The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 798: I am not a devil after all

Ren Baqian went to the school the next morning.

After so long, he still missed those idiots a bit.

After leaving for a year this time, the university has also made some changes. After all, there is a radio station, and many things can be remotely commanded to convey their meaning back, and the school will change as they want.

The word of language has completely changed the meaning of two people's mouths. Ren Baqian also knew that it was a little different from what he thought, but it was better than nothing.

After entering the school, the first row is still the classrooms and their offices, the second row is a new row of houses, including the new classrooms and chemistry labs, and the next corner is the library All this has changed little.

Other than that, the change was much greater, making him almost unrecognizable.

First of all, a piece of purple bamboo forest around the backyard pond is gone, replaced by a concrete floor. The Ministry of Industry seems to be idle and has repaved the school floor with cement.

On this ground, there is a huge hot air balloon.

Not by the students of the school, but by Li Fu, the kicker.

Ever since he took a hot air balloon ride that time, he has high expectations for this thing. It is a pity that Ren Baqian did not take any further action. This time, he went out for a year as soon as he walked. Li Fu simply caught a few students and started to study the hot air balloon himself.

The students in the school naturally did not dare to refuse this kicking egg monster. After all, no one could beat him, and it was useless to call the parents, and it is likely that they would still suffer such a kick.

For the leg of Li Fu's deity, he is famous throughout Lancheng.

The result produced by the public is the one seen by Ren Baqian's eyes, with the simplified characters "I am a melon skin" written in four **** characters.

This is the group of boys bullying Li Fu that they do not understand simplified Chinese characters.

Ren Baqian has been encouraged by this method of applying what he has learned and using his brain to pit the enemy.

However, I heard that after a few days, the boys were kicked one by one, and they were kept at home for several days with their legs crossed.

In addition to this, the courtyard walls of the courtyard are no longer visible. The original location of the courtyard walls is now a tall building, just like a factory, but with a much smaller area. In fact, this is the artisan shop of the school.

Blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, blast furnace, warehouse, assembly room are all in that location.

From the beginning, Ren Baqian hoped that the students in the school could master what they learned faster and reduce their own burden by combining learning and use.

Therefore, after the last time the steam train was made, the craftsmen did not evacuate, but stayed at the school. Research and ideas are carried out by students at the university, and those craftsmen help them turn their ideas into reality.

Farther away, there is a thermal power plant, which does not generate much power, and can only supply the entire school plus a palace.

Ren Baqian took a look at the power plant. Coal was piled up everywhere, and the equipment in the power plant room has been replaced for a generation. It has higher conversion efficiency than before, with pipes, gears and thick rivets everywhere. Traces, full of steampunk style, it seems that the ancients like this rough and rough but full of strength and beauty.

The stuff inside was made and tested by the group of students in the college in the spare time. Ren Baqian was very satisfied with their mobility.

Although these guys are a bit stupid, they are really good at acting, not lazy, and very motivated.

In addition to these, they also made wires under the remote guidance of eight thousand ...

This is a thing with no technical content. The important thing is the rubber sheath on the outside of the wire. A small factory is designed to produce thousands of finished wires per day, and there is the possibility of further increasing the output. The only limitation is It is the transportation of rubber.

In any case, this effect is great.

This factory was established three months ago, and now it has accumulated 100,000 meters of electrical wires, plus a power plant, at least, it can make the night in most parts of Lancheng no longer dark.

This is also Ren Baqian's return to prepare to start immediately, before he and the empress married, let Lancheng become a city that never sleeps.

After the power plant was transferred, Ren Baqian returned directly to the front yard. Some students have come in one after another. After seeing Ren Baqian, his eyes brightened: "The governor is back!"

In fact, they knew it yesterday, and they saw the guard just now, but at this time they saw Ren Baqian, and they were still refreshed.

Although the school can still teach after Ren Qianqian left, the progress has been much worse. The first year is through learning with robots, while the second year is taught by school sisters and robots.

"Well." Ren Baqi nodded deeply. As the governor of a university, you must have the momentum of the governor.

"The ghost is here!" The next voice made Ren Baqian stare immediately. They scolded themselves behind, and they knew it already.

But shouting in front of himself, is it itchy?

Looking up, it turned out to be the little girl Tonglan. He seemed to be a little taller, but still the shortest beanie, with a delicate face, baby fat, white clothes, his face up, his nostrils going up to the sky.

Ren Baqian smiled at her, showing a white mouth. Now that she has done great work, you little girl should be beaten!

"Done the homework?"

When Tonglan heard this, her face immediately turned black.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Yang Tian yelled three times, in a gesture similar to Howler.

Then hurried back to the classroom to continue to make up homework.

Then students came one after another.

Not only those who are familiar but also some unfamiliar students are recruited this year.

Although Ren Baqian followed the emperor in the 60,000 Dashan Mountains, the enrollment did not stop, but the old students still brought it first ~ ~ After all, the first grade is simple, there are old students and robots, and teaching materials There is not much problem in teaching. In addition, many old students have a preference for being a good teacher, and even Doudou Tonglan occasionally makes a guest appearance.

Of course, the textbooks used by these first-year students are all used by older students.

But with Ren Baqian back, they can use the new textbooks.

The new students looked curiously at Ren Baqian, the concubine of the female emperor, the governor of this institution.

This school was built by him.

I didn't expect to see him for the first time in so long.

What puzzled them wasn't it a little white face? Why does he look fiercer than an adult at home?

However, this appearance is in line with the aesthetics of the ancient people, whether it is the appearance of a bald head without eyebrows and beards, or the body shape of more than 300 kilos, they greatly increase their favor.

When Ren Baqian looked up, he could see the bell tower in the distance. When the time was up, people would close the door and come to the third-grade classroom first.

Everyone was very excited to see Ren Baqian. However, Ren Baichi spoke, and everyone's faces collapsed.

Ren Baqian stood behind the desk and knocked on the table: "Is the work done?"

Then, watching everyone's expressions of frowning or bitter hatred, Ren Baqian Le: "It doesn't matter if you don't finish it."

The crowd was startled, when was the miser so kind?

"After all, I'm not a devil!" Ren Baqian smiled. "If you haven't finished it, hit the target on the flagpole for five minutes after school, and then go home to continue your homework while writing a ten-point paper."

When Ren Baqian said this, everyone thought that he was happy to see him.

Staring at each other fiercely, "Isn't this a devil?"

Can't wait to see him again in this life. ...

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