The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 472: Good neighbors come and go

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It was very late when Ren Baqian returned to the room. The little monk was resting there, his eyes were a little red, like a crying nose.

An eight- or nine-year-old child was suddenly taken to a strange world, surrounded by strong men who could run horses on his arms, and it was normal for the young monk to be scared.

After all, in terms of the image of the ancient people, Ren Baqian often had the illusion of being in a bandit's nest before.

It's a habit now, mainly after entering the human round, his strength began to skyrocket, his weight also skyrocketed, and his muscles bulged high. Although it is still very thin compared to the ancient people, this is a problem of small skeleton, and it has begun to approach the bandits from the image. Occasionally looking in the mirror, he will miss the small fresh meat with clear eyebrows, which needs to be carefully searched to find a little shadow on his face.

Except for father and mother, few people can recognize themselves now.

He did not become bald, he became heavier, and he became stronger.

As can be seen from the heavy and light weights of the fist, a large amount of weight crushes people.

"Wake up, go to the room next to you to sleep." Ren Baqian pushed the young monk to wake.

"Where is this?" The first sentence the little monk opened his eyes was.

"Da Yao, the land of heaven. You will live here in the future."

"Can I still see Master?"

"Unless you really become a Buddha, don't want to see your master."

The little monk cried as soon as he heard this.

"This is your chance for you to find it." Ren Baqian comforted him, waiting for a long time, and finally waiting for the young monk to calm down.

"Go to sleep first, and then talk about the matter later." Ren Baqian pushed the young monk to the next room, and lay himself on the bed to enter the "Fire View". Inside was a volcano. From the bottom of the mountain, there was a trail Red clings to it, winding down.

These red lines are all lava rivers. The closer to the top of the mountain, the denser the temperature, the higher the temperature.

At this moment, the iron cable was near a lava at the foot of the mountain, bowed itself, and tried to pierce one end into the lava, and a body of crickets was covered. Then, it lay comfortably beside the lava river and extended one end into the lava river from time to time Li, and then quickly pulled back, and stunned.

Ren Baqian feels like this guy is soaking his feet? At least it looks pretty visual.

After experiencing water and wood, it is now fire, completely in the order of the five elements, and presumably the next round will be earth, followed by gold.

After completing Mu Xiangguan, Ren Baqian's strength skyrocketed from 700 to 900 jin. And speed, musculoskeletal strength, and resistance to hitting these aspects have also increased a little more than before.

After completing the water imagination, Ren Yaqian's kidney function was greatly enhanced. The main kidney essence is divided into congenital essence and acquired essence, including growth and development. I changed from 120 pounds to 200 pounds, and it is still growing, I do n’t know if it has anything to do with this. The other is energy, not easy to feel tired.

Ren Baqian is quite satisfied with this, and kidney is really good.

After completing the imagination, the cardiopulmonary ability increased. The lungs are full of vitality, breathing, main fur, and opening the nose. However, Ren Baqian only found that his vital capacity had increased greatly. He took a deep breath, like a whale swallowing water, and could hear the voice of airflow.

The benefits are about two minutes before being drowned, but now it is six minutes? Climbing the 30th floor without panting?

Seems useless.

And today, the shortcomings are obvious. For example, if you encounter gas poisoning or poisonous gas, others have not responded yet, so you have to lie down first.

All in all, the benefits of completing wooden imagination seem to be less than water imagination. But Ren Baqian didn't think it was that simple.

With the completion of Mu Xiangguan, Ren Baqian finally felt that the body's essence and blood began to transform into a trace of gas and walk around the body. The smoothness of this part may be related to the lungs.

Ren Baqian has great expectations for the next imagination. After all, fire corresponds to the heart, and the heart is the source of power.

Ren Baqian guessed that the completion of the fire imagination should greatly improve his strength, while also nurturing the soul, laying the foundation for the earth wheel.


The next two days, the entire city of Wucheng was tight inside and outside, and the atmosphere was more depressing.

Ren Baqian sat in the courtyard with the emperor. The emperor seldom talked. She kept her eyes closed and adjusted her state, waiting for Tengyue to come back, and beheaded him here.

Every time you fight, you must meditate.

After all, it is the fourth master in the world. Even if the strength is not in the heyday, the emperor does not dare to underestimate.

What's more, playing with such masters is a test of their own strength.

In the battle with the masters, the whole body is full of energy and spirit, the mind and body are united, and their potential is tapped in the confrontation of life and death. Therefore, after each battle, there will be a certain improvement in strength.

To the point where the Empress is now, every step forward is difficult. And her identity makes it difficult for her to find a suitable opponent.

So whether it was the wind and the wind, or the battle with the many **** wheels in the heavenly landscape, although there was a cause, she was extremely happy.

The battle with Tengyue this time was extremely important to her.

Ren Baqian stayed beside the emperor and didn't open her mouth, but set her eyes on the emperor's face and stared intently at this heroic face.

Especially the red lips, always want to kiss.

Ren Baqian's eyes made the empress's face a little itchy. It took him a long time to open his eyes and stare at him: "Did you see enough?"

"It's not enough to look at a lifetime, I always think, how can there be such a perfect person in the world, it's simply a godsend." Ren Baqian smiled.

The empress's nose wrinkled, she wanted to laugh, and immediately her face was stern: "I want to raise my soul and do your thing."

Ren Baqian was kicked out of the courtyard by the emperor, looking up at the sky, thinking about how to get revenge on Xia Baizong's immortal.

This product really does not stop at all. The oldest bamboo and wood, Lu Qi, and Teng Yue now have more strength than one, and I don't know how much money he has paid to invite these people.

There is also Su Qing, although he is a twenty-five child, but Xia Baizong sent to trouble Yao.

Yun Guo Chen Guo also sent people to talk about it.

In the final analysis, I originally stayed in Lancheng well, but now I run around every day, and the culprit causing all this is the old radish. You ca n’t live and die here every day, right? He was drunk in the Daxia Palace, dreaming of mellow beauty?

Good neighbors come and go.

Why not throw a thousand skunk bombs at his palace? No smoke is needed this time ~ ~ Directly get a thousand concentrated skunk bombs and throw them into the Da Xia Palace.

The power of the concentrated skunk bomb has been experienced by Ren Baqian himself, and it is absolutely lethal, no less than any large-scale biochemical weapon. Do not believe that he does not vomit blood.

As long as he declares responsibility for the matter again in the name of Da Yao, Xia Baizong can't bear this tone, even if he doesn't want to send troops, otherwise the majesty of the Daxia royal family?

As long as he recruits troops again, Su Qing's opportunity comes.

At that time, when the chaos broke out in Daxia, he tried to find a way to block Xia Baizong, and inserted two knives in his heart.

But how do you think, in this way, Su Qing is taking advantage of him, you have to scrape some oil and water on him.

As for how the skunk bomb was thrown into the Daxia Palace, it was Su Qing who needed to think of a way, I believe he would have a way. After all, he can be sent to Tianjing to do this. I am afraid that his identity is not ordinary, maybe someone can work in the palace.


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