and immediately refreshed.

"Renfu, what treasure is this time?" Li Qianqiu turned his head and asked.

"Jump Thunder!" Ren Baqian said two words.

He just discovered a very interesting thing. The Daxia army formation is the shield soldiers in front, and the **** crossbow battalion and the archer are behind. This is to prevent the impact of the ancient army.

However, at this time, almost all of these mines exploded in the crossbow camp and the archer's team, causing the greatest killing to these crossbowmen and archers without much protection.

Although the number of people killed was not too many, there were also three to four hundred people, most of them were injured, especially the lower third road and the waist down ...

The Da Xia Army fell into chaos before it reached the wall.

After a full hour, the Da Xia Army continued to move forward. At this time, the people in front had good eyes to see what was written on the white cloth on the city wall.

However, what happened to Ren Baqian didn't occur. The Da Xia Army didn't see any confusion.

"Uncle, those illiterates are illiterate!" Ren Baqian finally found the reason for a long time and almost fell off the glass.

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