The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 824: Wildest horse

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"This bottle is exquisite, is it glass? What is it written on?" Tong Zhenye blushed, holding the wine bottle in admiration.

Taking a nap, a breath of alcohol burst out.

"The blood of the warrior? The old man is going to taste it!"

With a mouthful, a thick alcoholic smell filled the mouth, and then a knife was drawn from the throat to the stomach, and then lit a fire!


"What the **** is this?"

Tong Zhenye was shocked. This was no longer wine, it was just swallowing a knife in his stomach! Prince Zhao, you are really cruel!

Confused, everyone took a sip with a wine bottle.



The sound of spraying wine is endless!

Although the people are supreme heavens and their bodies are powerful, this does not mean that they don't feel any physical! Especially the inner palate is soft. If you go down, you just ignite the flames in your stomach!

You should know that they usually drink less than ten degrees of alcohol. Occasionally, a bottle of thirty-eight to forty degrees in the emperor's liquor is already the highest spirit, just like a red-burning knife.

And this is the water of life at 96 degrees, which is almost equivalent to pure alcohol!

"Ha ha ha ha! It really is the blood of a warrior, how can you girl like this drink it!" Qin Chuan laughed and looked provocative when she saw Tong Zhenye's expression.

"Pharaoh eight, do you have to compare?" If it weren't for you in the afternoon, you would drag Prince Zhao and be punished! Coupled with the previous ones, this feud can't be washed away even if it is exhausted!

"Well? Do you have such a courage?" Qin Chuan was shocked, making Tong Zhenye eat his heart even more!

"Come here!"

"Whoever can't drink first loses!"

Many big guys eating melon immediately piled up wine boxes next to the two of them, and then applauded their appetite and watched the two fight "alcohol"!

The two poured a bottle straight up, and then opened the mill on their faces, immediately colorful!

"This is the day of Your Majesty's great joy. If you are willing to admit defeat, the old man will let you go!" Tong Zhenye's face turned red, white, blue and purple, and finally turned behind him, almost steaming out of his brain He looked at Qin Chuan fiercely.

"Will the old man be afraid of you mother-in-law!" Qin Chuan also looked at it fiercely!

Drink another bottle!

"Do you admit it?"

"You're so bullshit!"

For decades, the two of them are facing each other. As long as they meet together, they will not die back.

After a box went down, the two began to crumble.

After the two boxes went down, Tong Zhenye took a few steps, turned around and sprayed a sip of alcohol, spraying directly on the palace lantern in the corner!


A big fireball!

Everyone: ...

Dozens of big guys in the field were a little dazed watching the ball of fire rising in the corner ... What's the situation?

Someone tried to spray it with a mouthful of wine in his mouth, and it was another big fireball!

Mom, is this water on fire?

What the **** is this?

Someone spit again, another big fireball!

Another big fireball!


"It's on fire ..." Hushang Shangshutu rubbed his forehead lately, his eyes blurred.

"It's on fire!" Shang Shu, a member of the punishment department, took it for granted that he knocked his head from time to time, dizzy.

Xuanhua: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

By this time, in the middle corner of the Aster Palace, the cloth curtain was already burning.

Bing Siqing stunned Liang for a while, and shook his head to step forward: "My lords, I'm coming!"

Stepped out a few meters, patted the palm directly, the wind in the air was loud, the burning flame seemed to be suppressed.


When the dust dissipates, the cloth curtain, flames, and even half of the walls disappear.

"The old man is old, not as good as the young man, go back to rest first!" Shi Qing walked back with his hands on and off.

"I'm tired ..." Tu Wan rubbed his forehead step by step out of the Purple Temple.

A few people in the ceremony department carried clothes while walking around.

Within a short time, there were copper earthquake fields, Qin Chuan lying on the ground and blowing bubbles, and a couple of beams that were still in a daze ...


The palace, the big red tent, kept the surrounding rigorous and solid. Only one side was open. Ren Baqian and the emperor sat there, and an ambiguous atmosphere filled them.

The female officer and the green kite and the red cricket were long kicked out by the emperor.

Although some etiquettes have not been completed later, the empress has long been tired of the tedious and useless procedures made by the Ministry of Rites.

Ren Baqianhuan hugged the empress, with her palms on her waist and abdomen, and her chin on her shoulders, and her nose sniffed next to her cheeks, all fragrant.

"Your Majesty, your heart is beating quickly ..." Ren Baqian felt that there was a baby elephant in the emperor's chest jumping, jumping, jumping ... It was quite cheerful ...

Ren Baqian felt that it was time for the two to go to bed. The empress was a little panicked, and it was normal, but why was she a little panicked?

After thinking about it, it is probably that the two have been together for a long time, and now suddenly they need to go further, as if there is a layer of something in front of them, and they must first break that layer of things.

"Your Majesty, a few days ago I learned a kung fu in the Qingxin Hall, and I haven't told His Majesty yet!"

"What?" The empress was nervous, and after hearing him say that, she asked subconsciously.

Then I felt a big hand clinging to my chest, and the ear came: "Grasping Nailong!"

The empress immediately stretched her body ~ ~ Ren Baqian did not take the next step. From the moment the empress's body is tight, it is like a cat that has exploded.

If you have a larger range of motion, you must be scratched!

While whispering softly in the emperor's ear, the palm of the hand pressed against the softness was almost motionless, just feeling the softness in the palm and the strong beating in the chest.

After a while, the Empress's body began to relax and soften. Ren Baqian held the Emperor on her lap and let the Empress face face to herself.

With one hand, she stroked the empress's cheek on the other side, letting her look at herself and lowering her head and kissing gently.

The two were immersed in a light kiss, and Ren Baqian opened his teeth from time to time to allow the tip of his tongue to penetrate!

"It seems there is a sound?" The female emperor raised her head and looked out of the hall. The direction of the sound seemed to be the Purple Temple!

"Leave them alone ... what can happen to dozens of Supreme Heavens?" Ren Baqian smiled.

Can't let outsiders affect the candle night in the cave at this time!

When Ren Baqian undressed the emperor's red shirt, her fingers beating on a white basement, the empress pressed him: "What to do?"

"Not what I want to do, but what your Majesty wants to do! As the saying goes, drink the strongest wine, ride the wildest horse, and now I am the wildest horse!" Ren Baqian sighed in the ear of the empress.

The empress subconsciously narrowed her neck, then looked up at Ren Baqian: "The wildest horse?"

"Yes, the wildest, I am!" Ren Baqian laughed, holding the emperor back on the couch.

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