The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 62: Come back home

Xu woke up and returned to Hua Guo's bedroom.

"When is it a head?" Ren Baqian rubbed his face and sat up directly from the bed.

Wu Huaguo doesn't need to worry about this much. A black mud recipe that cooperates with the Chen family can let you eat for a lifetime.

Now I want to hold my position in Dayao, at least don't suddenly lose my head someday.

I sat on the bed for a while, and Ren Baqian saw that the sky outside had begun to light up, opened the window, and a cold wind blew in directly.

"It's colder again." Ren Baqian looked at himself muttering.

的 The time on both sides is not equal. Basically, it takes twelve days to go back and forth and three times a month.

I only felt ten days later, and actually one month passed.

As a result, climate change gave him an extraordinarily sudden feeling.

Another point is that when he comes back from that world, he feels that the air in the city is extremely turbid, with a pungent smell, which makes him more and more unwilling to go out.

Standing in front of the window for a while, Ren Baqian thought that if he could see the benefits of the black mud paste earlier, then he could buy an island and live on it without having to endure the turbid air. Already.

But he also knows that the black mud paste is not destined to be harvested in a short time.

Twenty-three to five years are considered small.

I don't talk about drug development and subsequent experiments, it is not easy to build a pharmaceutical factory from scratch.

It seems that I still have to find a way to make more money.

Yuan Yuan can't hydrolyze near thirst.

I thought about it for a while, and it seems that there is nothing that Da Yao can come back to make money.

Panda, does he dare to sell?

He didn't dare to bark the teeth. There is no such creature on earth, the closest thing is the saber-toothed tiger who did not know how many billions of years ago.

Basically, there is something on the earth that you dare not take out, or it ’s worthless. What the earth does not dare to take out.

Unless it is something like a prescription, the benefits are still too slow.

Silver is okay, and now I can earn about eighty-two a month, plus the shop that is still under renovation can have more than one or two, which is like 40,000 to 50,000. Plus the chiller may make some more.

It just seems that there is also a risk that long-term large quantities of silver are taken out. And for ordinary people, there are a lot of 500,000 to 500,000 a year, and now Ren Renqian is a little bit sloppy.

With the heart of selling white powder, and earning money to sell cabbage, that's it.

Bian Renbaqian suddenly remembered that Da Yao seemed to have a lot of gems. I don't know how. Maybe I can understand it when I go back. It is quite feasible to get some gemstones back, it is better to have a small quantity but a great value.

I was there for a while, and Ren Baqian turned on the phone that had been turned off at the table and looked at it. After turning on the phone, there were a few text messages that missed the call.

Two Chen Qing, one Dong Haiqing, one Chen Bing, and one from home.

Dial the phone back, and when you first connected, you heard a few words coming from there: "Do you still know to call back? Call you and you shut down, you can't find you. If you don't call back, I will call the police and say you are missing It's ... "

Ren Baqian kept the phone a little further away from his ears. He waited for a long time to finish the conversation. "Recently, the company is busy. I work overtime every day. I do n’t pay attention to the phone. I ’m just busy today. I will give you Please call. "

"Well, do you know the words?" Ren Baqian's mother murmured before asking: "How about the company?"

"Very good, flourishing." Ren Baqian put on a relaxed tone.

"Forget it, I don't understand your things. It's Mid-Autumn Festival today. Will you come back? It's too late to take a car now."

"Mid-Autumn Festival today?" Ren Baqian wondered.

"Are you stupid? Are you ignorant of the date?"

"Oh, have you been too busy lately, I really haven't noticed. I'll set off and go back at noon." Ren Baqian said quickly.

"It's almost the same, come back soon."

I hung up the phone and Ren Baqian took a long breath. I felt that I hadn't had many days, and more than two months had passed.

I have another grieving face, when is my head?

But think about it if you really ca n’t come back after wearing the world directly. I do n’t know how sad my family is. Ren Baqian thinks the situation is not too bad now.

Li Renbaqian looked at Chen Qinglai's missed call and suddenly remembered that Chen Qing's engagement date seemed to be approaching, but unfortunately he had nothing good to give him. Chen Qing asked for money and money, and there seemed to be nothing missing.

I thought for a while, instead of calling him back, I washed my clothes and went downstairs to drive home.

Jiren Baqian's home is about 300 kilometers from here, and he went downstairs at noon.

Looking at the familiar but shabby neighborhood, Ren Baqian felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. This is the feeling at home.

"Brother, brother!" Ren Baqian heard the shout and looked up, seeing his own window where his brother was waving at himself.

Yi Renbaqian smiled, locked the car, and knocked on the door.

"The Audi below is yours?" Ren Baqian asked when he opened the door.

"You look so good." Ren Baqian thumbs up.

"Crap, I don't know you are far-sighted." Ren Baqian slaps his head. "Give me the keys and I'll go for a walk."

Qi Ren Yaqian smiled and threw the key to Dad. He knows that Dad has always liked cars ~ ~ But after all, two children have to raise, so after so many years, I bought a second-hand Alto with a bite, and used it as a step. So after seeing this car, it's inevitable to see Li Xinxi.

瞧 "Look at your excitement, it's all cars, what's the best way to drive?" There was a mother's voice in the kitchen.

Dad ignored her at all, took the key and went out happily.

"Brother, do you have any presents for me?" Dad gathered around as soon as his brother left.

Ren Wannian's younger brother, Ren Wannian, is a senior in high school this year. He is taller than himself, he is handsomer, his academic performance is better, and people are bright and sunny.

However, the brothers can serve for eight thousand and ten thousand for each, showing the parents' expectations for the two. But for this kind of hope, Ren Baqian just wanted to say, "Chen Ye really can't do it."

"Buy a mobile phone for you tomorrow." Ren Baqian looked at his brother's height and had the capital to absolutely eat on his face.

"Thank you, brother." Ren Wannian immediately smiled.

Bian Ren put down eight thousand things and went into the kitchen for a turn. At a glance, they were all their favorite dishes. It seemed that they had just started frying.

I want to come to my mother to prepare all morning, waiting to return when I do, I'm afraid I can't eat hot.

"When you get back, just stay on the side and don't get in the way." In a word, my mother threw all the tenderness of Ren Baqian's heart into the ditch and touched her nose to sit on the sofa Already.

"Brother, what's your company doing?" Ren Wannian asked next to Ren Baqian.


药物 "Drugs? When did you understand this, brother?" Ren Wannian wondered.

"I know more about your brother." Ren Baqian was proud.


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