The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 734: Pretending to be unknown

Ren Baqian was extremely tormented that night, obviously he couldn't sleep, but he didn't dare to move, and he had to breathe lightly, so as not to wake up the empress.

For a moment, I thought about the scene I saw at that time, and for a while I remembered the touch that still remained on my hands, and worried whether the empress would wake up to anger or anger.

Although their marriage had been settled, they even said it before the grave of the empress.

In this regard, the Empress is extremely shy.

It is difficult to make much progress before the big wedding.

Ren Baqian had known this for a long time, and there were only a few months left. He was not in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, because of such a small half bowl of fake honey, this situation has actually occurred.

Instead, he was a little dazed.

Although the harvest is big enough.

But the danger is greater than the harvest.

Marx said that with a profit of 300 percent, it would dare to commit any crime, even risking hang-ups.

But Ren Baqian felt that he just held it ... two times ... three times ... and was buried by the empress who was ashamed and angry.

So now the best option is to pretend to be dead.

I don't know how long, Ren Baqian closed her eyes tightly, heard a soft hum from the bed, and then the voice of the emperor stood up.

The emperor sat there for a moment, dressed her clothes, and the details of this voice traced a trace in Ren Baqian's mind.

Then the emperor kicked Ren Qianqi to wake up.

"Oh? It hurts!" Ren Baqian said sleepily.

"What was born last night?" The Empress asked lightly.

"What was born? I don't know!" Ren Baqian looked blankly at the Empress, who was wearing her white underclothes and the red gauze draped outside, staring at herself with flashing eyes.

"What was born?" Ren Baqin asked.

"It's okay!" The Empress looked away, her figure flickered to the door and pushed open the door.

Seeing the action of the female emperor, Ren Baqian quietly exhaled and gave herself a praise, worthy of being a powerful film emperor.

The empress pushed open the door, her eyes flashed. She felt that a small amount of sweat was behind her, which was impossible for her strength.

"Your Majesty, why is your face a little red?" Qing Xie wondered, holding a tub aside.

The empress waited for her a hard look, but her voice did not reveal any clues, as if asking casually: "blush?"

Qing Jie was kicked by the red cricket, and she lowered her head and said, "It's wrong. The morning sun was shining on the cricket's face, and it looked red."

"What's wrong with your Majesty?" Ren Baqian stepped out of the room and asked.

"It's okay." The empress waved her hand and let the two wait for her to wash.

"If Your Majesty is blushing a bit, it must also look good." Ren Baqian laughed.

Although he had been tormented all night, his spirit was very good at this time, mainly the effect of the honey. Just drinking a little bit can make a person feel more energetic.

This honey has a strong excitement.

However, if it is a little more, the situation of last night will appear, excitement, thrill and various hallucinations, and even fragmentation.

After breakfast, the party was about to leave.

But only three hundred flying riders would leave with the emperor, while the other three hundred people went in other directions and went to various villages.

Including justice, they also have a mission that the emperor has explained: make up for the flying ride.

Not just to make up for it, the Empress is preparing to expand the flying ride to 4,000 people this time.

After all, today's food production in Dayao has greatly increased, and Izumo immediately fell into the hands. Even if the appetite for flying rides is even greater, it can now support more.

And the direction that the emperor and Ren Baqin are going to, there is also a poor mountain forest in the 60,000 mountains, there are almost no villages, so they split the road, Ren Baqian and the emperor went to the place where Lin Dianji said, The other three hundred people went to the depths of 60,000 Dashan under the leadership of justice to recruit the masters of Huatiantian.

When everyone packed their clothes, Ren Baqian saw the person who put the royal chef on the back of the mount and said quickly: "You don't need to bring this."

"Sir, the honey of this golden ring bee is very precious. It would be a shame to throw it away." The humanity of Yu Shan Chu.

Ren Baqian turned his head. This honey is indeed a good thing, but I don't know if it will be addictive. Otherwise, it's a great thing to drink some wine while waiting for the cave.

"After all, you have to go down the mountain, it is easy to break, stay here first, and take it when you come back."

Fortunately, in his heart, he concealed the Empress, otherwise the Emperor might not have any reaction.

As for the use of the cave house, it does not matter.

Qi Ziting had heard the emperor said before, and it was not surprising to see the crowd preparing to go out, but instead sent to the village. Accompanying him was a man in his fifties who had traces of animal claws on his neck, tearing the skin apart, but fortunately survived.

However, the gasping voice was different from that of ordinary people. It seemed that the trance that was caught by the beast at the time hurt the trachea.

This person is carrying a half-height horn bow, holding a weird mount, an antlers dog face, but a tiger's body, the fur on his body is covered with camouflage stripes, and a dog tail .

"His name is Yasheng. He is the person who has visited the most places in the village besides me, and also where you are going. I can show you the way. I wo n’t go with you anyway, there is no danger to you anyway, you Come back when you return. "

The empress sat on Qishui's back and nodded, "You don't have to give it away, I will come back in a few days."

Then ordered at everyone: "Exit!"

Everyone who had been prepared had gone out immediately.

The next way, Ren Baqian spent less time with the Empress, and usually held a book without any problems ~ ~ On the one hand, it was a guilty conscience, and on the other hand, I had to read that The cultivation method of Yangzhengfa should be kept in mind and all details must be considered in place.

Although according to Lin Dianji, this method is simple and easy to understand, the most difficult is to cultivate the stove.

But Ren Baqian did not dare to take it lightly.

I walked for seven days in the southwest direction. This road is a hundred times harder than before. There are deep mountains and grotesque rocks everywhere. The Sixty Thousand Mountains is already a barren land, but it is even more desolate. The sun was almost invisible to the sky.

In addition, there are no roads in many places, and the grass is higher than people. All of them rely on the guide Yasheng sent by Qi Ziting to lead the way.

On this day, everyone was moving forward, and suddenly they heard a roar like a lion and a tiger in front of them, with a loud voice, like a giant drum beating in their ears.

Even if the distance is hundreds or thousands of kilometers, everyone can feel the unmatched fierceness of the fierce beast.

Ren Baqian approached the emperor subconsciously: "Your Majesty, there seems to be a big guy in front!"

After entering the Sixty Thousand Mountains for so long, he was gradually able to distinguish the strength of some beasts. The one in front, although never encountered before, can know that the one in front is not easy to mess with.

Not to mention that after hearing this roar, the general Wu Ren sitting down also showed a vigilant look.

You must know that General Wu is a monster of the Supreme Heaven class, which is stronger than the ordinary Supreme Heaven, that is, the female emperor can only surrender it.

Even if it just sounds like this, you can know from this that there must be an extremely powerful guy ahead.

Yasheng, who was leading the way, changed his face dramatically and lost his voice: "Fatigue? How could such a beast appear here!"

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