The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 584: Wit

The next night, my mother and father, and Wan Wannian almost wandered around the emperor. It was really a wandering. The three did not say much. After all, it still took courage to talk to the emperor.

The three did not know the hobby of the empress, nor did they know what to say, and the emperor's aura could not allow the three to say anything casually like her uncle.

The three just wandered around the emperor from time to time. Occasionally Ren Baqian could hear any mother answer the phone, and then began Barabara: "My son and girlfriend are here, I will not go!" And so on.

Probably the parents in the world have a clear heart, from the earliest show off obedient, to later show off study, show off work, show off income, show off daughter-in-law, and then show off grandson ...

Money is nothing to show off. Both fathers and mothers are now hiding, lest some trouble. After all, they are older characters, and they are very cautious in this regard.

My son has been out for years, and he rarely shows up. Although he always said that he had a girlfriend, he never showed up and made many people mutter.

Renmu took out the selfie of Ren Baqian when she died abroad: "Look, this is my daughter-in-law!"

Then you can hear a lot of surprises.

This is what Ren Mu likes to say most recently.

Now that her son-in-law is finally at home, she can't wait for the whole world to know.

Whose daughter-in-law is so beautiful? So temperamental? Still a civil servant, the position is not low! It can be said that it is perfect.

The Empress was too tired this night. Although it seems that she is sitting there in such a posture, there are always people dangling around herself, which is awkward!

At night, the Empress finally found an opportunity to whisper Ren Renqian: "When will the fireworks display?"

Ren Baqian: "What fireworks? What fireworks? It has been banned for a long time. How can there be any fireworks?"

The empress immediately turned black. I counted on coming to see the fireworks display in the city, but told myself not? Do you want to be beaten?

Ren Baqian looked at the expression of the empress and immediately thought over it. Wouldn't the empress come so fast this time just to watch the fireworks? Why else ask this question at this time?

Immediately re-transmitted: "But Zixiao you want to display fireworks, who would refuse? Even if it is banned, there is no way out, but other people are within the banned range, and then they can only put it by themselves."

The empress thought for a while, she wanted to see the scene of fireworks all over the city. If you don't see it, you can choose to put it on your own. However, I still feel a little bit itchy, and I always feel that I have been cheated this time! After working hard for one night, it is likely that it will be hard for one night, but the result is invisible.

Although Mancheng Fireworks had watched the TV series to get the information and then made up her brain, she was forgotten selectively.

There are four rooms in this house, but there is a room just for the empress.

As for the two flying riders, he squeezed a room with Ren Qianqian, and then he was kicked out to sleep in the living room.

The two did not mind, what environment did not stay in flying ride? There are too many times in the wilderness, and it is good to have a tile cover.

It was just when Ren Yaqian went out to the toilet in the middle of the night that he was scared. By the light of the room, I saw two people sitting on the sofa with bright eyes, like a light bulb in the dark.

There are two such silhouettes in the darkness of the middle of the night, which is really scary.

"Why aren't you still asleep?" Ren Baqian asked in a breath, but they didn't react at all.

Ren Baqian frowned, and his heart immediately jumped. The two didn't answer. What happened? What happened?

"Xiong Bing, Xu Wei!" Ren Baqian whispered, and the two still did not respond.

Ren Baqian's heart suddenly strained, something happened?

But think about it, there should be nothing on earth that can affect them. Even if something happens, it's impossible to hide the Empress who is sleeping next door.

Standing still for two minutes, Ren Baqian raised his hand and turned on the light. Then they saw the two men staring angrily at the sofa, looking forward, as if staring at something.

Ren Baqian was looking at the direction in which the two were looking, except for the TV on the wall.

"What the **** is going on?" Ren Baqian stood on the spot and looked for a long time without seeing anything. He stepped forward and looked closely at the situation of the two, but found that the eyes of the two were scattered and completely out of focus.

Reaching out and shaking in front of their eyes, they did not respond at all. There were undulations in the chest, and people were alive.

Ren Baqian's heart was raised again, wouldn't there be any problem with the two? These two are flying rides. What can go wrong? Could it have been controlled? Who can stop them without alarming the Empress?

Isn't there such a person on Earth? Even the mysterious monk!

Isn't it really the mysterious monk? Probably not. The monk had no contradiction with himself. He received the second peach from him two months ago.

Does the earth have the same person as that monk?

Thinking of any eight thousand eyes here sharpened suddenly, and whispered, "Who?"

A silence.

Ren Baqian's gaze turned around in the room, and I saw that there was no problem around him. There was no more shadow, and the windows and doors were closed tightly.

"Don't blame me again, but don't blame me!"

Still silent!

Really nobody? So what happened? Could it be something supernatural that you don't understand?

Ren Baqian raised his vigilance, determined there was no danger, and then shook the shoulders of the two gently.

The eyes of the two people who had been slackened suddenly became concentrated, and they looked at Ren Baqian like a dream at first: "Lady lady? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you two?" Ren Baqian asked with a wary look around.


"Yeah, rest!"

Ren Baqian's face suddenly turned black when he heard that. After thinking about it for a long time, have you two been sleeping peacefully?

You two sleep with your eyes open? Or two people together? They all stare like bronze bells? Still sleeping so hard? what? what? what?

Ren Baqian didn't know what to say ~ ~ Ignore the two and walked to the bathroom to finish the water, took two towels and came out to buckle their heads and cover both faces Living.

"Master Ren?"

"Covering the face, the province's scary!" Ren Baqian turned off the light with a black face, and then looked back by the light in the room, inexplicably feeling like the zombie in the zombie film of Lin Zhengying.

Then when I returned to the room without sleeping for a while, I heard the sound of another door opening, and then Ren Wannian's scream.

Then my father and mother went out to check ... After a while of noise, the room finally quieted again.

The next day Ren Wannian got up with two dark circles and watched Ren Baqian's face resentment: "Brother, I was scared to death last night."

Ren Baqian hummed, naturally he wouldn't tell him: he was almost scared to death last night, and still fighting with the air for a long time.

It didn't take long for the father and mother to come out, and then the emperor.

Only the female emperor was not affected.

In fact, the Empress also suffered from insomnia last night. In such a strange environment, there were several people who were unknown, but had a certain important status, and the Empress did rare insomnia.

And everything outside is naturally heard clearly.

Even Ren Qianqian listened to the air with wisdom and bravery.

Although she didn't see many things, she could completely imagine. However, she did not remind Ren Baqian at all, and in the room listening to Ren Baqian entertained herself for a long time outside.

Therefore, the eyes came out with a smile in the morning, but it made the father and mother and Ren Wannian feel that the frost on her body had melted a lot.

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