The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 590: Downstairs

"Ha ha ha ha, Lord Qin is really a sword!"

"I will let you see if the knife is still good!"

The laughter bursting out next door made the whole Yunyan Tower tremble.

In particular, I don't know which **** is laughing and hammering the wall, Ren Baqian watched the gray urn on the beam fall into his glass.

The expression on Tong Zhenye's face first turned black, then he converged, and chanted loudly: "Drink, cut with a knife, drink with a big mouth, and sing loudly! This is how my ancient male looks!"

"Master Copper said it!" The wind throat first echoed, and the voice was almost shouting.

Then all the sounds in the hall suddenly increased more than a section. Ge Yihong patted the table directly there, Ren Baqian looked at the slate under the table cracked!

The whole room was filled with scumbags, and even the women's voices were inaudible.

The sound next door first stopped, and then it became enthusiastic, again suppressing the sound of Tong Zhenye and others.

How can Tong Zhenye endure? The complexion did not move, and the sound improved again!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ..." The voices of the workers in the Ministry of Industry plus five decibels ...

"Hahahahahaha ..." The voices of the soldiers were five decibels higher ...

"Hahahahahaha ..." The voices of the Ministry of Industry again raised the voice ...

"Hahahaha ..." The Ministry of Defense ...

Then within two quarters of an hour, the whole Yunyan Tower was full of people in two rooms ...

Ren Baqian covered his ears and looked at Tong Zhenye blushing with a blushing expression. There was a "laughing" on his throat ... the blue tendons on his neck came out!

And Ge Yihong, you have broken the sound! That sound is like breaking a gong! Seeing that you are out of breath and laughing? I'm really worried that you lie down next second!

Can you stay away from that hammer wall? Did you crack the wall without looking? If you smash it down, it is estimated that Yunyan Tower will have to be Yunyun in the past ... That is really the name.

People on the entire street looked at Yunyan Tower in a spirited manner. The voice on Yunyan Tower almost covered half of the street. Everywhere else, you had to yell, or you could not hear it in a room. .

Then when I asked about it, I knew that Qin Chuan and Tong Zhenye were inside, and each of them lost his face. The two adults met together, and they didn't know when they could stop.

Xing Rong stood up and pushed open the window. The moonlight outside the window spilled into this always dim room, followed by the noise from Yunyan Tower.

"Sir, the two are fighting again," someone said behind him.

"Let them go." Xing Rong did not care. If he had to think of a solution, he wouldn't need it today.

Ren Baqian, next to him, was wearing a black men's clothing, and the emperor's hair combed into Daxia's scholar's bun was black, but it was quite a new thing to come to the blue building, but I heard the noise next door before sitting down, and then the sound grew The bigger the two sides were, the higher the voice was, the magic sound filled the ears, letting her eyes straight, and subconsciously scratched her fingers on the table, and the table was filled with sawdust.

She could not wait to jump out now and give the two goods a kick.

But think of yourself as "seeking pleasure" and "visiting privately", the empress thinks it still bears, but her face has always been ugly.

Beside the empress were two smiling women with outstanding temperament accompanying them, but they couldn't laugh anymore. I tried to cover my ears a few times and didn't dare.

The green kite and red owl sitting not far away from the empress was dressing up as a pretty little boy. From entering the room, she was eager to "eat tofu" on the girl around her. The girl didn't care, but her eyes were funny.

These three handsome little brothers can be seen as women dressed as men without eyesight.

In Lancheng, he opened the window and looked at it. They were all big men. Where were the three handsome brothers?

Especially these two also have a fat powder taste.

At this time, Qing Jie also stopped her hair and feet, turned her head to the emperor and said, "My son, it's too noisy!"

The empress raised her eyebrows and said with her eyes: What are you talking about?

Qing Jie: "Too noisy!"

Queen: I can't hear it!

Hung Ho looked at the two and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The female emperor and blue kite looked at Hongyu with their eyes: What did you say?


The wall that was constantly being destroyed by the wind throat was finally broken.

The two tables at the two halls glanced at each other:

"It turned out that the old man was here," Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan said in unison.

