The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 575: Great Summer Palace


Since losing six months ago, Daxia has been shaking from top to bottom.

Even if you know the good war of the ancients, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses planned for a long time, but they were defeated by 50,000 dozens, and only less than 200,000 returned. This can be said to be the only major defeat in recent decades.

Not to mention that the troops led by Feiqi and Li Qianqiu also plundered several cities in Daxia, making a large part of the south heartbroken.

After Fei Ride was gone, Da Xia's heart grew unspeakable from top to bottom.

Many places in the country are crowded with emotions, especially among scholars. However, no action has been taken in the summer of the whole half year, which has disappointed many people and turned their finger to the court.

But it is not that no one knows the embarrassment of the court, but more people still turn their grudges towards the court. After all, being robbed by the barbarians in the hinterland is something that has never happened before.

First, the defeat, and then the enemy ran rampant in the territory, but they could not help it. For Daxia, who has a high self-esteem, it is as if she pressed her face to the ground and rubbed it.

"Every day it ’s not the right time, I ca n’t share this with you. I ca n’t find any way to do it. What do you want?" The roar of Xiahuang sounded in the hall of Daxia, and the guards outside the hall shrank. Neck down.

In the past six months, the Xia Emperor was often furious, and it was already the norm. Almost every few days in the palace, some people were killed alive because of offending the Xia Emperor.

At the same time, since the two vomiting **** faints, his physical condition has become worse and worse. The Emperor Xia, who had only a few hundred hairs, is now more than half white, with a dull complexion and sunken eyes.

"Your Majesty, the imperial court is now heavily taxed, and many places have complained that it is not possible to increase taxes any more! Without a tax increase, it will be difficult to raise arms and food; and recruiting and training will also take a short period of time, at least not within two years.

Now there are clouds and Chen Erguo outside the barbarians, and chaos in the sky, and they can't be recovered within a short time. This is the best time for me to rest. After two years, the demise of each other will satisfy them. "

An old man calmly said. He was used to the anger of the emperor for three days, so he was not afraid.

There was only a sigh in his heart. His majesty, who was still a British martial artist, would inevitably become so as he got older. Although outsiders did n’t know it, he saw the changes in the past six months and said something disrespectful. .

Fortunately, the prince is still pretty martial arts. After a hundred years, the prince will be able to afford the big picture.

Looking at the bones of this body, I am afraid that it is only a few years of effort.

"Wait, wait, wait, every day you say you have to wait, how can you wait? How do folks say you now? When you do n’t know? And you, shrink your head!" Xia Bailong snorted heavily, his face complexed. Redness, bloodshot eyes. He almost went crazy thinking of the news that came back.

"Your Majesty calm down first, such anger is bad for the body." Another old man quickly said, after the two vomiting and fainting, Xia Bailong fainted several times in the past six months, and everyone had to take care of the emperor's body carefully, many things How can you hide it from him?

Especially the revenge against Da Yao has become his heart.

"Your Majesty, those who are interested are just provocations. If your Majesty is angry, they will be in their arms." Qi Mingtang, who was known as the head-scrambler, said lightly.

"Hum!" Xia Bailong snorted again before saying: "Now all the cows, ghosts, and snakes have emerged, but they have lost a battle. They really think that Daxia is not good? Did they find anything?"

"Their organization is very tight. Some people have been arrested, all of them have committed poison and committed suicide. However, the minister has recently found a bit of eyebrows, and in a few days, I can probably find the people behind these ghost tricks." Another middle-aged humane, this People look valiant, with long beards, giving a sense of majesty.

"I'll give you another month, and find out who is making waves in any case!" Xia Bailong said, then covered his head with his hands, only to lose his temper, and immediately felt a headache.

At this time in the palace, an **** was walking somewhere, seeing no one around, he flashed into the woods, and found a small cylinder from the secret place, and a square was tied outside the cylinder. The box, after a few clicks on the box, shows the countdown.

After all this was done, he shoved the cylinder and box back into place, went out of the secret place, and went straight to the next place.

It took two months to send these things into the palace in batches, and hid them everywhere. Now it's finally time to use them.

He didn't know what these strange things were for. However, he knew that after four hours, something big would shake the world.

My mission has always been for this moment.

Thinking of it, his eyes seemed to glow.

Five others did the same, with eunuchs and maids.

Two hours later, two of them changed their clothes through the route arranged in advance and hid under the car that delivered meat to the palace.

After another hour, three more people left in different ways.

Only the last person was a maid who wasn't very outstanding in appearance, but her eyes were extremely bright. At a glance, the maid was sitting quietly in the yard, waiting to see what was going to happen.

"Qing Lian, you were discovered by your maid like this, for fear of being scolded." A maid passed by and saw her immediately reminded.

This is nothing to fight with, and she has always been a maid to do her own thing. In this cruel palace, there are many people who do not want to see her punished.

"Just scold it!" Qing Lian smiled, rolled her hair, and her smile was extraordinarily bright.

"You ..." The maid stayed, wondering what happened to her. "Are you upset and crazy? If you are not comfortable, go back to ~ If you are uncomfortable, go back to your room and rest. If that side calls you, I will help you out."

"Thank you, Sister Ling Yue." Qing Lian said with a smile again: "But I'm leaving in a while. So don't get in touch with me, if anyone asks, you can speak up."

"Leave? Where can you go? Wouldn't you want to kill yourself? Are you crazy? The maiden is also good to you. Although the palace is not very free, but you eat well and dress warmly, and do not do heavy work, you What can't be ignored? "The maid was startled.

Qing Lian's smile suddenly froze. Did she say she wanted to kill herself? Are you overdoing your brain?

However, with a smile, she reminded me in kind: "There may be a major event in the palace, and my sister should protect herself."

With his words, cylinders hidden in secret places exploded all over the palace.


"What sound? Go and see!"

At the same time, I don't know how many escorts went straight to the place where the explosion just happened.

Before taking a few steps, they smelled a suffocating smell, one by one, as if struck by the sledgehammer in the forehead, vomiting fiercely.

Some maids fell to the ground and passed out.

This kind of smell must only exist in the sky. How many times in the world can smell the smell permeate the whole palace.

Xia Huang, who had just drank a bowl of medicine and looked slightly better, heard the noise coming from outside the room, and before he scolded him, the smell penetrated into the room through the window and into his nose.

Xia Huang felt a suffocation for a while, and passed out before he breathed out.

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