The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 767: Nymph

Ren Baqian mentioned Lin Qiaole and looked back cautiously to find a place where nobody was.

Before he disappeared, he saw a touch of red appear in his sight.

What Ren Baqian finally left was a cheerful smile.

Finally dodging that guy again.

I don't know how I could attract that Pichichi so much when I was traveling between the two circles, and I have been turning around myself for so long.

And every time.

This made Ren Baqian wonder whether it could predict the future.

Or some kind of intuition of the beast.

You should know that the time of your shuttle is within two to seven days.

The time does not exceed one second.

It's surprising that it appears every time.

Fortunately, after entering the 60,000 mountains, it has also been affected a lot. Ren Baqian has about half of his chances to get rid of it and half of his chances to be caught up by him.

Leaving a happy smile, Ren Baqian returned to the earth and threw Lin Qiaole to the ground, staring at her pupils carefully, only to see the touch of green in her pupils shrink and collapse with the speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like a black hole in the pupil sucked in that green.

Lin Qiaole's eyes appeared confused for a moment, drifting around without any focus.

Then the focus gradually came to focus on Ren Baqian.

I wanted to sit up, but found myself tied tightly.

In particular, the rope passed between her legs, and the rubbing place made her tickle all over her body, which stirred up a layer of pink goosebumps, and the tail swept across the floor like a broom.

"Who tied me? What tied me?" Lin Qiaole's eyes widened, his face confused.

"Wake up?" Ren Baqian sat on the bed and looked at Lin Qiaole casually.

"It seems ... have a dream!" Lin Qiaole wondered.

"Dream?" Ren Baqian said with interest.

Lin Qiaole recalled for a long time, "Dream a lot of food ..."

"Sure enough ..." Ren Baqian's speechless rubbing his chin, there was a bit of stubble. Now after practicing such a small practice, there is no hair on the body from top to bottom, and it is slippery. Fighter.

"Who helped me? What tied me up?" Lin Qiaole asked with eyes widened again.

"Just awake ..." Ren Baqin got up and found a blade to cut the rope, Lin Qiaole immediately broke off the remaining rope and sat up from the ground.

The gray short tail was still on the ground.

With her movements, the cloth that Ren Baqian had padded before also fell off.

"Huh? How old?" Lin Qiaole rubbed his chest, his expression confused.

"Why is there a tail? There seems to be a tail in the dream ..."

Ren Baqian saw Lin Qiaole's face bewildered, knowing that she would not know more, and she looked dirty, and simply said, "You take a bath first!"

Lin Qiaole took off his clothes while entering the bathroom, before getting out he was naked.

It was originally 17 or 8 years old, but it has not been opened, but now it is the place where the convexity is convex, the place where the concaveness is concave, and the whole body is exquisite.

Ren Baqian was unmoved at all. He fell on the bed and listened to the sound of water from the bathroom. It didn't take long for Lin Qiaole to come out of the bathroom.

She has very special dehydration skills.

The body spins on the ground like a gyro.

Can't see at all.

Water was thrown all over the house.

Ren Baqian was thrown all over his face, and the only impression was a pink trajectory across the air.

No way, human eyes always see those objects protruding from the plane first.

Especially if the object is still shaking.

"Don't wear it!" Ren Baqian threw a T-shirt for Lin Qiaole, a set of his own sportswear, and flipped out of his mobile phone and went downstairs.

Only when I was upstairs did I hear the voice below, and those guys were drinking again.

Going downstairs, Ren Wannian still had six flying riders drinking there.

A few years passed in a blink of an eye, and now the earth has reached the late autumn of 2025. Ren Wannian and these flying riders have known each other for several years.

Especially in the past two years, Ren Wannian and Ding Jie took the flying ride to Wuji City under construction from time to time.

After a few years, Ren Wannian and Ding Jie looked a lot tougher, and the flying ride also changed a lot.



Everyone saw the eight thousand people standing up.

Ren Baqian looked at Ren Wannian. He didn't see him for half a year. He had a moustache and looked even older than himself.

"Brother, why are you bald? What are you?" Ren Wannian wondered. He had just returned from staying in Wuji City for half a year, or just found out that his brother was not only bald but also bright! The body shone like a metal.

Ren Baqian had a toothache when he heard this, which pot is not open.

"Sit down, how is that?" Ren Baqin asked.

Although I will hear the news every time I return, it is not as good as Ren Wannian who has just returned from there.

"Look at the real thing!" Ren Wannian took out two boxes of large and small sizes, and filled the big box with water, then connected the two boxes together, and then pressed a few times on it. A white mist came out.

Then with the fog as a curtain, pictures emerged in the air.

"Turn off the lights!" Ren Wannian greeted him, and then smiled at Ren Baqian: "This haze instrument is the latest, much more stable on the projection screen than before, but it still looks better in low light."

Ren Baqian had seen this kind of equipment before, but didn't pay much attention.

At this time, he just watched the pictures emerging in the mist intently, listening to Ren Wannian's explanation.

At this time, the most central 50 square kilometers of Wuji City was almost completed, and there were only a few supporting greening and living facilities.

This part is expected to be completed in half a year.

Others need to be built later.

And the first citizens have begun to move in.

This group of citizens is a batch of soldiers who have been selected to practice the exercises, masters of martial arts who have been absorbed, and their families.

After six years of selection and training, this group of people has a total of about 50,000 people.

Among them, there are about 5,000 people.

Numerically speaking, this is a very high proportion.

However, these 50,000 people were carefully selected, each with talents above the standard, most of which were special forces or elites before.

Looking at the situation in various parts of the city, Ren Wannian turned the screen to one of the buildings: "This is our building, covering an area of ​​160,000 square meters. The lowest five floors are shopping malls, and the sixth to eighth floors are Martial arts ~ ~ The ninth and tenth floors are entertainment centers, the eleventh to fourteenth floors are restaurant bars and accommodation areas, the fifteenth to seventeenth floors are reserved areas, and your villa is eighteenth. The first floor is a sky garden. "

"But this building has no name yet!"

"Just called 'Qi Ren Lou'!" Ren Baqian casually said.

"You say it!" Ren Wannian wrote down his name and smiled.

"Now, I'm hungry!" A woman said in a sweet voice when she appeared in the living room.

Ren Wannian fiercely turned back, and his heart suddenly jumped, and saw a very delicate appearance, exuding charming and wild breath all over her body, and a little pure woman in her eyebrows.

And this woman is talking to Ren Baqian.

"It's a monster girl!" Ren Wannian jumped over such a thought in her heart. The appearance of this woman may not be regarded as the world's unparalleled, but the charming and wild atmosphere of her body, coupled with the simple innocence of the eyebrows, can not find the second in the world to give these two feelings.

This woman is truly ecstatic! Even worse than his own bitch.

More importantly, the woman wore a T-shirt and a sportswear top of any eight thousand, showing two long legs.

It is hard not to make people think about it.

Six flying riders looked at the woman and Ren Baqian, and their faces changed greatly: "Who are you?"

"I want you to control!" Lin Qiaole was not familiar with these flying riders, Jiao Didi said.

Ren Wannian's heart suddenly stunned: "Well!"

"Dare to rob the boss and kill the boss!" Several people were furious and violent.

There was a violent wind in the room for a while.

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