The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 744: Not scientific!

Ren Baqian woke up after two hours.

Before I opened my eyes, I felt that I was in a soft embrace.

Very soft.

A trace of heat passed into the body along the body, dissolving the coldness of the body.

At the same time, there was heat from the flames, which made people want to sweat.

Ren Baqian froze, and wanted to change to a more comfortable position, and the emperor lay on the ground.

Lying on the ground, Ren Baqian opened his eyes and saw the dim sky.

The sky here is always different from the outside.

The sky outside always reminds you of the heat, but it is also clear and blue, which makes you open your mind.

The opposite is true here.

This made Ren Baqian guess that something was floating in the air in the valley. Just like the haze on the earth, only then will the sky look different. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Probably this is one of the causes of hallucinations.

"Wipe your nose!" Said the Empress, glancing at him.

Ren Baqian sucked, and it turned out that the snot had almost flowed out of the mouth ... and the nose was very clogged and hardly smelled.

"I seem to have a cold?" When Ren Baqian said these words subconsciously, he couldn't believe it.

Is to practice a technique and catch a cold?

Although it's a bit cold, this is the practice method!

This is the practice method!

This is the practice method!

Look at those in Xianxia who practice in the iceberg fire caves. Who heard that they have a cold?

Think of a generation of old-fashioned babies, sitting on the iceberg and snoring while snoring while practicing ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This is not scientific!

Ren Baqian woke up in a circle and was very cold, although he was next to the fire.

My head hurts a little.

I'm not feeling well.

This made him feel more and more like he had a cold.

Then he looked at the Empress in doubt.

"What happened?" The Empress looked at him and began to worry a little, not knowing what went wrong with him.

"I have a cold?" Ren Baqian reiterated.

"I have seen a runny nose in a TV show, and it has the same symptoms as yours. But this doesn't seem to be a serious illness?" The Empress nodded earnestly.

"The problem is not the symptoms ... Your Majesty, have you ever caught a cold?" Ren Baqian's face exaggerated, as if the world was going to be destroyed. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The empress looked at him coldly.

The answer is self-evident.

Ren Baqian made a few more laps on the ground, and having a cold made him hate accidents, and made him feel that at some point, he was not much different from ordinary people. Or, the problem of Yinquan here?

After thinking about it for a long time, let things go.

Ren Baqian walked to the side and cut two thighs on a beast with three horns like a lion on one of the heads handled by the crowd, and made a mouthful on the top, then sprinkled the seasoning rack and grilled on the fire .

"Isn't this ferocious beast treated with this spring water?" Ren Baqian suddenly remembered and asked.

"Out of the valley, there is a stream half a day away, and it is handled there." Someone said immediately.

Ren Baqian nodded, and looked at Lin Qiaole again. Zhengxiang, who was sleeping on a stone, seemed to have no effect on her drowning. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This reassures Ren Baqian.

However, he also knew in his heart that Lin Qiaole was different from himself. Lin Qiaole was a master of the **** wheel, and only looked like a human.

Two beast legs were roasted, and the smell smelled a little bit sour, leaving people with no appetite.

But after taking a sip, Ren Baqian's eyes were bright, smelling unpleasant, but it was extremely tender and tasteful, and there was a seductive aroma in his mouth.

The durian smelly tofu can be called fierce animal world!

"Your Majesty!" Ren Baqian handed one to the Empress.

"Forget it, I'll eat this." The Empress expressed her dislike of what was in his hand, and took out three pieces of cake from the bag next to it.

A cake the size of a washbasin.

And it's three! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Ren Baqian couldn't help crying: "It smells bad, it tastes good."

The emperor frowned and doubtfully accepted it. Although she didn't notice it, the sour smell still penetrated her nose.

Make her disgusted.

However, it is believed that Baqian will not lie to him in this matter, frowning and biting, his brows immediately stretched down. "Good."

"What kind of beast is this?" Ren Baqian asked.

"This is a mountain willow! It smells bad, but it tastes delicious." Yasheng answered, adding: "It tastes great after eating."

Ren Yaqian doesn't matter. After the baptism of skunk bombs, this is a small problem.

However, after eating it, the taste really turned out to be like Ya Sheng said, all of them are sour, even the empress can't avoid it, making the emperor frown. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This taste has always been a natural enemy of women.

After eating, Ren Baqian felt better, so he danced a 14th set of radio gymnastics beside him.

"Otherwise, let's go back. I asked Zidong to look for a furnace tripod before you." The emperor whispered softly, showing concern in her words.

"Your Majesty despised me! This place of Yinquan has nothing to do with me!" Ren Baqian smiled, a rare hearty smile.

Seeing this, the Empress did not say much, just said: "Be careful!"

Once again into the water, Ren Baqian still made the previous action.

In fact, there are only eight moves in this set of methods. Ren Baqian needs this movement before he can proceed to the next one.

The Empress continued to watch him stay on the shore, and a group of people surrounded by Ren Baqian, screaming at the Empress, but it could not affect him at all ~ ~ This time and last time After seeing him trembling, the empress dragged him up, hugged him for warmth, and pushed him to the ground when he awoke.

Eat again to replenish essence, then go into the water, so back and forth.

One day later, Ren Baqian's persistence in the water lasted a little longer. For a quarter of an hour, he also started the second action—holding the lower abdomen, moving the left and right around the lower abdomen, then taking two turns on the lower abdomen. .

At this time, the female emperor finally relaxed her mind and took out the comics she had with her.

However, a day later the Empress received a message asking her to drop the comic in her hand.

"Your Majesty, there was another stockade around ... as the one I saw that day ..." After receiving the news, Fairness reported to the Emperor solemnly.

The emperor heard her face and became serious.

The second village.

"Are you sure?" The Empress asked.

"It's been confirmed, the people inside are exactly the same as they were seen that day. Looks stubborn, there is no response, and they are all in their 30s and 40s." Fair nodded.

"how many people?"

"Compared to the previous one, it is estimated that there are more than 200 people."

"Kill them all! At the same time, expand your search to see if there are any such stockades!" Shen Di said.

I thought this village was an example, but now it doesn't look like ...

What worries her even more is that she has never heard of it before, but now it appears twice in this land where very few people are involved.

Will there be more on this land?

Have these villages been here or have they moved here?

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