The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 542: order

The laboratory of linkage intelligence is not far from the magic, in Hangzhou, which has various praises such as "Fish and Rice Homeland", "Silk House" and "Heaven on Earth".

Of course, Hangzhou is best known for a love affair here.

The protagonist is a person, and a snake.

Ren Baqian never figured out how their children were born.

Ren Baqian said to the itinerary that he is also very interested in this so-called robot.

After all, this kind of thing that is completely made of machinery, can talk, communicate, and be able to do many things that humans can do, makes her feel novel.

The next morning, the two arrived at the Hangzhou Science and Technology Park, found the downstairs according to the address said by the other party, and made a phone call. It didn't take long for someone to come.

The comer was a man in his forties, and his eyes were stunning when he saw the emperor. Then he converged his expression and said to the two: "Is it Mr. Ren on the phone? Hello, I'm the sales manager of Linkage Technology. My name is Jiao Han!"

Ren Baqian laughed a little. Most people introduce themselves as Li and Zhang, but the other person ’s last name really ca n’t say I ’m Jiao.

"Just laughed!" Jiao Han knew what Ren Baqin was looking at, and smiled generously, apparently not caring.

"The two follow me." Jiao Han smiled and guided the two.

The three kept coming to the fifteenth floor before coming to a laboratory that was not too big.

The computer takes up about half of the space.

The remaining half is filled with a variety of robots, half of which are humanoids or half-humanoids, and some have a layer of silicone skin on the outside, which looks like a real human. Looking at the upper body, it's really not easy to see.

After all, this is the counterparty of the other party.

Ren Baqian looked at these more beautiful and delicate robots than humans, and wondered that their company's products were selling well abroad.

I have to say, this thing is really a otaku's welfare!

With such a simulated robot, if there is still some intelligence, the population size in the future may be worrying.

But this is the problem of the boss above, it has nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, the Empress didn't think so much about this thing, or she didn't think of it at all. She looked at the robot in front of her with interest, and stretched out her hand and squeezed it on her face.

"You hurt me!" The robot that the female emperor pinched her face suddenly opened her eyes and said that the electronic sounds were a little weird and she spoke slowly, but the content surprised the female emperor and Ren Baqian.

"This is a joke!" The robot grinned slightly, and looked very stiff, but could see that it was a smile.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Ren Baqian took a closer look at the first few steps. The robot's silicone skin went from the top of the head to a bit below the neck. It also had a temperature close to humans and was exquisite in appearance.

"Appropriate jokes can bring people closer to each other, including robots!" Said the robot.

"Do you have a name?"

"Yuya, this is my name, if you can remember, I will be very happy."

"Can you think?"

"Thinking is a difficult question for me and the quality I want to have. But in the current situation, I still have a long way to go."

"How did this happen?" Ren Baqian turned to look at Jiao Han and asked.

"Database, she will respond differently to different situations. Only when this lady was in the face of Youya, she awakened her from standby.

In this respect, even if we are not the best, we will not be worse than abroad. Jiao Han said with a smile, and he was satisfied with the reaction of the two.

"You Ting, You Yu, here you are!"

The two half-length robots next to Youya opened their eyes under Jiao Han's voice and said with a slow electronic voice: "Hello, guest, hello, manager Jiao."

"Look, calling their names can wake them up from standby." Jiao Han laughed.

"I am beginning to have confidence in the strength of your company." Ren Baqian marveled. I have to say that these robots that are not well-known for linkage intelligence are too surprising for Ren Baqian, whose knowledge of technology is still three years ago.

Then Jiao Han showed the two robots some abilities.

During the observation, Ren Baqian also found that the robot's performance in intelligence is not as good as it thinks, but it can already meet most of its requirements.

The only problem is that these robots are connected to the database via the network.

I don't know what the robot can achieve after disconnecting the network.

"It seems that no one in the laboratory has been seen?" Ren Baqian asked.

"This is the display area, and today is the weekend, most people are on vacation." Jiao Han replied. "The two come to the office to talk to me."

Next, Jiao Han sent the two to the office. In addition to him, a woman with glasses was said to be from the laboratory.

"What are the requirements of the two for the robot?" Jiao Han said to them with a cup of tea.

"I hope the robot can complete the teaching tasks within the university. Not the monotonous teaching mode of your home robot, but the interactive teaching that can be as active as possible. Like a real teacher."

Jiao Han nodded. Using robots as teachers is what many people want. Really reached the point where interactive teaching is possible, in fact, there are still some difficulties, but it is not impossible, you only need a huge database to do it in another way.

"There is no internet, data is stored inside the robot."

Jiao Han looked at the woman with glasses, and the woman thought for a moment and said, "It depends on which aspect of the data you need to store. This amount of data cannot be too large, otherwise the performance of other aspects will be reduced."

The woman's voice was a little hoarse.

"Number, physics, chemistry, biology." Ren Baqian.

"If it is a course within the university, it can be done." The woman nodded.

Jiao Han laughed when he heard it.

"It needs to be able to project, including mathematical formulas, derivations, physical expressions, and steps in chemical experiments.

"In addition, I hope to be full of mechanical style, such as Transformers or Gundam!"

"Can they move by themselves? It's better to be able to walk and charge automatically."

"Also, the battery must be high, I don't want to get a toy that runs out of power in tens of minutes." ..

Ren Baqian put forward some of his requirements.

In the end, the offer from the other party was one million teaching robots that could be used for half a day, recharge themselves, project, and interact.

Ren Baqian ordered two directly.

As for the delivery time, it is three months.

"I'm a little curious about what Mr. Ren did. After all, it's a bit expensive for such an expensive robot to use ... IMHO, it's a bit wasteful." Jiao Han wondered a bit after the two parties signed the contract.

Such a custom robot can only be said to be a rich toy at present, and he can understand any strange requirements.

But the strangest thing is the one in front of him who only needs teaching ability.

0 million, can hire two teachers for 00 months, which is 33 years.

In other words, two teachers are hired for one year and two teachers are hired for 0 years.

"I'm a village teacher! Robots are prepared for the children in the mountain village!" Ren Baqian's answer made Jiao Han suddenly laughed ~ ~ and then laughed.

Country teacher?

This is just a joke of local tyrants, whoever is serious is a fool.

However, thinking of the two robots that only required teaching functions, Jiao Han felt that this was really not impossible.

His eyes glanced at the Empress, and the story of a rich second generation who went to the village to teach in order to let the loved ones look at each other and finally embraced the beauties immediately formed in his mind.

Out of the building, the emperor exhaled close to Ren Qianqian's ears and exhaled, "You say that Da Yao is a village?"

Ren Baqian tilted his head, and the softness of the empress's red lips rubbed lightly on his face.

Ren Baqian thinks this is the truth ... But the empress's expression seems a bit dangerous ... Her eyes are full of jokes?

"It's heaven! The place where Her Majesty is, even the flames everywhere, is the most beautiful paradise!" Ren Baqianyi's devotion.

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