The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 918: A few more words, I haven't drifted yet

"His Royal Highness!" Ren Baqian was lying on the fence on the second floor and looked at the hall below. A man hurried over to see salute.

Ren Baqian smiled. He saw it when the other party just came in. It was an old acquaintance!

Zhan Changkong!

The owner of the Golden Circle Mansion, Zhan Caixian and her father, now serve as the deputy thousand households in the Ivynwei Institute of the Duwei Mansion.

A few years later, Zhan Changkong seemed to be more energetic. I don't know if this old tree has been alone in Izumo for so long, has it bloomed again!

Otherwise, why are you looking at Hongguang?

But these things have nothing to do with himself, Ren Baqian turned and entered the room: "Come and talk!"

He just stood behind him after breaking his heart, and immediately followed him when he entered the room, standing in a corner, without saying a word.

Zhan Changkong carefully closed the door carefully, as if he hadn't seen the heart break, respectfully said:

"Why is Your Highness here? I heard before that a man like an ancient man went all the way from Liangcheng to the east. I was thinking about having time to investigate, but I never thought it was Your Highness!"

Ren Baqian nodded slightly, and he didn't tell the people in Duwei Mansion that he would come. They spent most of their energy in investigating the big case and could still notice that they were doing a good job!

After all, they have come to Izumo, but it has not been enough for more than three years, and it seems that they have developed well in the local area.

If Ren Baqian remembers it right now, the entire Izumo has about 10,000 Lux, scattered across more than 400 cities, with an average of 20 or 30 people in each city.

The lowest position in Duweifu is Ti Qi, a staff member. This kind of Lux is a non-staff, equivalent to a life-time contract worker, mainly responsible for eyeliner.

"What's happening recently in Izumo? How are you checking?" Ren Baqian asked directly.

"His Royal Highness, since the incident, the number of people on the streets has begun to decrease. When that happens, the idle people on the streets are almost invisible, and only those gang warriors occasionally appear.

We originally got in touch with some Izumo warriors, and even absorbed a few people as fighters. We got some news from them, but we have n’t decided yet, so we have n’t reported it to your Highness! Zhan Changkong said respectfully.


"Many warriors who live in remote areas have recently gone to the sky and do n’t know where they are. Looking at their residences, there are no traces of fighting, and they all leave on their own. Some martial art masters have closed their doors, but they are the masters of big groups As usual, nothing seems to have changed. "

"Izumo's gang, what's the situation, you talk about it!" Ren Baqian closed his eyes and listened to Zhan Changkong's voice into his ears.

"Izumo has a total of 127 sectarian gangs, of which thirteen are famous sects, of which ten are sectarians, two are sectarians, and there is only one sectarian sect. These thirteen This martial art, regardless of its strength, status, or influence, is called the Upper Thirteen Doors. These are the ones that we have said are not affected.

In addition to the top thirteen gates, there are forty-one schools with Shenlun sitting in town. Almost all of them have only one Shenlun sitting in town. The strength of these schools is not low. Together, they have nearly 50,000 disciples.

The rest are mainly gangs composed of some masters of the wheel, or the once-decayed martial arts, the scope of action is limited to one city, even two or three near a city. These gangs are also quite numerous, but there are not many masters. Especially those gangs are mostly in the market.

We are drawn from these gangs. They do not have the cohesiveness of a sect. Most of the masters of the gang are recruited from outside, so they are relatively easy to be drawn. "

"How many sects are unaffected now?" Ren Baqin asked with a deep grin.

"As far as we know, a total of thirty-four factions have not been affected. Almost all the leaders of the other factions are either retreating or practicing.

"Isn't the gang doing things in the past days?"

"According to our recent investigations, before and after that, more or less masters were unknown in these martial arts. As for others, it takes time to check!"

Ren Baqian opened his eyes, and his eyes were frozen.

"In other words, are these martial arts possible?"

"Yes! But we have counted them. These unknown masters don't add up to hundreds of people. It seems that they can't quickly kill the patrol, and no one has run away."

