When they saw the two crystal coffins, everyone crowded around.

"this is……"

A coffin had been completely damaged. Only the upper half of the body was left inside, and the lower body was missing. Looking at the wound, it seemed to be broken by a stone.

Although the wreckage of the Divine Strong is not easily destroyed, it would be completely different if a nuclear bomb was exploding on the head.

The other coffin was relatively complete, and its body was generally intact.

Although the two bodies were not intact, their faces were completely preserved. At a glance, everyone could see the appearance of the two bodies, which was similar to the Lord of Heaven.

"The twenty-first generation of non-toxic hall masters, and the twenty-ninth generation of the main hall deputy hall masters." Wen Xiaosheng immediately recognized the identity of the two after glancing at one side.

"The twenty-first generation of the non-toxic temple master ... isn't this ..." Everyone has already, isn't this the disciple of the dead body below? According to Zongshang, is the body container replaced by Qingdao Master Qing Lan?

I did not expect that her body still exists in the Temple of Heaven, and it is so complete.

"Tiandao Hall is gone, we dug down and found these two underground. There is a secret room below Tiandao Hall, which we never knew before." One said.

Fei Yan glanced at him with a relaxed expression on his face: "Exactly, cut it open and everything is clear."

Ren Baqian was also curious and stood aside, waiting to see what it looked like after the cut.

These aliens manipulate the human body in the human brain ... everything is no different from a living person, giving Ren Baqian a strange feeling.

It made him wonder-Gundam!

The alien is the driver, and the human body is Gundam.

I did not expect that the fantasy in the comics was presented to him in such a way.

Somewhat ironic.

Not far from him, the crowd had tossed a half-coffin cover aside and completely exposed a half-body.

"The two bodies were soaked with an unknown liquid." Someone looked at the wound and said that if the body was intact, the liquid would not stick to the body. However, on the broken body, there will be a little residue at the wound.

With nothing in his face, he looked at the two bodies solemnly, his fingers stretched out in a volley, and a sword popped up along his fingers, like an invisible long sword across the air.

The half-body head suddenly appeared horizontally from the position of the bridge of the nose.

Someone reached out and gently picked, and the upper half was completely detached.

"His!" There was a sudden sigh of cold air in the room, and everyone's face changed color.

I saw that half of the skull was covered with blue-black liquid.

The most important thing is that among those green and black liquids, there are still half of them!

Half a finger size villain.

A sword of emptiness just crossed the little man's waist, his hands and lower body disappeared, and the upper body was a little man who could not see men and women. He was wrapped in blue-gray liquid, and seemed to feel the pain. The villain's body was still shaking slightly.

"It's really alien. This thing is alive!"

There is an alien in the mind of a person. This picture really appeared in front of him, and it was enough to shock everyone, not to mention that this alien was still alive.

The half of the alien face wrapped was twitching slightly, and the eyelids of both eyes were shaking. Everyone took precautions. This thing turned out to be a human container. Who knows if they will suddenly wake up and fight back.

Ren Baqian shrank directly behind Zong's upper body, using Zong as a meat shield.

However, this did not happen.

The half alien didn't move after shaking a few times.

It was only halfway before someone said, "Dead."

Ren Baqian glanced from the back of Zong's head, confirmed that there was no threat, and then turned to the side where the skull was cut, and looked into his brain, only to see that the blue-black liquid inside was slowly flowing out, and it looked very sticky. .

The lower body of the alien is inside.

What makes Ren Qianqian care is that there is a tail behind the alien, or a bunch of tails. Countless white filaments extend from the position of the tail vertebra and pierce all over the skull, so that the half of the skull is like a cloth. Full of spider silk.

Ren Baqian guessed that this kind of aliens controlled the human body in this way, and the jade waist slaves really had imagination.

Before the jade waist slaves matured, they also lived in the human body, but had almost no response to the outside world, had no thinking ability, and were completely walking dead.

The one in front will be much more advanced.

It took a long time for everyone in the room to lose their voices before they rang up again.

Now everything has been proven, and everyone is not the same. I did not expect that one of the founders of the Tiandao Temple turned out to be an alien race. I did not expect that the Tiandao Temple has been under the control and play of the alien race for thousands of years.

This makes all the people who have been secretly holding the direction of the human race for so long!

Void closed his eyes, stood for a moment, and opened his eyes sharply to look at Ren Baqian: "Old man has nothing to say now. Just one more thing to ask, Terran, can you succeed?"

"Natural!" Ren Baqian's expression was quite relaxed.

Just give me enough time ... believe it or not I bombard aliens with railguns?

"That's good!" Void life seemed relieved. "The old man told you an explanation after the matter was ascertained, and he should also give you an explanation! Since the human race still has you, the old man has no regrets."

"Nothingness?" Everyone was anxious when they heard this.

However, nothingness did not care about the crowd, a gift to Ren Baqian, and a gift to everyone.

"Too many people are waiting for me!" Nothing was said, and there was no other response.

Life quickly dissipated from him.

Everyone's faces were unbearable.

Unexpectedly, lifelessness was so dead.

And after everything was known, Tiandaodian lost most of its high-end combat power, and lost its top combat power of nothingness.

Zong Shang's face was dull, remembering a conversation with Void the night before.

I took those utensils that were used to prevent them from fire and poison, and also brought the sentence that Ren Baqian said. As long as they disappeared since then, they will not be held accountable.

It is a pity that how arrogant and arrogant are the lives of vain life, how can it accept such a life of charity.

"The old man is not afraid of death, and he will die! If that man can really take the people out of this cage, the old man will die, so as not to be involved in the Temple of Heaven."

"What's more, those who died under the old husband's hands these years are still waiting for the old husband to go down!"

Too many people have died in his hands over the years.

If it was really for the sake of the human race, then the sword in his heart would be extremely clear, without any trace of blood.

But if even the Lord of the Heavenly Temple is a foreigner, what does he do these years? What are those who died in his hands?

Faith is gone, and the sword is stained with blood, so that's all for now.

"唉 ——!" Zong Shang's eyes turned towards the other person in the field ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wen Xiaosheng faced with a mild smile and arched his hands toward everyone: "Go ahead!"

After saying a word, there was a smile on the spot.

Throughout the room, everyone felt cold.

Zong Shang closed his eyes and thought of the three words Wen Xiaosheng said-"pillow wind!"

"There is no shortage of masters in Tiandao Temple. We are dead and there are other masters on top. It just takes some time. But Tiandao Temple is the Tiandao Temple for everyone. If it is damaged, it is everyone.

The offense was so severe this time that there must be an explanation. Otherwise, you won't say it, you may have to find it hundreds of times in the future. If he didn't make that request that day, there would still be room for change. But since it was proposed, it took root in my heart. In this case, it would be better to stop here! "

Ren Baqian watched the death of the two, sighed slightly, turned around and pushed the door out.

For a while he was fascinated.

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