The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 579: Ren 8000's great progress in martial arts! Although it's a bit embarrassing

The end result of the mutual damage between Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan was that the emperor was ordered not to go to the early morning for ten days.

It is said that after returning the same day, the two remained behind closed doors.

There is no way, the two are "fragrant wind" wherever they go. The people on the way back saw the two as if they were seeing ghosts. The crowd appeared in a crowd.

In the next few days, there will be a sound of "Tongzhen Zhenye old man, I definitely want you to look good." "Qinchuan old man, I definitely want you to look good!" Li Xiao!

Although the two didn't close their doors, they occasionally made a circle in Fuzhong. The end result was that the entire Qinfu and Tongfu were full of flavor. For the next period of time, Tonglan saw Ren Baqiandu every time he went to school. Grind the little tiger's teeth there and want to take a bite.

Then one day, Ren Baqian appeared in the martial arts field in the palace in tears, and the emperor had strictly ordered him to practice martial arts.

The reason is that he poisoned Daxia, and Daxia will surely send someone to attempt to assassinate him, just like the previous times.

Although the number of foreigners in Lancheng is very small now, there are still some shopkeepers of everyone's clan left here to stand by. With the addition of Jing people today, the possibility of Daxia people lurking in exists.

Ren Baqian's face looked at Tonglan oppositely, and he always felt that the words of the emperor were just nonsense.

No matter how you train yourself, it is useless to meet the masters of the God Wheel. You can only rely on the guards to fight for time and escape to the earth yourself.

If you encounter a master below the chakra, it is impossible to pass the level of guarding yourself.

But the world is big, the empress is the biggest, and he finally stands here.

The little luoli on the other side was excited, Tongfu can be tortured these days, and now he can finally get revenge.

"You ghost, you are the master. You are a teacher at the university. When you practice martial arts, you are not a bully teacher to destroy your ancestors." Xiao Luoli said seriously while pinching his fists.

Ren Baqian was surprised when he heard his words: "How is that possible? Your teacher will always be your teacher, your grandfather will always be your grandfather, and if you blame me, you will bully the teacher and destroy your ancestors! When I look back, I will find your grandfather.

"He's at home, you go to him." Xiaoluoli Tonglan sneered, and then looked at the empress.

"Don't worry about his identity." The empress was lying on a lounger while wearing sunglasses, and a green kite and a red iris held her a large canopy as a parasol. Fruits and wine were placed on the small round table next to it. Bikini, that is alive in the sun.

When Tonglan heard the order from the emperor, he grinned at Ren Baqian and revealed two little tiger teeth. He flashed over Ren Baqian's head, and a pair of small fists fell down like rain.

Ren Baqian's eyes receded a few meters: "This posture is the legendary Tianma Meteor fist that has been lost for a long time? I didn't expect this trick to be in your bronze house."

Tonglan's momentum suddenly suffocated, and she rolled over in the air and fell to the ground: "What Tianma Meteor Fist?"

Then I saw that my eyes were dark, and Ren Baqian's striding forward was a very fierce "killing knife" in the killing boxing. With one hand to make a knife, the whole body's strength poured into the arm and inserted into Tonglan. past.

Ren Baqian used this trick to kill the heart at this time. The muscles on his arm were tied, and the green tendons were wrapped around the arm like a dragon. When the hand knife came out, it brought a strong breaking sound, as if the air was cut. Open in general.

The emperor nodded slightly not far away, but Ren Baqian did a little bit of work, but it was still too tender and not fast enough.

Tong Lan's body slightly jumped and stepped on Ren Baqian's arm. Ren Baqian only felt that her arm was pressed down strongly and faced the strong wind. Tong Lan kicked it directly.

The next move of the heart-knife is either the ripper or the throat ripper. After all, killing the boxer is the way of killing the enemy in the army. The move is also simple.

Tonglan stepped on Ren Yaqian's arm, no matter which trick he was going to perform below.

If it is usual, Tonglan can basically end the fight. After all, Tonglan has an absolute advantage in terms of strength and speed.

Unexpectedly, Ren Baqian seemed to have guessed the general, lying down directly with his hands on the ground, the whole person was unexpectedly twisted, his waist was twisted out at a 90 degree angle, his legs were twisted up Tonglan waist.

If the woman used this trick, she could use any of the eighty-two weights of 220 pounds today, and it would be difficult for him to use this trick.

This is the easiest way to entangle the roots taught by the Empress, when he learns the python to entangle people, but twists the waist, neck or jaw, but he uses it at this time.

Although Tonglan was a bit surprised, she still twisted in the air, almost twisting her body against Ren Baqian's legs, and then grabbed him with two hands and threw him out. He smashed a one-person-sized pit on the ground .

Ren Baqian's groggy head stood up and shook his head, then looked at Tonglan with a fascinating look: "You dropped your pants."

"Do you think I can believe it? This trick is old!" Tonglan wrinkled her nose and hummed, and then felt her legs cold ...

Ren Baqian watched Tonglan pants fall down to reveal a small flat trouser head, which Lin Qiaole always wears, and functions like safety pants. After all, when women in this world fight with people, they will make a lot of leg movements and even jump to high places.

If it was not worn like in ancient China, it would have been gone.

Ren Baqian turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the Empress, and saw that the Emperor looked at herself with a glass of wine in her hand, and Ren Baqian was also flushed.

After all, this is not always glorious for a ten-year-old luoli.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I fight with you!" Tonglan screamed as if she had been rude, her face flushed with blood.

After half an hour, Tonglan went away, all eight thousand and two eyes were like pandas. Although it is still a panda's eye, it has made great progress this time.

At least ... well, although Tonglan wasn't hurt, Tonglan's trouser belt was hurt. Even if she cares ~ ~ this is also a huge improvement.

"You're pretty good at entanglement here. How about other tricks?" The empress smiled.

"Still incomplete, many actions are simply challenging human limits." Ren Baqian was helpless. There are a total of thirteen tricks in the hunting technique, and only two can be used. There are still five tricks that can barely make moves. The other few tricks can't even do the moves.

"This set of tricks only works for people. But at this time, you are not in the mountains, and you don't have to face the beast. If you practice this set of hunting skills, you will have some self-protection." The female emperor said lightly.

Tong Lan watched him angrily when he went to class the next day.

Although it was only a ten-year-old girl, she lost her trousers in such a shameful shame that she would remember it for a lifetime, not to mention that she wore a little striped trousers and she was even seen. It was a lifelong shame.

Ren Baqian does not matter, anyway, Tonglan is exhaled most of the time.

After half a month, the students ’steam trains have made some progress. At least the single flywheel in front has been changed into two large double flywheels. There is also a row of gradually smaller wheels in the back. In one turn, all wheels are connected, like the track of a tank.

At the same time, the connecting rods have all been changed to the inside.

This was how fast they progressed after consulting a few carpenters, but it was just asking for advice, and Ren Baqian watched them make it himself.

Therefore, Ren Baqian didn't care about this. After all, it was impossible to require these students to understand the skills of blacksmith and carpenter, and although there were carpenters' instructions, more of them were their own efforts.

However, the problem that followed was that the power of the steam engine could not move the simple steam locomotive made of wood.

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