The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 370: Final offense

"Sir, Da Xiaren didn't camp, it looks like they are not going to leave today."

"Continue to pay attention," Li Qianqiu said briefly.

Ren Baqian heard it on the side and smiled. "It seems that these Daxia people have chosen their own buried ground. Although it is a bit desolate, the scenery is good."

"In this case, they will be fulfilled." Li Qianqiu said in a deep voice.

According to the route of reinforcements in the southern capital, they should be able to converge at noon today.

There are radio stations in this support army, which can be contacted at any time, and it is easy to meet.

Adding these 5,000 people is enough to bury those Daxia people here.

There are still two and a half days to leave Dayao, and those Daxia people cannot escape even if they are scattered.

Ren Baqian stretched out from the ground and looked at the ancient soldiers who were lying and sleeping on the ground in front of the west, thinking that this sudden war was finally over.

In one and a half months, more than half a million people were killed and injured. The war in this world is simple, primitive, but also cruel.

Next, it's time to pick up the emperor. Seven-colored clouds! Fortunately, it is not a flying seven-color cloud. If you do that, you will blind yourself.

Li Qianqiu stood by the radio all morning, always knowing the movement of that army.

Before noon, the supporting army encountered a horse-racing horse sent by Li Qianqiu. Just after noon, he saw several horse knights running from a distance.

"Sir, they have arrived."

"Okay!" Li Qianqiu said in a deep voice, his body was not moving, but he saw a black army appear in the field of vision for a moment.

There are several flags flying above the army, with the words "Yu Nan". This is the reinforcements of the Southern Guard House.

Five thousand were carrying a baggage behind, wearing half-length leather armor that only protected the left side of the body, and a savage man holding a long knife stopped shortly afterwards, and then several generals led the horns out of the team and went straight Where Li Qianqiu is.

"Is it Master Li? The General will wait for someone to see Master Li! All five thousand soldiers and horses have arrived." Several people stepped forward and saw Li Qianqiu presented a token and held a fist, then handed a token to Li Qianqiu Hand.

"This is a hard way for you!" Li Qianqiu shoved the token around his waist and nodded. "You were so tired. Let the soldiers rest on the spot, eat a fire, eat in the afternoon, and attack in the evening. In the evening, you wait for the order. After this battle, the old man will entertain you again."

"Yes!" The generals commanded.

Originally, Ren Qian thought that there were always a bunch of things to be transferred at the confluence of the two parties. I did not expect that only one token was handed over, and it ended without saying a few words.

After several people returned, Li Qianqiu said: "The first is Hongze, the son of the general of the assisting country, but he did not fall into the fame of his father."

Ren Baqian realized that Hong Wu's son was actually in the support army.

Hong Wu's son, Red Line's father, he did have some impressions. At the time, Du Changkong said that his grandfather was Hongwu and his father was a captain in the southern capital of Hugo. However, after that hunting, he had not dealt with the surname of Red. Care about.

However, if I think about the few people I just saw, I don't really remember it. Although he is not blind, the most prominent feature of the ancients is that they are muscular and have a large body. As for the appearance, most of them have a fleshy face, which is not easy to distinguish.

The reinforcements of the Southern Guard House were rested for an afternoon, and in the evening, Li Qianqiu had some generals called to arrange it.

In fact, there weren't many arrangements. This time, it was a storm attack, breaking Da Xia, and then chasing.

First, Ren Baqian used a mortar to disrupt the opponent's camp, and then Feiqi rushed in as a blade, and Li Qianqiu's people followed.

The Southern Dufu House went around and pinched in the other direction.

Feiqi and Li Qianqiu attacked from the southwest, while the Southern Guard Department attacked from the southeast, driving the Daxia Army to the north.

Twelve thousand people were less than 90,000 people, and there was no need to consider other things.

After smashing the opponent, the flying rider always chased at the forefront. As long as Da Xia's defeated soldiers were to be twisted into small strands, the flying rider broke them up and defeated. Facilitate the pursuit of rear soldiers.

