The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 756: Woe comes out of the mouth

That night the Empress made a rough map.

It is indeed very rough, that is, mark a point where everyone is, and then mark up, down, left and right.

Afterwards, several lines were drawn, and the fifth, sixth, eighth, and fourteenth days were marked next to it. This is the position of the grazing herds that are currently found.

A few days is a few days away.

As for the other mountains and rivers, nothing.

When it comes to maps, there are almost no graffiti.

This map is almost as few as it is.

"Go here first!" The emperor held the map for 30 seconds and pointed to one of them.

Ren Baqian glanced at it, a place five days away.

There is one more distance from this.

However, after two days at this location, you can reach the place where justice and others disappeared.

It seems that the Empress does have some respect for Lin Qiaole and Captain Flying Rider!

Once you have set your direction, you can do the rest.

Six hundred flying rides plus the one thousand people recruited are now sixteen hundred forged heavenly warriors.

After setting off the next day, the martial arts were organized together with Feiqi along the way. In addition to the three hundred Feiqi as a pioneer, the other three hundred Feiqi each brought three recruits.

In this way, the team can be integrated at the fastest speed to form a certain combat effectiveness.

However, as a result, the speed of travelling was delayed.

After all, although these recruits have good personal strengths, they are far worse in military orders and have to learn a lot.

Missing justice, Qi Ziting also failed to take the position of commanding the whole army, and he could hear his scolding in the team every day.

From time to time someone was kicked out of the team by a stick and then rolled back honestly.

Within two days, the team began to complain.

After all, they are habitual mountain people, and the strength of the heavens is also regarded as the backbone in the village. Most of the strongholds in Zhaizi are just good fortune.

Now they enter flying ride with various ideas, the first step is to make them endlessly.

But it was too late to leave.

Qi Ziting was sitting in the northeast protectorate of the town. I do n’t know how many storms I have seen. How can I not suppress these mountain people?

"Big Brother still likes to lead soldiers!" Ren Baqian sat behind the empress and said to the emperor's ear. "I look at him differently these two days, and his face is refreshed!"

The first time he met, he felt that Qi Ziting was fierce.

However, Qi Ziting was very good for the Empress, so Ren Baqian was so absorbed that he didn't see much of his fierce side.

But these two days, Qi Ziting's eyes and expressions were full of persecution, even if he just stood there and didn't speak, it made people afraid.

Even more aggressive when talking!

Ren Baqian recalled the adults of North Korea and Central China, and none of them matched Qi Ziting in power.

Not even Hongwu!

The empress felt that Ren Baqian was always exhaling in her ears when she spoke. She felt very itchy and itchy in her heart. She leaned her back on her back and bumped Ren Baqian a little. Then she asked "Big brother?"

"Your brother! I have to call him Big Brother there!"

"The Emperor looked back, but did not see Qi Ziting, but heard his voice coming from behind." If you walk sideways, I will break your leg! "

An aggrieved voice sounded "but I ride a giant evil spider ..."

The giant evil spider has a length of seven to eight meters and a width of two meters. It feeds on small animals and birds. It walks side by side like a crab!


Then came the screams.

Five days away, the pedestrian walked for a week before approaching the first spot.

After Zi Ziting's practice on this way, those green forest guys in the back seemed to be a bit more regular.

"This is a bunch of clutter. If I were that year, I can still make them live today? It's underdue!" Qi Ziting's words accompanied eight people in the back with eight people with bruised noses and swollen wounds, which was particularly convincing!

"Small tree doesn't repair straight, people don't repair it!" Ren Baqian agreed.

Qi Ziting smashed his mouth, pondered the words of Ren Qianqian for a long time, and laughed, "I like to hear these words! Although you are soft and egg-like, you can still talk to my appetite!"

Ren Baqian drew his mouth. Is this a compliment?

I should be a compliment!

As we approached the first spot, there was a night cat-like scream in front of the team, and it wasn't long before a person emerged from the forest in front.

"Have seen Your Majesty!"

"Is there any change in the situation?" The Empress asked.

"Under Qiqi, those monster butterflies are still there, and there are not a lot of them, so there should be no change." Nubuat answered.

"Where is it?"

"There are six miles away from here, it will appear every night at night, and Yin Shi will leave!"

"Come down and rest in place. Let's go and see!" The Empress ordered.

Then Ren Baqian, Qi Ziting, Ba Man and Xiong Yue followed.

Not far through the woods, it was another strange forest, and the trees were like monsters in those teeth.

The yin in this area is very heavy, and this forest is so heavy that it is even doped with a dead breath.

I don't know why, Ren Baqian always felt that those trees were struggling just before a person died.

If you think about it, the forests where you saw the jade waist slaves last time are similar to this one, but the attention was attracted by the jade waist slaves at that time.

"I'm afraid there's something weird in this forest!" Ren Baqian reminded.

The Empress looked at them a little, and looked at him suspiciously.

"It's just that these trees are strange."

"That's the problem! The other trees are all right, why are the trees here so strange? Look at this one, it doesn't look like a human face?" Ren Baqian said, pointing at a tree trunk.

"Yesterday I thought you talked very well to my appetite. Why is she like that today?" Qi Ziting grinned.

Then the female emperor gave a cold glance!

If it wasn't her brother, she would let him know what a curse is!

"It was the same when I met Bol last time, and this time it is still the same. And along the way, the other forests are half dead, but they are normal. I think there are two possible reasons for this. The first may be because This place is different from other places, so those pastoralists choose this place.

Another possibility is that this is because of the existence of the herders! "Ren Baqian thought for a while ~ ~ It looks really weird, but did not encounter anything last time. Presumably the first one you said may still be there!" Said the Emperor faintly.

"Regardless of this, just ambush here, and when the demon butterflies appear in the evening, we will kill them all! At that time, the herdsman concocted to me, and I let him know what the ancients are!" Qi Ziting grinned, looking stern.

"One more thing!" Ren Baqian said again.

"Why are you so sissy! If it weren't for the small teeth, I would slap you in the palm!" Qi Ziting raised his eyebrows and looked fierce.

The empress gave him a cold glance again, and her eyebrows began to rise.

Although the looks of the two look very different, the expressions of their eyebrows are very similar.

Ren Baqian ignored him, and said directly, "The last time I met Bol, those jade waist slaves appeared at night. The jade waist slaves also appeared at night! The people in the former village also appeared at night."

The empress heard the words, "What do you mean?"

"I think they may be affected to a certain extent after dawn. We can keep up when they fly back, and it won't be long before the sky is bright! Maybe it will save some effort!"

"Just as you say!" Said the Empress immediately.

If at night, annihilate tens of thousands of jade waist slaves under command, the casualties are unknown.

If it is really like Ren Baqian said, it would save a lot of energy!

"Girls are mothers ..." Qi Ziting didn't finish saying a word, the emperor turned and kicked on his chest and abdomen.

Qi Ziting did not expect that the emperor would actually do it, and she was shot tens of meters away!

Ren Baqian smiled.

Let you know what's causing trouble from the mouth!


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