The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 867: Earth spring

"Your Majesty and Lord Ren are in a hurry, and the old man hasn't finished speaking yet ..." Lin Siji continued to be indifferent.

"In fact, this method is modified by the old man. There are two methods of cultivation. One is the method of the hearth that the old man just said ..."

"Another kind is to use the Diyin Spring in the 60,000 Mountains ..."

Ren Baqian and the female emperor stared at Lin Siji with a murderous eye. Is there any other way you didn't say earlier? Did you deliberately tease us?

If Ren Baqian can't wait to agree, or the emperor disagrees, I'm afraid it's easy for them to stay in their hearts.

Fortunately, the Empress Dowager was generous, and Ren Baqian also had a sense of compassion. Both sides were more moved. In addition, the Empress's vinegar jar was directly turned.

Old goods are not good! Ren Baqian immediately tagged Lin Siji in front of him.

"However, this method is extremely dangerous. Diyinquan is very special here. There are rumors that this diyinquan connects the two realms of life and death. It is unknown whether it is true or false. , Not to mention the cultivation of it. If it is determined, it is good, otherwise you are afraid that you will not be able to endure the illusory harassment, and you will never come back.

Ren Baqian frowned: "Lin Siji, is there no other way to cultivate the body?"

"This time is the shortest, and other methods will take years to produce results. I'm afraid it's too late. Only this can be a trick, and it can be achieved quickly."

There was a smile on Lin Siji's dry old face.

"Then use the second." Ren Baqian. After practicing Ruyiguan, he still has some confidence in his willpower.

What ghost attack can be compared with all kinds of dead and alive in the five thoughts?

And you can also send the spring water back to earth for inspection! Why put such a big handle on the emperor's hand, in case she remembered that day after the fall to settle accounts, then she wasn't hapless.

"Using the first method!" The empress said directly.

"Your Majesty!" Ren Baqian wanted to speak.

"I'm saying it!" The Empress interrupted him directly.

"Your Majesty ... What should Chen see when they can't stand up?" Ren Yaqian spread his hands.

The emperor's forehead began to scorch hot, and her neck was leaping with blue muscles.


"There is a hole directly in the wall.

Only three emperors, Lin Siji and Lin Qiaole remained in the Qingxin Hall.

"Now that I'm clean, I'll use the first method." The emperor could shave a layer of ice from her face and said coldly.

He made up his mind and would definitely find six for Ren Baqian to make him feel pained as soon as he saw it.


Ren Baqian felt dizzy for a while, and flew far in the air before smashing a roof and falling.


"The waist is about to break!" Ren Baqian opened his mouth for a long time to air-condition, and then saw a person not far away looking at himself.

It was looking at itself in the bucket.

"How about taking a bath?" Ren Baqian squeezed out a kind smile.

"Yes!" Xinzhe sat in the bucket with a cold face, both shoulders and neck were exposed outside the bucket, and her hair was all loose.

"Your Majesty threw me over!" Ren Baqian thought seriously. I ca n’t carry this pot by myself, nor can I afford it.

"Guess it!" Xinzhe continued to look at him coldly.

"You live in the palace? I didn't know it before." Ren Baqian lay on the ground and looked around. The layout was simple and a knife hung on the wall. However, a few small pieces in the room looked very cute, he thought it might be a heart-breaking residence.

"I have a place to live in the city, but most of the time I rest here, it is Her Majesty's privilege." Ren Baqin asked, Xinzhe answered truthfully, and she could not see any psychological activity from her face.

"Oh." Ren Baqian nodded.

"Aren't you going?" Xinzhan asked with a cold face when Ren Baqi did not get up.

"The waist is going to be broken, I have to wait for a while!" Ren Baqian pumped the airway.

"I'm done washing! Let's go!" Xinzhe said, stood up from the bucket with the sound of splashing water, stepped out of the bucket, picked up a cloth from the side to wipe the body clean, and then put the vest , Safety pants, followed by armor.

Ren Baqian kept watching the pair of D beating ...

And hips ...

There are other things you shouldn't see ...

After all, no one was wearing clothes when taking a shower at home.

The heart-breaking action didn't hide anything, she didn't seem to know much about these things.

"Don't move anything in the room." Xinzhe put on the armor and turned his head to face any eight thousand.

"I see, walk slowly." Ren Baqian responded honestly, then watched Xinzhan go out of the room.

Ren Baqian lay on the ground, watching the big hole in the roof beam, smelling the aroma that hadn't disappeared in the air, and sighed-"Life!"

After lying on the ground for a long time, he leaned on his waist and walked around the room, mainly the wooden carved ornaments, a Heilangjun and two monkeys that looked lifelike. This thing.

Only then did she stroll to the palace of the empress, who was already waiting there.

"Your Majesty, I remember you said you would go back and look at the mother's grave." Ren Baqian.

"It's time to go." The Empress looked cold, looking unhappy.

It should be said that unhappy is written directly on the face.

"I'll take a trip with my uncle, and just look at the Yinquan in that place. If you can, the minister still wants to try it. If your majesty is by your side, if you find that something is wrong, you still have time to drag the uncle? In another way, two preparations can be made. "Ren Baqiandao. He really didn't want the empress to arrange this. The empress was unhappy and didn't say that she would be in trouble.

The emperor froze for a moment, but did not expect Ren Baqian to mention it. However, Ren Baqian's words have some truth. What exactly is Di Yinquan, she doesn't know. It is good to go and see the situation. "

Thinking of this, the empress's face eased a lot.

Then hesitated positively and said: "In the beginning, I chose you as my husband, and I decided to reach the ground wheel. Now you have reached ~ ~ You must also prepare for the upper and lower levels of the center. I really want to Before going to the mother's grave to see, after all, the father and emperor have been missing for a long time, only the mother is still there.

For reason and reason, you have to go with you. Diyinquan, just have a look. According to Lin Jiji, the use of ground Yinquan is successful, and the effect is a bit higher than the use of furnace tripod.

But if that doesn't work, you have to practice with a hearth. "

"How does Your Majesty hope?" Ren Baqian asked.

The empress said quietly: "Naturally, I don't want that. I used to be in the palace and used to it, and I never felt anything wrong. With you, I've been lively, but now I'm afraid of loneliness. Afraid of something that happened to you, thinking of you staying with you, happy with you, sad with you, watching the moon with you, drinking with you ... "

The sudden expression of the Empress's heartfelt warmed Ren Baqian's heart, and she wanted to accompany the Emperor in this way, as she had said before.

"I can beat you when I'm really unhappy and be happy."

"Your Majesty, you can't say that." Ren Baqian said earnestly.

The empress suddenly smiled, swept away the coldness of her body, picked up the jug from the collapsed side and poured two glasses of wine.

"Take a glass, you have a glass." After taking a sip, drink the wine from the glass and pour another glass.

"So Di Lingquan can go and see. If it doesn't work, you have to use a furnace tripod. Rest assured, I will find you the six ugliest and oldest! So I won't mind!"

"Sir, you don't need to say that!"

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