The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 741: The world of food is different

Diyin Spring is located in a valley surrounded by mountain peaks. There is only one path to enter and exit. And let alone animals in the valley, there is not even one weed, all of which are all kinds of strange rocks and dark red dirt.

Let there be no vitality in the already gloomy valley.

The empress entered the valley, and Ren Baqian looked around for a long time. He always felt that there was a rancid smell here.

Like the smell of dead people.

And the valley ... no birds, no plants, not even bugs ... made him feel a bit dead.

Deep in the valley, surrounded by dark red soil, there is a tens of meters square pool, and the pool water is turbid yellow.

Standing on the shore and looking at it, the pool gets darker and deeper toward the middle, and the surrounding area is pale yellow, but at the middle, it becomes almost black.

Ren Baqian jumped off the mount and slumped, and finally arrived.

The empress came down from Praying Water's back, took two steps around Diyinquan, and frowned: "It's weird here."

"It's strange." Ren Baqian nodded. The walled village a day ago, and this lifeless valley, are not normal no matter how you look at it.

"I and Lin Dianji have no injustice and resentment, and she will never harm me, right? Listen to her, I know something about Yinquan in this place." Ren Baqian laughed.

Seeing Ren Baqian say so, the emperor is also recognized.

Although Lin Dianji looked gloomier, he had been in the palace for many years. And her status is destined that she will not do anything against her.

Since it will not be detrimental to itself, it will not be detrimental to Ren Baqian.

The empress stood by the pool and looked inside, as if she noticed something, staring at a place in the water, and then suddenly sneered: "Killing you once will kill you the second time! You appear here What about it? "

Ren Baqian next to him was startled by the words of the empress: "Your Majesty?"

The empress looked arrogantly: "It's okay, see a man who was killed. You have to be careful, this place is really strange."

Ren Baqian's heart was tense, and Ning Shen looked towards the spring water, only to see that the spring water was turbid, almost unable to see to the end, and there were no living things in it.

"Who did your Majesty see?" Ren Baqian asked, staring at the spring.

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"There are too many people to kill, how can you remember a dead person? Just looking at it a little familiar, as if you have seen it, but it is not an ancient people, presumably not the one who killed it is also ordered by your majesty." The emperor said at will.

Ren Baqian was a little speechless, so self-assured and so brazen that he gave himself back, so arrogant, that you are really personal.

Just when he wanted to look up, he suddenly noticed a black spot in the spring.

Then the black dot became larger and larger, and finally a contour of the face appeared.

"Well!" Ren Baqian was surprised.

This face ... he also had some impressions ... even Baocheng.

When he first participated in the hunting, the male son of the family who killed in the mountain, at this time, the front hole was full of viciousness and hatred, and his mouth seemed to growl angry at himself.

But there was no sound.

"Is this ... hallucination?" Ren Baqian immediately thought like this.

"This is what Lin Dianji said about the phantom attack?" When Ren Baqian was talking, another face appeared in the water. This time it was the guard leader of Lian Baocheng, who was tricked by his own hands. The one who took over Ray.

The Empress nodded. "That should be it."

"Is this a hallucination or something? Is there a problem in this valley?" Ren Baqian turned his head. If it was hallucination, he had hallucinations as soon as he reached the edge of the Yinquan? Or was he recruited after entering the valley?

"Fair!" Ren Baqian greeted.

"You look at this spring and see if you can see anything?" Ren Baqian said.

Looking at it with a fair eyebrow, he pulled out the knife after half a ring: "Your Majesty, there is a problem here."

"What did you see?"

"Seeing a few people killed by my own hands," Justice said.

Then I called a few people to test it, and sure enough I could see the people killed by myself.

Ren Baqian pondered the current question: "Your Majesty, everyone sees the person killed by himself, everyone sees it differently, and others cannot see it."

"What do you mean?" The empress looked at him and felt what he wanted to say.

"It's an illusion! That's right, it's an illusion!" Ren Baqian confirmed. "No one who kills is in this spring, right? Even if it connects the post-mortem world, that's too strange. And everyone can only see what they kill, not what others see. ... only hallucinations can explain it. Something affects our brains and forms something on our retinas that is related to our memories. "

"You make sense, too." The Empress nodded.

If everyone can see it, then maybe it's doubtful.

But everyone can only see who they killed, then there is something wrong.

The hallucinations are probably greatest.

Ren Baqian stood for a moment, turned around and carried Lin Qiaole over.

"Why?" Lin Qiaole wasn't struggling by Ren Baqian's neck, as if he couldn't wake up, he shook his head there, just humming two words in his mouth.

"Look, look at what's in the spring?" Ren Baqiandao, tucked in a big white rabbit.

With the big white rabbit, Lin Qiaole finally got better. He opened Ren Baqian's hand holding his neck and sat on the ground holding his knees and looking at the spring in front.

"So dirty!" Lin Qiaole said.

This spring is really dirty.

But it didn't take long for Lin Qiaole's response to shock everyone.

Seeing the saliva running down the corner of Lin Qiaole's mouth began to drip down.

"Oh, Mangshan Iron Head!" Lin Qiaole quickly wiped the corners of her mouth, surprised.

Ren Baqian squinted his eyes and looked. Why, do you want to eat again?

The world of food is really different from normal people!

Lin Qiaole's eyes suddenly widened ~ ~ As if she saw something that made her angry, she shouted: "Don't run! You leave me!"

Then he flung himself towards the Yinyinquan, quickly, and almost disappeared in the eyes of everyone.


Ren Baqian: ...

Actress: ...


Everyone just watched her jump.

Ren Baqian's face was thoughtful: "She doesn't seem to be able to swim?"

The emperor's eyebrows jumped. "Fish her up."

"Your Majesty, it is too dangerous for others to go down." Ren Baqian. Regardless of whether this is an illusion or something, it is just such a huge impact on the shore that one can imagine the situation after entering the water.

No matter to whom it is, this spring is very dangerous.

"You can't let her die here," said the Empress.

At this point, the water was already rolling and rolling, as if someone was setting off waves under water.

"I'll go down," Ren Baqian said directly. He still has confidence in his willpower.

"Master Ren, let's do it." Fei Qi next to him hurriedly, how could he let Ren Baqian go down? It's too dangerous. If something happens to him ...

"Anyway, I have to go down ..." Ren Baqian smiled.

The empress' expression was solemn: "You should remember one thing."

Ren Baqian: "?"

The empress said quietly, "You can't swim."


Flying ride: ...

Everyone looked at Ren Baqian with a look of energy.

Ren Baqian's expression suddenly froze, but he forgot about it ... it shouldn't be, why can't he dare to swim to save people?

Could it have been inflated after the great progress?

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