The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 563: Unstoppable spirits

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Ren Baqian in the courtyard was a little surprised. The aroma of this wine was clear and long, with a little fruity aroma. You should know that the base wine is provided by Zhang Junzheng and should be made by the Zhang family. Ren Baqian always put his mind on improving the spirit, but he didn't care too much about the original base wine.

Wu Ke's aroma at this time, but he found that the Zhang family really has a set of winemaking.

If they are better than wine-making, they may not be able to produce more wine than them in a short time. After all, there are many factors that influence the taste of winemaking, just as Lafite's fame in 1982 was because the grapes were nearly perfect in that year. Therefore, the materials used here are different from those of the Earth's brewing. You must definitely try more to make a wine with a better taste.

What a pity, they compare with themselves the intensity of wine!

"唉-life!" Ren Baqian thought about the Zhang family, but also felt that they were unlucky.

If I hadn't met myself, I'm afraid they had a chance to show their skills.

But this is also good, they can exert the maximum value under their own hands.

Ren Baqian Shun gave his praise to the wise and savvy. He sipped it in a small cup in a jar with wine outside the still and drank it in the mouth. The taste was fragrant, sweet and soft. The mouth was soft and the aftertaste was long. It's better than all the wine he's ever drank before. As for alcohol, it's about 35 degrees.

I distilled the five jars of wine and got almost two and a half thirty-five degrees.

He then re-distilled at Renbaqian to obtain a wine of half and fifty degrees. At this time, the wine was like a fire in the belly, but the aroma was more intense and attractive.

Wait until the fourth distillation, the taste of the wine has changed. Although the original flavor is still carefully distinguished, it feels completely different, and there are several flavors in it, as if it has become a completely different wine.

At this time, the wine has covered the entire courtyard, and it can be smelled half a street, and it smells like it is about to get drunk halfway. Outside the courtyard, I don't know when a group of people gathered there, smelling the scent, and there was a salivation on their faces.

Even Zhang Junzheng, who was next to the courtyard, was shocked to smell the aroma. The aroma should be familiar, but it made him feel strange, as if he had smelled two kinds of wine before, one on the ground. One in heaven. How did the other party do it? What did he add to the wine?

In fact, what Ren Baqin did was only distillation, but after the fourth distillation reached 65 degrees, I did n’t know what had changed. The flavor of the wine improved a lot, and the original aroma of the wine was not easy to find. Several of the flavors are fully accentuated, and then become an obsessed flavor.

"Good scented wine!" A thick voice appeared in the courtyard. Qin Chuan didn't know when to come here according to the taste, and grabbed the jar of wine.

Yen Renqian was startled: "The wine is your Majesty!"

This is for comparison. After the comparison, it ’s better to say, now it ca n’t be drunk.

"Share me, and then go to the fire with your sword! You said you need to teach Copper Zhenye, I don't have any ambiguity!" Qin Chuan couldn't move his eyes, holding the jars of wine jars.

"Who's the old man talking about?" Tong Zhenye's overcast voice almost remembered in the courtyard at the same time, and at the same time, a black tiger took the heart to hit Qinchuan's back, and the moment Qinchuan turned around, Grasp it with your hand toward the jar of wine.

"The old man is talking about you!" Qin Chuan was furious.

Wu Tongzhenye laughed a while, and the black tiger blocked Qin Chuan with his heart. The homeopath is the extremely quick and ridiculous Yin Yin leg.

"You two are rolling!" The voice of the empress's furious sounded in the air, and then a red figure fell in the air, grabbed the altar with one hand, and kicked them out with one leg and one leg. Make two big human figures.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Ren Baqian cried and laughed.

"You smell too strong, those two **** have been wandering around here for a long time." The emperor Ren Yachi heard it and understood.

The fragrance of the wine was smelled when it was supposed to be distilled, and the aroma of the wine surprised everyone, let alone others. Then I didn't know who was passing them into both ears, so I came over and stared here to prepare for a drink! These two old **** are also shameless for a drink.

I may not be just these two, but others can't grab it, so I didn't show up when I saw them.

What a pity, there is a female emperor behind me who doesn't know when it will come, by the way gave these two guys one by one.

The maidservant held the jar of wine and poured it down, only to find that the wine was seductive, and then a raging fire rose in the stomach, and her face began to turn red.

"Good wine! Good wine!" The empress sighed with a surprise in her voice, and then took another sip from the sky, and the two went to the small half of the jar.

"Your Majesty, drink slowly, this wine is strong, and you have to reserve some for comparison." Ren Baqian hurriedly said.

"Ha-朕 know, it's just that the wine is delicious!" The female emperor sighed first, and a strong scent of wine sprayed from her mouth to Ren Baqian's face. The half jar of wine poured down, from blush to ears, and the voice was lazy and seductive.

He looked down at the wine jar and Ren Baqian. The emperor smiled slightly, then took another sip, and her eyes began to haze. ..

"Your Majesty ..."

"Wait for another sip!" The emperor felt the sweetness in her mouth, like it in her heart, and drank it again with a sip of wine. This time it was a little bit smaller, but her eyes were more hazy.

"Your Majesty, I can't drink any more ..." Ren Baqian cried and laughed. I knew that the Empress had good wine. I did not expect that the temptation of this wine was so great that the Empress would not let go.

It seems that the recipe of Zhangjia's brewing is really handy.

"I see ... 朕 take another sip ..." The empress drank another sip of wine ... In a flash, most of the jars of wine were gone.

The concubine's drunkenness became more and more obvious.

Even if the female emperor had a good drink, but this was almost ten pounds of wine in a jar, the female emperor drank into most of the altar with a few sips, and the drunkenness became extremely obvious.

"Your Majesty can't drink anymore ..." Ren Baqian was helpless. The empress was already drunk. If she was allowed to drink it again, she would have no choice but to reach out to grab the wine jar.

Then the emperor saw him reach out, and the wine jar lifted up, and Ren Baqian rushed out to the emperor. The distance between the two was only one foot.

The emperor in front of the Emperor Yachimi looked pink with hazy eyes, holding the wine jar in a sullen manner, and couldn't help rushing forward with a kiss in his heart.

I was bitten on the lips by the empress ...

"It hurts hurts ..." Ren Baqian's tears are about to fall out ...

"Come out!" The emperor gave him a charming white look, flashed back, and took another sip of wine before throwing the wine jar with less than a catty of wine back to Ren Baqian, making a few seductive Jiao Laughing and jumping into the air, he almost fell off.

Then the figure disappeared after a few flashes. When the emperor left, Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan who did not know where they had gone before appeared again in front of Ren Baqian.

"That's all ~ ~ is for comparison, don't forget about the two adults." Ren Baqian was helpless to hold the wine jar. In fact, this wine is more distilled than Zhangjia's wine. Point, why one by one sees a peerless beauty.

"Tongzhenye and Qinchuan, you two come into the palace!" The voice of the empress did not know how far it passed into the hands of several people in the courtyard. Then they both grinned and looked at Ren Ba with an unwilling look. Thousands of hands still exuded a jar of strong wine, and then disappeared in the courtyard.

Ren Baqian waited for a sip carefully after they left. First, she felt savory, sweet and mouthful. Then she felt that her throat was in the stomach as if she had been ignited. After the extreme heat, she turned cold. Qi, soothing his throat just ignited by the fire.

A strange comfort made him moan.

No wonder the empress did not let go when she held the wine.

It's really good!

A man like myself who rarely drinks alcohol is drunk with a sip.

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