The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 697: Situation

"Governor!" Gatlin stared, his face in pain.

After so many missions, no matter how dangerous the situation has survived, I did not expect this time in China, it turned out to be this way of death.

After hitting the governor, the car smashed into an adjacent wall diagonally, and then hit a building before stopping.

This also made them sure that the car was indeed out of control.

The harsh sound of friction at the beginning and the route behind that car have proved this.

There was a sorrow in the eyes of another.


"Governor ..." Gatling looked grim.

"Don't care." The other growled at him. "Don't forget what we came for! Now that the goal has been reached, we must send him away to complete our mission!"

Gatling gritted his teeth and calmed down quickly.

The two carried Ren Baqian and rushed towards the previously scheduled location.

The two were struggling with all their spirits, always nervous around them, for fear of any further problems.

Too many things happened in this short journey today.

Let both doubt whether they have been abandoned by God.

They look forward to God ’s blessing, and do n’t go wrong on the rest of the way.

However, just 50 meters from the target location, Gatlin suddenly fell to the ground.

Even Ren Yaqian's head smashed to the ground.

"Gatling!" The other man was startled.

"Stomp ..." Gatlin got up from the ground with a bitter expression, trying to land with his feet. He felt cold sweat, but still stood firmly there.

"You can get to it with one leg, too?" The other said, placing Ren Baqian on the ground.

Although he had suffered some trauma when he hit the pit before, the two ran so far with Ren Baqian carrying more than 200 kilograms, his clothes were almost soaked with sweat, but now he has no choice.

Even if it is dead, the target must be sent to a predetermined location.

Fortunately, there were no problems in the last few meters.

A box truck was parked there. There was no one in the car. The back compartment was originally intended to put the previous car, and it was unnecessary at this time.

In front of the truck, a very ordinary Jetta was parked.

The two stuffed Ren Qianqian into the trunk and headed towards the sea.

When they drove, they were all intimidated, for fear of falling into the pit again. Fortunately, the road went smoothly. Soon they got on the speedboat, and there were two people waiting to see them. Come here and sail quickly.

In just 20 minutes, they can leave the territorial waters and enter the high seas in three hours.

Only a few dozen miles away, two **** boats followed, and they tried to contact them by radio to stop and check.

However, the speed of the **** boat was much slower than that of their speedboat, and it was not long before they were thrown away.

Seeing the back of the **** boat became smaller, a few people were relieved.

Turning around and looking at Ren Baqian who was **** and thrown behind, he was still in a coma, and several people were relieved.

"Looking at him, this guy is probably a master of unarmed fighting. All seven people at the scene were seriously injured. Three of them should have been injured by him, and if they were hit by a narcotic bomb, it is estimated that they were hit in an instant. Down. If he wakes up, the speedboat is so small, a few of us may not be his opponents, "said the man who brought Ren Yaqian all the way.

"Bundled so sturdy, what can he do even if he wakes up? It's almost time, and it's time to get a first-aid shot. If something goes wrong, we won't explain it. After all, it cost him so much." Another person took a miniature syringe from a box on the ship and prepared to give Ren eight thousand needles.

This kind of narcotic ammunition is very powerful, but the harm is not small. If you don't have a first-aid injection, it will be easy for the shot person to die due to paralysis.

"Can you speak Chinese? And, what's on your hand?" Just then, Ren Baqian, who was thought to be lethargic, opened his eyes suddenly, startling a few people.

"How is that possible? At this dose, even an elephant would have to sleep for one hour. Normal people would sleep at least six hours!" Several people were frightened.

It's just an hour and a half before he counts it up, but he woke up?

Ren Bianqian was tied tightly, opened his eyes and looked around first. It was very bumpy and was at sea.

It had been known before he opened his eyes.

Near him were four people, a white man with brown hair and a cigarette, a white man with blond hair, a brown skin that looked like South Americans, and an East Asian.

Several people seemed shocked.

As for his own environment, he also knew very well that he was tied tightly and was also mounted on a speedboat.

If it is normal, it is estimated that in a few hours, I have to stay in some cells or laboratories.

Unfortunately, for ordinary people, they are not normal.

There are too many ways to escape.

The big deal went directly back to Dayao, and then returned with the empress.

By then, no matter where the speedboat is and how many people are guarding them, they will be similar to the raw pork on the cutting board.

In this case, he naturally couldn't get nervous.

"Who are you? Where are you going to tie me? What do you want to do?" Ren Baqian asked without hesitation.

"Hello, Mr. Ren. Who we are and you will know later. As for where to tie you, what to do, you will know when you get there. For your safety, I want you to be quiet and not to "It's a mess," said the blonde and white man, fluent in Chinese.

Although the target was awake, it surprised him. But in this case, it doesn't matter if the target wakes up. Like a fish on a cutting board, he can't do anything.

Ren Baqian and the other party's ideas when they look at each other are surprisingly consistent ~ ~ Ren Baqian pondered, he now has two choices.

One is to kill each other, and then go back in a speedboat.

But it's also troublesome to always be remembered so much.

As for the second option, follow the other party to Lao Chao, and then put the other party in the pot.

After 30 seconds of thought, Ren Baqian made a decision.

Of course, choose the first one!

80% of the other party is an agent of that big western country. What if they get to their nest? Can they still kill their president?

Many measures on the earth are indeed invincible. Just like this time, the opponent used a dagger with a narcotic bomb, and he was actually brought down by three people.

Even in the case of unarmed confrontation, you can hit them a hundred.

The most important thing is that you are waiting to get married now. How can I have time to talk to you?

So Ren Baqian immediately made the most encouraging choice.

As for the other party's mind, let's remember ... Anyway, the other party will at most find some trouble for themselves. As long as they still want something in their mind, they can't kill themselves.

Make up your mind and do the rest.

"Several people, this is Hua Guo. I hope you can tell us what you are doing, otherwise you will be arrested for espionage and kidnapping." Ren Baqian was not indifferent.

"Haha, haha! Boy, if you can do it!" Another East Asian grinned, then got up and moved to Ren Baqian, staring at him with a grimace: "Maybe you should understand yourself now Situation! "

After speaking, raising his hand to Ren Baqian's face was a punch.

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