"If there are top masters, then you can do it! Are there ordinary students in those schools?"

He knew that many things in this world could not be calculated according to common sense.

Hundreds of people seemed to be unable to siege the patrols and Wu Kai and Du Wei Peng Yu and Li Rui.

But there is a species in this world called the top master.

As long as there are two or three masters in the front row, it is enough.

"No, it just reduced the scope of activity, there is no sign of large-scale deployment."

"Continue to check and hurry up. If you can, find a breakthrough directly in those martial arts. As for the price, nothing is more important than their lives! In addition, hurry up and check out the situation of Yun's top masters!" Said Ren Baqian.



When Zhan Changkong retreated, Ren Chiqian's coldness gradually subsided, and his brows frowned.

So many sects are implicated. If it is true, then I am afraid it will be a bit difficult!

Even if some masters and ordinary disciples did not participate in it, now the Empress and the Manchu civil and military are all angry, they have no intention of distinguishing whether these disciples should die. As long as one is involved, none can be let go.

The Empress originally ordered the martial arts above the ground wheel to kill all, and another order was to kill all the martial arts.

The former refers to those idle warriors, while one refers to more than one hundred martial arts.

These Izumo masters collectively lose heart and go crazy? Hundreds of martial arts, every one of them dares to participate in it?

Or is there an organization that reaches into all martial arts?

If so, this organization is really terrible!

"What do you think?" Ren Baqian asked without looking back.

"Don't kill them!" A heartbreaking cold voice came.

Ren Baqian rubbed his brows, and it really was.

Xinzhe knows that the purpose of his visit this time is the same, not to mention the other people and the empress in the chapel.

It is estimated that even the Empress did not have any expectations this time. It's not that they don't believe in themselves, but that the empress wants to kill them all!

"Well, I'm here to save the lives of tens of thousands of people. I'm really a sage. My wife wants to kill someone and run to save myself!" Ren Baqian laughed at himself.

The door was pushed open, and Li Yuanzhu walked in and said to Ren Qianqian lightly: "This is for the entire people! The ancient people have the same nature, so they do n’t make sense. You are rational and far-sighted. The big picture is in my heart, so you are here. "

Ren Baqian pondered for a moment, and smiled at Li Yuanzhu: "You can still boast two more words, I don't think I'm floating!"

Li Yuanzhu chuckled when he heard it. "It's all from the heart of Yuan Zhu."

Ren Baqian said with emotion: "I was so praised by the third master in the world, even though I didn't drink at this time, I was going to be drunk!"

Li Yuanzhu pouted and smiled.

Although I was wondering why Qi Zixiao chose a man with such a low strength as a husband-in-law, we have to know that at the time, he was not even a 8,000-person martial arts warrior, just an ordinary person. Compared with Qi Zixiao, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

Yes, it is underground, not above ground.

However, from recent contacts, Qi Zixiao is not good in other aspects, and her vision is still good.

Although this person's force is not high, he does have talent. But not as proficient in poetry and poetry as those scholars, but rather proficient in all aspects.

From the country, he conquered the land of heaven, and those Jing people now look at him with their horses.

Izumo's current situation is his plan. If it weren't for this incident, Izumo would have stabilized in half in just two years.

The official way was repaired by him. Although he has not seen the role of the official way, as long as people with a little knowledge know how useful such a road is ~ ~ It is said that Da Yao is preparing to build along the river Metropolis, he also planned.

The shaved ice, glass, street lamps often seen in Lancheng, as well as those soaps, toothpastes, and even well salt produced by Da Yao himself during the war, came from all his hands.

As the president of the university, the establishment of the first university in Dayao has also trained a group of students with practical ability.

Open a bookstore, print a newspaper, and open the minds of the people.

Home organization also relies on the framework he built up.

He also brought out the so-called nuclear warheads.

Now running for these Izumo warriors ...

It can be said that this person is worth millions of troops ...

Have to say, Qi Zixiao picked up treasure! The little white face of the empress's house

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