"Who does the old man say?" Tong Zhenye repeated his tricks.

"Old man says you!" Qin Chuan stepped into the same pit as always.

"I said why is it so stinky today! The old man is here to stain the Yunyan Tower with blood?" Tong Zhenye laughed wildly.

Hit someone, hit your face, scold someone to get rid of it!

"It's better than your **** walking on the bottom!" Qin Chuan stood up and looked at Tong Zhenye.

"Come here, the old man will show you who the **** is!"

"Why, do you want to try the old man's knife again?"

"Okay, my husband just got something recently. Just try to see if you grow!" Tong Zhenye patted the table and the table in front of him shattered.

Before he raised his hand, Ren Baqian grabbed a plate of peanut-like dried fruit and shrank into the corner while eating peanuts, waiting to see the show.

As for the others, they are big eyes and small eyes, killing each other with their eyes.

As long as Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan met each other, they were like cockfighting, and the relationship between the two departments was not very good.

"Come, here you are afraid of breaking things, let's make a comparison on the roof!" Tong Zhenye ignored the damaged wall and table and forgot to ask Ren Baqian what he said directly Chuan went to the roof to fight.

As soon as they left, others followed the roof.

Ren eight thousand or so staggered, and staggered outside the window again, the third floor is so high, there is no place to step, you can not go up!

When eating melons, people still need to have a good skill, otherwise they wo n’t have a chance!

"Shi Hu" Ren Baqian yelled, and Shi Hu waiting outside came in immediately, and then took Ren Baqian to the roof and put him down.

Ren Baqian's drink was blown by the wind ... more dizzy ...

The so-called Jiujiner was awake when the wind blows, nonsense, there is a saying called see the wind down.

Ren Baqian shook his head. He just settled to find the position of the two from the crowd. He only heard the sound of "bang". The two broke the roof and hit the bottom ...


A group of people flashed.

On the roof, Ren Baqian was holding a plate filled with peanuts and a stone tiger blowing cold wind there.


How embarrassing it was that I had just come up and others went down!

Ren Baqian was lying on the roof, enjoying the night breeze, looking at the moon above him.

"Nah ... Shi Hu, don't you look like the eyes on the big moon?" Ren Baqian looked for a long time and asked drunk.

At this moment, a red moon and a much smaller moon hang above the sky.

In the middle of that round of red moon, there is an eye-like thing, as if watching everyone who looks into the sky.

However, this is not always visible. The last time I saw it was a long time ago. I did n’t see it after Ren Baqian and forgot it. Now on this night, I suddenly saw it again.

"Boom! Boom!" Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan flew out of the Yunyan Tower, disappearing into the night with their eyes.

The entire Yunyan Tower was shaking, with a crunching sound, as if to fall.

"Adult be careful." Shi Hu's face suddenly changed, and he would run after holding eight thousand.



Yunyanlou suddenly collapsed after making a crunching sound.

After a while of dust.

The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Defense were honestly in the yard. "His Majesty!"

Fang Cai Tongye and Qin Chuan broke through the wall and went to another hall when they played against each other. Then they saw a few people in the hall, and everyone was dumbfounded.

No one expected that the empress would be here.

The empress was also black-faced and shot both of them one by one.

At this moment watching the crowd, the emperor snorted and disappeared into the moonlight.

After the emperor's departure, the talents became very angry.

"Why is Your Majesty here?" Fengmiao sighed.

"Catch the trap!" Ge Yihong hit the spot.

"What about the governor?"

"I didn't see ... would you see your Majesty hiding?"

"Well ... I'm here!" Ren Baqian crawled out of the ruins ~ ~ still the room.

"Sir, Yunyan Tower has fallen!"

"The bill will be sent to Tongfu and Qinfu tomorrow."

"Your Majesty demolished it!"

"The bill will be sent to Tongfu and Qinfu tomorrow."


When his men retreated, Xingrong sighed and was tired. It might as well be stabbed with a knife in the northern capital.


Xingrong touched his only one eye, and looked at his only hand, **** were missing from it.

Unfortunately, I ca n’t hold the knife in the future!

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