The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 581: Eager female emperor

"Today those guys talked about the street lights in the middle of the palace again." The emperor sat unhappy at the table.

On the table between the empress and Ren Baqian, there was a steaming hot pot with a seductive aroma, and there was an ice basin and a fan not only far away from them, blowing a cool breeze on them.

"Your Majesty is losing his temper again?" Ren Baqian asked the Emperor with a glass full of wine.

The empress snorted softly. Anyway, Da Yaoman was thick and thick, and it didn't matter if he kicked his feet and patted his head for two turns.

"Xun explained it at the earliest, but they didn't understand it, they always thought that Xun was too extravagant. And I did something, where would it be for them to question!" The Empress drank a glass of wine before she complained.

In fact, the latter sentence is what the empress wants to say.

If you change someone else and explain a few more times, everyone will be able to explain their doubts.

But how could the empress' temperament be explained too calmly? The Minister of Dayao also has difficulty understanding that such street lamps are not really valuable.

In fact, the street lamp can be regarded as a treasure in this world. After all, there is no oil smoke, and it can always be lit. If it is placed outside, a large number of people rush to buy with money.

While Dayao has not been a wealthy country for a long time, the small vault in the Royal Palace completely relies on Dayao's gold mines to maintain royal expenses, and everyone is used to it.

The sudden change in the palace now makes many people feel wrong.

The emperor's temperament is arrogant, but she passed it by in a few words. Even if others asked, she was too lazy to explain. Nowadays, many people have misunderstood.

"Or let him explain it to them." Ren Baqian thought about it. Actually, he had heard about it before, but the emperor didn't speak, and no one asked him. He couldn't go out to explain the fact. This thing is not worth it?

"You don't need to worry about this," said the empress.

"Pour your wine!"

Ren Baqian filled the female emperor with wine, and then raised her wine glass to respect each other. After drinking the wine, she changed the topic and said, "What's going on in the northeast and southeast?"

"Izumo has 573 large and small cities. Now Zidong came to lay down 33 cities close to the border. As for the southeast, it is still a small and noisy city. There is not much movement." Some spirit.

Siege is a big deal for any emperor.

Even for the Empress.

"Is the frontline force enough?" Ren Baqian asked. Originally, there was only 15,000 troops in the Tohoku prefecture, and another 40,000 recruits were sent in succession, for a total of 55,000. Before the war with Daxia, the ancients had less than 100,000 soldiers.

These fifty-five thousand are already half of the original.

"I am ready to recruit another 40,000 new troops, and after the year will pass the conscription order." The emperor thought for a while.

"Is the food problem solved?"

"Your sweet potato pumpkin potatoes have played a lot of roles. The output is good under Ge Yihong's promotion. Next year, you will prepare a larger division. In addition, your cannery now also provides about 10,000 soldiers of military food, but many people. I'm scolding you! "The emperor raised a pout and smiled. It was a shame to take up the job.

"This curse, I am ashamed! I can change the cans in the cities to livestock for the army." Ren Baqian smiled. It ’s good not to be hungry.

"It is not necessary for the time being. It can only support 10,000 rations, mainly because the transportation path is too far away. After recruiting next year, canned and sweet potatoes and pumpkins are used as the rations for the recruits, so they do not need to be shipped to the direction of the cloud country. Feel free to say.

Ren Baqian thought about it. It is estimated that this infamy has to be carried on.

They drank four bottles of Erguotou and were slightly drunk.

"It's still better for you to drink, I don't know what else is there." Asked the Empress Meimu.

"I have already told the Zhang family that this wine can only be brewed for ten years and then highly purified. There is still a batch of Zhang family in Yunguo, but at this time there is no way to ship it. You need to wait for Ziduhu to lay down most of Yunguo. Yes. "Ren Baqian said something, watching the emperor rise and walk out, and also stood up and followed.

The two left the hall, and the emperor pulled Ren Yaqian and jumped on the roof.

Looking around, the whole palace is bright.

The emperor sat on the roof with her hand on her chin and said with a little joy: "I like this palace very much."

Then the wind turned: "These people are too annoying."

Ren Baqian smiled bitterly. The Empress returned here again. She also felt that they were annoying and unwilling to explain them in detail.

Reached out and grabbed the emperor's palm and placed it under his own capricorn. The emperor's palm still felt tender, soft, and full of temperature.

"What do you think of Dayao?" The Empress allowed him to grab his arm, watching the front of him suddenly lost in thought. In fact, the two of them have discussed this issue many times ~ ~ but it takes too long to realize, and she will imagine this from time to time.

Like a fantasy girl.

"Standing with your Majesty is the world I want." Ren Baqian said softly.

The empress looked at him with a tilted head, and then turned her head again: "The answer to slipping, I want to know in your mind what the future big Yao should look like."

"Flying cars all over the place ... Robots do most things. People do nothing after entering communism. Every day they look at this in the street to see if they have some fun. Then the two of them looked at each other, and one of them said," What are you doing? " ', The other:' Don't you? ', Then the two fisted, and finally there was a street fight, and then they were all caught in the security department to whip. "

Ren Baqian was kicked by the female emperor after she finished speaking.

What this guy said ... It's terrible.

Ren Baqian got up from the ground, first jumped to the side of the wall, then jumped to the main hall and sat down next to the emperor. When the emperor lifted his feet to kick, he quickly waved his hand: "Although it is said to be fun, it is not completely False. The speed of spiritual progress lags far behind the speed of material progress. This may happen. But I'm afraid I can't see this scene, but His Majesty may be able to see it. "

Even if Ren Baqian and the Emperor are at the same level, their lifespan will be much lower than that of the Empress, not to mention Ren Baqian will travel between the two worlds, consuming a lot of life on the earth.

"I won't let you die prematurely. It's just that you are pumped and moved. Tomorrow I will prepare a whip for you. If you do not work hard, you will whip you with a whip!" The empress looked at him with a tilted head. Said, the tone was full of ... eager to try?

Ren Baqian's expression suddenly froze.

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