The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 509: Hoe

Ren Baqian sat in a chair and opened the box next to it. I saw black tokens on it. The perimeter of the card was decorated with dragons and dragons. On the front, there were three blood red fonts. It reads "baihu" in two red fonts.

The token is just the size of a slap, weighs three or two, and is made entirely of alloy.

"Each of you's token is also proof of your identity. When you meet the people in North Korea and Duwei, show the token first to prove your identity." Ren Baqian said while letting the token go down. .

Everyone took the hands and found that the token was extremely finely crafted and the texture was meticulous. There were no traces of knocking and carving, nor could they be imitated.

Ren Baqian saw the people collect the tokens from the top, and then said lightly: "There are two tasks next, you need to do."

"Master, please." The crowd immediately said below.

Now that everyone's tokens have been taken, their identity has been set, and Ren Baqian can only listen to what they say.

Ren Baqian never said that the guard Duwei's house was a city gate, and he could come in and out at will.

From his previous means, everyone can also guess what would happen if he wanted to withdraw.

Ren Baqin got up and opened the box on the ground next to it. He took out a few binoculars and gave them to everyone: "Try it."

Everyone took over the strange thing handed over by Qianqian and asked halfway, "Master, how is this thing used?"

Ren Baqian picked up one in front of his eyes and glanced outside, and the crowd was instantly surprised.

One person put his binoculars in his eyes and went outside the yard to see. His mouth suddenly stunned and his face changed.

Not just one person, but several people in a row.

With this thing in his hand, the courtyard wall in the distance is just like the one in front of him, with a little breakage on it, and a weed protruding from the courtyard wall can be clearly seen.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong?" One whispered.

You should know that these are all masters of the round, so it is not easy to be surprised by what happened. At this time, they are surprised when they hold such things, which makes some people unknown.

"Look!" Brother Qi passed him the telescope.

Others were looking at things in the distance with a telescope, and some even looked at the person on the opposite side, and were shocked.

I saw that there were two black holes with black grass and grass opposite the lens. I stepped back and found that it was a nostril!

The people passed the telescopes to each other, and they all looked at it again, and they were all surprised to see this thing.

Although this thing can't improve its strength, it has to be said to be useful.

"This is a telescope. As long as everything in sight can be magnified ten times, which is equivalent to ten times closer. Even objects as large as maggots in the distance can be clearly seen with this object.

There is also another object, called a night vision device, which can see a distant human body at night, no matter how hidden it can be found immediately. "

"I need a few people to check on the movement of the estuary. I don't need to approach. Just monitor the other party's arrangement. With these two things, I can ensure my security to the greatest extent."

"Master Ren, I am willing to go." Someone said immediately. Everyone knows clearly that for the court, you must not do what you want to do, and do not do what you want. This is impossible even in martial arts.

At this time, the first task, Ren Baqin, was to let everyone register themselves, and the active person would definitely have a higher position in his heart.

The previous telescope has been seen, coupled with the so-called night vision, has been able to maximize safety. Everyone in this room is a wheel. As long as they are not surrounded, it is not difficult to run.

If such an opportunity has not been won, why bother to join the Duwei House.

"My lord, my subordinates are willing."

Everyone started talking, some called me, some called subordinates, and some called Chen Moucheng, which was a bit chaotic for a while.

More than 20 people took the initiative.

"That's it. You should go to Wangjiangkou and Guiling to investigate the situation. It's best to figure out the composition and arrangement of the people there." Ren Baqian smiled.

After thinking about it, these people were all warriors in the rivers and lakes before. They didn't know much about the affairs in these troops, and said, "How many people in the other party depends on the other person's cooking cigarettes. After all, they can't eat cold food outside every day and always make food "... Ren Baqian probably said something that he had seen before, but it surprised everyone, but he didn't expect this person to understand it.

The crowd suddenly became a spirit. In those days, they will never forget this life!

"As for the others, I have a task for you. How did you recruit Tiqi before?"

"Manpower has been found."

"Well, send people to the northern cities, a total of thirty-seven cities. Each city must have at least about ten people to monitor the situation in each city. If there is any bad trend, return immediately. Someone connected, pre-conspired. , Kill without pardon! "

"At the same time, you must recruit Lux in the city, hide in the cities, and explore all kinds of news. Not only now, even in the future, if there is any trouble in each city, you must be clear. After that, you will be drawn out of the jurisdiction, who Whoever has the problem in my jurisdiction, I want the head! "Ren Baqian Yin said.

"Yes!" The crowd was suddenly shocked.

After Ren Baqian had spoken, he sat back in his chair leisurely and thought that there was nothing to say, and he was ready to let everyone go.

Just then a red shadow fell in front of the door.

"Your Majesty!" Ren Baqian got up and raised his fists. I saw that the red veil on the emperor's body seemed to be broken in two places. Ren Baqian just wanted to ask what happened, and the emperor threw two heads to the ground with a cold face.

"Your Majesty, is this ...?" Ren Baqianyi ~ ~ gently asked, the emperor ignored him and walked away from the door.

"Qing Xuanjun! Fox rouge!" The crowd next to them saw the two heads on the ground suddenly shocked.

"Huh?" Ren Baqian turned in his head. He had heard these two names. They were two of the eighteen ground wheels in the heavenly landscape. Especially fox rouge, most people think of this name as a woman, actually a man. When he was young, he was called a fox boy, and he liked to apply fat and powder. When he was old, he still did so.

If you remember correctly, Zuo Cheng was hurt by them two days ago.

"Sure enough they are both of them." Everyone whispered.

"They seem to be at the mouth of Wangjiang, right?"

"Qi Xiaoxiao went to the mouth of the river?"

Everyone had a shocked expression on their faces. The Empress ran to Wangjiangkou to kill these two gods. Although everyone knows that the Empress is strong, the previous battle of Wushan also proved this.

But the emperor went to Wangjiangkou to kill the two and returned, and there was no injuries on her body. They still rushed to the surprise.

There are top masters like the female emperor, and there are flying rides. Those rebels in the south cannot resist. It is indeed the correct choice for them to surrender, otherwise they are just like the two.

Ren Baqian snorted. The person who had spoken immediately knew that he had made a mistake, and then immediately bowed his head: "A moment's mistake, adults forgive me."

Ren Baqian glanced at him, took down his appearance, and said, "Now that the two **** wheels at Wangjiangkou are dead, you can rest assured."

"Yes!" The spirit of many hundred households heading to Wangjiangkou was refreshed.

The opponent's strongest master is dead, and the rest is not inadequate.

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Recommended reading: New Book of Celestial Potatoes, Yuan Zun, New Book of Feline Gods, Road to Heaven

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