The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 775: Kill them

The 60,000 mountains are vast, and even the ancients occupy only a small part of them. There are also large areas that are unattended. Barren mountains, fierce beasts, and some unknown races are entangled in them.

In a dim swamp, the trees are not dense, but each tree needs to be surrounded by six or seven people. The upper canopy covers almost all the sunlight and looks up, as if it is going to be pressed down at any time. Feeling depressed and almost out of breath.

Snake worms are the most common in this swamp. Occasionally, frogs or other amphibians of various sizes are seen moving around.

With more than twenty figures, he stood or sat on a clearing in the swamp.

There is a considerable distance between each figure, as if separated by an air wall.

Indifference, exuded from every figure.

"They are looking for us!"

"It's all because Bor exposed his whereabouts and didn't take people down."

"Our pastoral forest has been burned. If there is no pastoral forest for a long time, the Yuyao slaves cannot control it."

"We can't wait too long!"

"Now they're looking for us everywhere, and if they hit at this point, they'll run into them directly."

"Our existence has been detected by them, and we will run into it sooner or later. As long as we take another shot in the future, they will detect it. Do you want to feed on beasts?"

"They will look around and then push the boundaries of what they have always been!"

"They have threatened our survival by doing so!"

"They must be restricted!"

"Kill them! Kill the leaders!"

"They have more than 10 million!"

"Just a few abandoned people!"

"Kill their leader first, and then kill those who are looking for us. Those are not weak, and they can plant two more pastures!"

"This will only stir their anger!"

"The contradiction between us and them cannot be reconciled! They are food, and we are predators!"

"We shouldn't be discovered by them. The situation for thousands of years will be broken!"

"It's all Bor's fault!"

"He's too young! He doesn't know many things!"


Voices are passed between many figures.

No excitement, no quarrels, no anger, no scorn, no contempt.

Each figure remained indifferent, discussing this matter that was closely related to them.

"Zaku, it's your turn! You are the leader and the oldest person here!"

With the opening of a figure, many figures set their sights on a figure that is always silent.

"This is our obligation, and we must stop them!" The figure, who was always silent, said.


In the darkness, a turquoise mist floats, and those mists are not stationary at this time, but are spinning, just like the water being stirred.

There was an invisible vortex in the mist, stirring it all, engulfing the mist in it.

Gradually, the mist turned into a khaki dragon, moving in a spiral trajectory in a certain direction.

When those mists reached a certain point, the momentum of progress came to an abrupt halt, and a whole earth-colored dragon was sucked into a point, and finally became a earth-colored stone.

And the stone was also spinning in a spiral trajectory.

I don't know how long it took before the stone gradually collapsed, a touch of earthy yellow mist peeled from the stone, and disappeared into the darkness, until the stone became nothingness.

Ren Baqian also opened his eyes at the same time.

Turning her head and looking aside, the empress was lying on a wooden table in front of the room and looking at the laptop.

Above the table there are wooden parasols to block the sun.

The computer is playing a 3D image of the origin of the universe. The planets are moving along the trajectory, as if they are about to break out of the computer screen. The two men who are sitting behind the empress and fanning the fan are responsible for the surprise At first glance.

Ren Baqian drank a glass of water, lay down next to the empress with a brief history of the universe, looked at the book in the sun, and then sent a cup of tea.

However, the spring water in the mountain drank from a sweet taste, and the sweetness in the mouth remained.

"You said, is the world formed like this?" The Empress looked over to Ren Baqian.

"No one can see, they are all speculative based on the existing evidence. The authenticity is there, but it is not certain." Ren Baqian said.

"It's amazing! If only we could look out of the sky!"

The Empress sighed.

"I heard that the moon side has started to organize lunar tours. If your Majesty wants to participate, we can also go to outer space to see the splendid scenery!" Ren Baqian raised a hand and put her hand on the waist of the empress.

The empress poked his finger around his waist, and immediately became numb.

Even today, the defense force has increased greatly, but the finger of the emperor can't be prevented. Not even much defensive effect!

The Empress's application of strength and understanding of the human body are not comparable to him.

"I'm only interested in this sky!" Even though the emperor said so, her eyes moved slightly.

She knew from the time of Ren Baqian that the world is a planet, and even the two gave the planet a name.

She is still interested in seeing the living planet outside the planet ~ ~.

However, taking the rocket to the outside of the planet can be said to put life in the hands of other people, which is again disliked by the Empress.

Ren Baqian's body was numb for a long time before he was able to move. He hummed twice. The probe sniffed between the emperor's neck. It was a mixture of flowers and fragrance.

"It's good to have a chance to see it! Presumably it won't take too long, and the technology will mature. By then, it will be as easy as flying on the moon!" Ren Baqian said.

The progress of science and technology is always getting faster and faster.

It took thousands of years of human civilization to enter the first industrial revolution. However, a century later, the first industrial revolution entered the second industrial revolution.

The invention of the steam engine has become a promoter of human progress, new technologies have been introduced, and the world has moved faster.

The same goes for the aerospace industry.

Now the earth has been able to send a few people to the moon, and two groups of people have set foot on the moon and returned successfully.

Nowadays, the hottest topic abroad is the colonization of the moon.

Even many netizens have worked out a timetable for colonization.

However, the domestic and foreign winds are completely different. The fifteenth set of self-cultivation qigong is the most striking now.

As Ren Yaqian thought.

After all, even if this set of exercises is improved, the demand for food supplements is not low, and it will be easily discovered.

And some talents are good, you can see initial results in just a few months.

Junior high school students and high school students soar hundreds of pounds of strength from time to time, how can this situation be ignored?

Even other countries have been paying attention to this matter.

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