The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 718: stronghold

The dazzling land is sparsely populated.

To what extent?

Except for the 60,000 Great Mountains, the area of ​​Dayao is about one quarter of that of China.

Among them, Tianjing Land occupies one-sixth of the area, that is, 400,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​two ordinary provinces and accommodates 10 million people.

The remaining 2 million square kilometers, equivalent to the area of ​​ten ordinary provinces, has less than four million ancient ethnic groups.

The ancient people have more than 10 million people, of which 10 million are in the 60,000 mountains.

The area of ​​the ten provinces is only 4 million people. From this, we can see how far the wide population is scarce in Dayao.

A village can't be seen often for three or two days. As the distance from Lancheng becomes more desolate, in addition to the barren mountains and old forests where all kinds of beasts live, there are boundless pastures. Jumping sheep.

Hundreds of thousands of horned cattle and jumping sheep moved across the grassland, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

But here, Ren Baqian's most trouble is the road.

There is almost no road.

There is only one potty dirt road, which is much worse than the roads in other places. After rain, it is all muddy, and the wheels often sink directly into the mud.

After walking for a week in this way, he finally approached the last destination before entering the 60,000 Mountains.

When the mountain peaks can be seen in the distance, Ren Baqian and others finally came to the last and largest city outside the 60,000 Mountains, which is also the port city of the 60,000 Mountains to communicate with the outside world.

Also called a brutal city.

This city is left over from the last dynasty of Lao Kingdom. The barbarians are their title to the ancients, and they also mean that the city is a barren land.

Today, even the Qiang Kingdom has been extinct for 70 years, but the name of the city has been passed down. Even the ancients called this city most of the time.

"Captain Zhang Jushan of the Southern Capital Guard House, has seen His Majesty!" Came to meet a thousand-man army, the same leather armor, with a long sword.

However, it always seems that Ren Baqian feels a little different. It seems to be more fierce than the soldiers in other places.

The emperor opened the curtain to let the soldiers outside see him, and then said lightly, "Advanced city!"


After traveling for a long time, it is getting closer and closer to Yacheng, but the most attractive mountains are still the mountains in the distance.

The mountain peaks stand upright, like pillars standing between the heavens and the earth, straight into the sky.

Roughly looking at the past, there are at least hundreds of such peaks, which are extremely spectacular.

And between these peaks, there are many shorter mountains winding up and down, and the boundary is not visible within the range of sight.

Looking here, you can hardly see anything other than mountains.

That is the sixty thousand mountain.

After reaching Yacheng, Ren Baqian finally turned his attention to Yacheng.

The city walls are full of gray boulders, full of grimness. There is a sharp bulge above the wall, like the fangs in the mouth of a beast, all over the wall.

These sharp protrusions, like fangs, were previously used to prevent the ancients from attacking the city. It is not known how much blood of the ancients and the Jings flowed.

Entering Yacheng, there are rows of high-rise stone houses, the doors are three meters high, and the first floor houses are generally four meters high, without any decoration, full of quaint taste.

What made Ren Baqian even more concerned were the ancient people who stood and watched on both sides of the road.

Some were clothed, animal skins, shirtless, and even grass-woven.

Some people had bird feathers on their heads, some had animal tails on their shoulders, some had snakes on their bodies, some had a Loon horn on their necks, and many had a string of fangs around their necks.

There are all kinds of tamed beasts. There are white toothed tigers, black Langjun with a weak atmosphere, giant snakes entwined with gold and silver patterns, monkeys about the same size and eyes as humans, and Two tall birds ...

It's strange.

Ren Baqian felt as if he had entered another world.

Only one thing is the same, that is, everyone has a wild taste.

"Those people are from different regions. People in each region have characteristics, which is a way to show their identity. For example, the person with a bird feather on his head is a person from Montenegro. If it's the tail, if it's the tiger's tail, then it's Chitufeng. If it's the furry beaver's tail, it's a person from the Rocky Mountains ... "said the emperor looking at the various men and women outside.

"Have you been down?" Ren Baqin asked, turning his head.

"I came once when I was young," the emperor replied lightly.

"Your Majesty's memory is really good." Ren Baqian's tongue, when he was a kid, at least ten years ago, he still remembered so clearly.

It is indeed a player who is hung up.

"They are my people, and I naturally remember them." The Emperor stood up and pulled open the curtain of her driver, stepped out and stood there looking down at the crowd.

"It's the little emperor!"

"Little Emperor is back!"

"Your Majesty is back!"

There was a sudden chaos outside, and many people shouted that the little emperor had returned, with joy in their voices ~ ~ It seemed that seeing the female emperor made them feel very happy.

However, the emperor has been in office for nine years, but in the eyes of the ancients far from Lancheng, they are still little emperors.

"Your Majesty, do you remember Chitufeng Yuequan Village? You still rested in our village!"

"Did we have eaten at Yangquan Village in Chitu Peak! At the beginning, it was still a golden feather eagle beaten by my father!" Someone shouted immediately.

These people do not understand a little etiquette, but they are free and simple in the mountains.

Although the voice was messy, it made the empress feel peace from her heart.

"Don't shout! In front of Your Majesty, what do you shout like this?" The general who had greeted the Empress immediately rebuked the people at the roadside.

"It's all right!" The emperor waved her hand and looked down at the surrounding area before she said in a flat voice: "I'm going back to the mountains this time to see if you're doing well."

"It's okay, it's too expensive salt now! No one's skins are accepted!" Someone shouted immediately.

"This is temporary. Now we are fighting in the north. When we win, there will be a lot of salt farms, and then the salt price will drop. Animal skins, you keep it first, and some people will collect it in a few days." Said to the crowd with peace.

"That's good! If there is a shortage of people in war, let me tell you! Last time, my boy's family was one step too late and didn't become a soldier!"

"Yes!" The empress laughed.

"Little emperor, are you going to get married?" I wonder who suddenly called out such a voice.

The empress nodded and smiled: "Yes, the news about the marriage of the uncle will be sent soon."

Ren Baqian stepped out of his car and arched his hands around him: "I've seen you all."


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