Li Qianqiu also assigned a few intercoms to the generals of the Southern Dufu Government. It is still more convenient to use this on the battlefield.

Simply arrange and everyone will go back and prepare.

After dinner, everyone just got up all afternoon, and sharpened each other with the sharpening stone they brought with them.

Both Feiqi and Li Qianqiubu have pains in their faces. These days, they are involved in more battles, and the blades are covered with large and small gaps, similar to saw blades.

Not to mention the hatred of the country's enemies, this sword is their lifeblood. The lifeblood becomes so that they hate the Daxia people enough.

Waiting until the second hour, the talents got up and set off, and attacked according to the scheduled time when the ugly Shiyin intersect. At this time, the attack began to light up after another hour, and it was easier to chase.

"They found us." Detective said on the intercom.

Ren Baqian rolled his eyes. Isn't this nonsense? Li Qianqiu almost sent the army to the gate of Daxiaying Village, and they could see their sentry with their naked eyes. They should be found even by the blind.

Ren Baqian got down from the horns and let Li Qianqiu take himself to jump to a high place to see the position of the Daxia Army. After waiting, he adjusted his muzzle. However, it was discovered that the other side's military formation had changed. They no longer stood together as before. They were divided into the Chinese army and the left and right wings, and the rear team.

Instead, it was divided into nearly twenty small formations.

"They are also thinking about countermeasures!" If such a small square is shelled, it is obviously easier to reshape the formation than before.

Ren Baqian let Li Qianqiu take himself to the sky three times. After he got down, he drew the positions of the twenty small squares on the ground, calculated it in his heart, and then wrote down a number on the ground.

After that, everyone waited silently.

At this time, the atmosphere inside and outside the camp was full of killing. Inside was the army of Da Xia, and outside was the army of the ancient clan.

This atmosphere makes people feel very depressed, as if a heavy stone is pressing on their hearts, and they want to yell and vent.

"Ah-" Ren Baqian shouted.

Everyone turned to look at him.

"Don't bother me, just itch and want to shout." Ren Baqian waved his hands. "How long?"

"It's a quarter of an hour."

"Call me at half an hour." Ren Baqian.

After a while, a guard said, "Sir, it's time."

"Start!" Ren Baqian lifted the lid of the box next to him, exposing the shells below ~ ~ holding on! "Ren Baqian signaled.

Already the old rules, two guards immediately came up and held the barrel.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two artillery shells exploded directly in Da Xia's army formation, and then Da Xia Army all performed the same action, crouching with their heads. More than 80,000 people squatted with their heads at the same time, the scene was extremely spectacular.

In the next seven minutes, Ren Baqian hit out forty rounds, with nearly six in one minute. According to the original memory, ten small squares each rewarded four rounds.

In such a short time, he couldn't adjust much.

And some of the squares in the middle, even if they cause chaos, they will have regrouped by the time Feiqi kills them.

"Kill!" Li Qianqiu didn't look at Ren Qianqian's results at all, and when the time came, he heard a long howl.

The thousand flying rides changed from static to dynamic at the moment of order, and it took only eleven or two seconds to cross a distance of two hundred meters, and then rushed into the Daxia military camp at a faster speed.

"Kill!" There were various shouts and kills from the Daxia military camp.

When Li Qianqiu took someone to rush in, Ren Baqian sat on the ground with his buttocks, and then there was nothing to do with him. This war has basically come to an end.

He pulled a big white rabbit from his pocket and threw it into his mouth. Ren Baqian lay on the ground and looked at the stars for a long time, and suddenly it seemed to him that his big white rabbit had been on his body for a long time, and it was useless.

If Lin Qiao is happy, I'm afraid it won't last for a few days.

Lin Qiaole? ? ? ?

Ren Baqian first thought of the sleeping god, and then he reacted sharply. What about his own bodyguard? When the empress was in Liaocheng, Lin Qiaole found a place to sleep by herself ... But after the empress left, she also forgot about Lin Qiaole! Just leave Liaocheng!

Would n’t the god-round master hired by Big White Rabbit Toffee still sleep in Liaocheng?

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