The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 936: Theirs is ours

The elders in the five coffins are also old, with hair all white and skin covered with wrinkles and spots.

The oldest 妪 at the end of opened his eyes, and stiffly reached out and pushed away the crystal coffin above, sat up from it, and greedily breathed the air of the world.

The tadpole fluid slid down along the surface of the body and eventually converged into the coffin to form a calm water surface. There was no drop left on the old tadpole's body, and the skin surface was only slightly moist.

The old man first breathed the air of the world greedily, turning his eyes in the room, and finally gathered on the body of the master of the heavenly temple. The muscles on his face twitched a few times, and then he stretched out his stiff hands and rubbed his cheeks and throat. The interference was like the sound of two pieces of wood rubbing: "Qingdian, how long has it passed?"

"One hundred and seventy-three years in eighty-three years," said the Master of the Heavenly Temple.

的 The old man in the "eighty-three years" coffin repeated it gently, turning his head stiffly, and glanced at the other coffins. He asked, "Did you find a suitable container?"

"Not yet. The container that can meet the sixth conversion is too rare." Tiandao Dianzhu said.

"It is becoming more and more scarce. When Qing Ting walked, one or two were occasionally found in the world, but when I walked, I never encountered one for hundreds of years." Said the old man in the coffin. "This is the last time I woke up. If there is still no container when I wake up next time, I will die as a fly ash, and there will be no chance to change the container."

Then he looked up at the Lord of the Heavens Temple: "You are the only offspring I have differentiated, and the last peregrine falcon here. This is the second time to change the container, and there are thousands of years. If there is a chance, you go . For so many years, everything in Tiandao Temple has become the orbit. Even without you, Tiandao Temple will continue to follow the previous route. As for us, Qing Ju and Qing Zi have no chance to transfer containers, Qing Ting There are still a hundred years, and no matter how much I postpone, there are only 300 years left after waking up this time. If there is no hope, then everything will be destroyed here. "

From the tone of the old 妪, she can see that she is not too enthusiastic about finding containers again and changing containers again, and now delaying life is just an instinct that has been seen through.

Even if she fell into eternal darkness after falling asleep this time, it would not cause much waves in her heart.

Even if she was awakened this time and reduced her existence for two hundred years, she didn't care.

He asked after he said, "What happened to me this time?"

The main Taoist Temple said: "If there is no change, it will indeed be like you said. Even without me, the Tiandao Temple will continue to follow the original route. But now it has changed!"

The master of Tiantian Temple said that his brows were frowned.

The old man in the coffin looked up at her: "It looks serious, otherwise you won't wake me up."

"In addition to this, there are a number of human races." Tiandao Dianzhu will be in charge of eight thousand things in detail.

Lao 妪 's expression did not change, but the golden color in her eyes became heavier.

After a moment, the golden light in Lao's eyes gradually faded.

"It doesn't have to be a bad thing. Let him do what he wants to do. You just have to keep doing what you are doing now. Don't be impatient, the importance of the Heavenly Temple has begun to decline, but it looks very good now usefulness."

Then said meaningfully: "Their is ours."

"As long as you bring all of them to Jinzun God, not only will all of them become flowing water, but you may also learn something from it. After all, our road has reached the upper limit, and it will not be found for many years. Going further.

"This is an opportunity."

"I am worried about another group of peoples. According to that person, they are very powerful! Judging from the Zerg and Protoss he said, although they are not as good as the Jinjia Gods and respected gods, they are not easy to deal with, and The quantity is even more horrible. "Said the Lord of Heaven.

"That ’s why we take things away and turn them into ours. As long as we understand them, we can find weaknesses. Besides, most importantly, you notice that they do n’t, their personal strength is very weak, and they have no resistance to our tribe. Power. As long as they can find their place, everything they have is ours. "The old lady said lightly.

"I understand."

可能 "Maybe, this is the last time we have met in this world. I will return to the Spirit Hall to wait for you." After the old maid said, he took another greedy breath and lay slowly in the coffin.

The Lord of the Heavens Palace silently closed the crystal coffin lid and turned out.

The maidservant looked at the heartbreak, Lin Qiaole, Li Yuanzhu, Lin Yue and others in front of her, and her face was as plain as water.

Although flat, it is like a storm brewing on a calm sea.

"Release the position of the guard leader, and distribute the mine for three years!"

"Go to the position of Lin Qiao, Le Qingxin Hall, and assign a mine for one year!"

The heart-breaking position is guarding. This time a big thing happened, but the three-year distribution was already because Ren Baqian had done nothing.

If it wasn't for Ren Baqian's contact with a radio station, the emperor's heart would be broken and cut.

Xing Xin sacrifice silently to the emperor, took off his helmet and put it on the ground, and began to untie the armor on his body.

Tong Zidong came to her side with her eyes down.

He took off the armor, and in addition to the safety pants, there was a sports vest, which was also given by Ren Qianqian.

"Give her a coarse cloth, and immediately distribute it to the mine ~ ~ The emperor Shen said, turning her head to look at Lin Qiaole, only to see that she lowered her head and said nothing.

I can't help but my nose comes out

The concubine's face was a little angry, even if it was known to Lin Qiaole that it was a daily routine.

"Lin Qiaole, add one grade to the crime, and also distribute mines for three years!"

Lin Qiaole: Whispers

"Pull it down!"

"唉? 唉? Finished? What did your Majesty say?" Lin Qiaole looked up and whispered when the two men dragged their arms out.

"I was unconcerned!" Li Yuanzhu said faintly when he saw Qi Zixiao's eyes.

Although she is not a dazzling person, Qi Zixiao is not qualified to deal with her, but she feels guilty and speaks.

"Go to your big summer! I don't want to see you!"

"Sorry!" Li Yuanzhu arched his hand at the female emperor. She also knew that the empress was in anger at this time, and waited until any eight thousand came to speak.

A moment when Lin Yue was pulled, the two left the yard.

Lin Linyue thoughtfully.

When the two of them came out of the city, Lin Yue said with a little confusion: "Will I find Lin Qiaole in the future? Can I only go to the mine to find her? Which mine?"

Li Yuanzhu turned his head and looked at it, his heart was weak for a while.

She can't do anything about this girl.

It took her a long time to say that Ren Baqian was upstairs. When everyone went, she had already gone upstairs, and her heart was hammered.

If she had said it then, where would the latter happen?

"Let's go, Da Xia!"


After a long while, Lin Yue suddenly remembered another thing: "I have no seeds to eat, go buy some Lancheng first!"

定 Set a small goal first, such as 1 second Remember:

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