The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 911: Interracial fierce

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the female emperor's family!

After investigating the situation in the distance with a telescope, many masters immediately found the meaning of this thing in their hands.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure.

The front and back crystals are polished, and there are no impurities in front of them.

What's more important is the function of this thing, which can zoom in and zoom out distant objects by dozens of times.

Originally, I could only see things dozens of miles away, and with this thing, I could see dozens of times far away.

Objects thousands of miles away can even see the details through this object, and the front lens can be rotated to adjust the distance.

The legendary clairvoyance is just that.

Many experts saw a series of buildings along the lake on the island, which are very different from human houses. They are like shacks that are set up randomly. They look simpler and more chaotic. The most important thing is that there are Some snake-tailed creatures are active, mostly females and very few males.

"It is indeed a humanoid creature as said by Prince Zhao. This is called the Nagu tribe? Human snake tail, there are 191 people have been seen so far. From the living situation, they are still relatively primitive. Idols should be the gods they worship. "Ma Hongyu watched the telescope and passed it to the next person.

"In terms of the number of shacks, there should be about three hundred aliens on the island. They feed on fish and birds, and their strength is the lowest. The ground is the lowest! In addition, their buildings seem to have exits underwater." The ship's expression was solemn.

The lowest strength are all aliens of the wheel, so what kind of strength will their masters be? You must know that the ordinary people of the ancient ethnic group are just human-level. This kind of alien is more powerful than the ancient ethnic group.

And there are exits underwater, which means that it is very difficult to wipe out all these aliens. If the other party wants to escape, it is very difficult for his own side to stop them.

The only reassuring thing is that these aliens are few in number.

But it's just here.

If you know outside the mountain, you do n’t know how many aliens, then they are the enemy of the human race.

"That statue is not their god, it should be a hero or a king. Usually the **** statue, in order to strengthen the image of the god, usually has some different parts, which will form a sense of unknown, which is conducive to the believers. Awe. This is especially true of the more primitive aliens. "Lin Dong paid more attention to the gods in the center of the island and made his own analysis.

He smiled at everyone after putting down his telescope: "Personal habits, excuse me!"

Working together and loving one another, Zhengtian religion can achieve the first cult of Daxia, relying on the efforts and professional knowledge of the leaders of each generation.

The crowd twitched their lips, knowing that you are the leader of Zhengtianjiao, you don't need to emphasize it again.

"I'm curious ... how did these creatures reproduce?" Gao Yi said after watching it for a moment.

Everyone looked at it immediately. I really didn't see it. You look so thick and eyebrows, it's such a high Yi!

"I'm just curious, knowing how they reproduce, and it's easier to understand their fertility." Gao Yi was slightly embarrassed after seeing the expressions of the people, and gave himself an impeccable excuse.

"Their tails can be opened and closed, from which the **** can be extended." The ancient master explained to everyone.

This time everyone looked at him with a bad expression, Gao Yi said, did you really study it?

The ancient master is very calm: "The mating is very interesting, you can see at night, they will mating by the lake."

Everyone stared at him for a long time, and had to say to themselves: "These barbarians have no courtesy and shame ... What can't be said in Da Xia, in their eyes, it's just as normal as stars."

In the eyes of the Daxia people, this kind of thing can still only be understood and inexplicable, even if the custom industry of Daxia is thousands of times better than Dayao, even the scholars talk about romantic affairs.

In their opinion, the only normal person that Dayao can communicate with is probably Ren Qianqian.

However, if they knew that Ren Baqian was preparing to print a large number of Spring Palace pictures and Xiaohuangwen to improve the reproduction ability of the ancient people, this idea would probably change.

The people looked on the mountain for a long time and confirmed Ren Baqian's words.

The only thing left to do is to defeat these aliens and confirm their confession.

Afterwards, everyone returned to where the ancients were, and decided when and how to attack.

There are more than 500 ancient people here, of whom 12 are the Supreme, which is not a small battle force.

In addition, there are five hundred forged heavenly warriors.

Coupled with those weird mounts, the combat power of these people can be increased by 30%, which can just deal with the civilians in the alien race.

And what they care about is the strong among the aliens!


The island is not too big. It is about ten kilometers long and only three or four kilometers wide. Among them, a row of shacks is on the edge of the lakeshore facing the south. The center of the island is a statue that is dozens of meters high. There is a base below the statue And layers of stairs, in front of the statue are many fish as tribute.

Every day at sunset, the Nagu people on the island will worship food in front of the statue, beg for blessing, and then enjoy the predatory harvest of the day. The huge lake area and abundant aquatic products make these Nagu people not worry about food shortage.

After enjoying the food, many Nagau civilians will meet at the edge of the lake.

The Nagu people didn't know they had been spotted, and the few telescopes left at this time had a great effect.

The following night, dozens of people with amazing breath descended from the air, and several of them flew directly to the statue in the center of the island.

"Friends of which tribe?" A woman's voice was heard in a shack on the edge of the island, and a dozen aliens with magical powers greeted everyone in the air.

However, when they found someone pounced on the middle statue of the island, these Nagu people suddenly became furious: "What are you going to do?"

"Boom!" The huge statue in the middle of the island was hit by several figures, and it was suddenly covered with cracks.

"Protect the King!" Many Nagu people rushed out of the shack and rushed to the center of the island.

"Just right!" Lin Dong looked at the cracked statue in the middle of the island, and said lightly.

This is his suggestion. Usually, such totem-like statues are extremely important. If they are destroyed when they come up, the opponent will be mad, but when the madness fades, they may run away when they find that they are not.

Therefore, you should wait for the statues to be wounded without destroying them, and let the aliens come to protect the idols crazy, so that it is possible to wipe out all these aliens on the island.

At the same time, many ancient ethnic groups that had been prepared around the lake for a long time threw huge trees cut down one by one into the lake as a step forward.

At this moment, an extremely breathy breath rose from the edge of the lake.

"Human race, you really are the bane!"

"Sure enough, as Prince Zhao said!"

With an angry roar, a six-armed figure ran into a terrestrial master on the edge of the island with boundless might!

The two sides only responded with a single blow. Gao Yi flew out in horror, leaving the short gun in his hand. Only one long gun was held in his hand, and blood continued to flow from the tiger's mouth.

"What kind of charm is daring to be crazy!" A huge palm with a diameter of ten feet was shot from it. The sun, moon, and stars in the palm flashed with white awns, and they hit out before the palm fell. This is a very powerful Xugong ship. Move, meet other masters, these sun, moon and stars can make the other party busy, and have no time to take care of the palm on the head.

However, the figure with six arms holding four steel knives waved several knives towards the sky ~ ~ The sun, moon and stars were all gone, and the giant palm was directly worn through a hole.

"Fire comes! Guns come!" Ma Hongyu fluttered in the air with a large pen, and countless flaming lances emerged from the air and shot towards the back of the Nagu tribe.

"Stone comes!"

Sharp stone columns at the top protruded from the ground, blocking the opponent's range of motion.

"Be careful, this person is terrific!" Xugong Ship had only one time to shout.

Flames, spears, pillars of stone, have shattered!

"This is a hard stubble! This alien is so powerful!" Pouting Gong gritted his teeth, unfastened a pocket from his waist, reached out his hand, pulled an elbow from it, and threw it at the other side.

Next, Babao rice, Chinese congee, roast chicken, shank of beef, grilled fish, almost everything is gourmet.

But everything is a murder weapon.

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