The End Is Approaching: People In Yingjiang, Crazy Zero Yuan Shopping

148: Since You Don't Come Out, I'll Poison You To Death!

The Lunar Monitoring Station sent a call request to the spaceship of the Crazy Blood Clan through the public channel.

Soon, the application was approved.

Ucarus and Elder Bakhhe connected to the dialogue.

"Crazy blood clan, you broke into our engineer's cradle to hunt without permission, have you thought about the consequences?

Ucarus first gave Bach a big hat.

Ready to overwhelm his prestige.

After all, in the universe, engineers belong to the top civilization.

The momentum has to be suppressed.

If it wasn't for the iron-blooded people being good at hunting, they would often have their heads cut off by the iron-blooded hunters without knowing it.

Otherwise, Ucarus would directly order the destruction of the spaceship of the Crazy Blood Clan.

Never give him a chance to talk.

Unexpectedly, Bach directly cut off the call signal.


Ucarus was speechless for a moment.

One second you were domineering, and the next second they just ignore you.

It was shut down.

Ucarus was so angry that he wanted to curse, but the engineer's gene had been modified, and he was close to a state of wanting nothing.

The anger in 20's heart was suppressed by the transformed body.

This feeling is hard.

In the final analysis, they are still mortals, and their state of mind has not reached the level of desire and desire like a true god.

It relies on the modified gene, which suppresses the seven emotions and six desires of mortals.

The result became a "false god".

Even using a false god to describe it is highly regarded.

"Send me the call signal again."

It's been a long time this time.

The call request was finally connected, and Bach's profile picture appeared again.

"Speak well if you have something to say."

"Judging from your armor badge, you are only a captain of an outpost, and you are not qualified to be equal to me.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

This time it was Bach's turn to turn against the guest.

Anyway, he is also an elder of a clan. Even if the engineer's overall technological strength is stronger than that of the iron-blooded clan, it is still not the turn of a small captain.

Although Ucarus was unwilling.

But the anger in his heart was suppressed by his body, and he didn't lose his mind because of it.

"Okay, then let's get down to business."

"Is the space technology device of the Blue Star natives your work?"

Bach felt that the other party was humiliating him.


"Do you think the aborigines you have experimented with are qualified to be equal to our Iron-Blood race?"

"We are an advanced civilization in the universe."

"In our eyes, the natives are just low-level prey, and they are not eligible to receive our gifts.

Of course.

There's one thing Bach doesn't say.

In his spaceship, three new-blooded people and five blood-stained people from the Crazy Blood clan died inexplicably outside Yingjiang's capital.

There are also blood-stained people from other clans, including Dark Iron Blood, who are also dead.

Bach would never say such a shameful thing.

Ucarus looked at Bakhhe with firm eyes.

Think about it.

I also think it shouldn't be them.

According to the consensus of the higher civilizations in the universe, the natives can be educated, but the power of science and technology will never be gifted.

Just like humans can educate livestock.

But absolutely no gifts for livestock.

Because in the eyes of advanced civilizations, the lives of indigenous planets are similar to livestock.

The difference between civilization and technological level is too great.

Not eligible for gifts at all.

"I hope what you say is true, but we will continue to adjust."

"If you find that the space device of the aborigines is a gift from your Crazy Blood Clan, the consequences will be extermination!"

After speaking harshly, Ucarus cut off the communication.

Pretend to be forced and run away.

It's not just the Blue Stars who can do this.

"Okay, since I can't scan out the port, I can only go down and investigate it myself."

"let's go."

Ucarus took a team of ten people and left the spaceship in an airship.


Everyone landed outside the gate of Yingjiang's capital.

Ten people stepped out of the airship one after another.

It's 7:00 p.m. Eagle sauce time, and it's just dark [the capital is brightly lit.

Light-transmitting curtains, you can see people shaking.

"Sure enough, only the naked eye can see what's inside."

"It's incredible."

"What powerful space technology can block our investigation."

Before coming, the monitoring station reported the general situation to the outpost.

Therefore, Ucarus knew that the space power in the capital could transfer the target.

Still, he decided to try it out for himself.

Ucarus took a few steps forward, and after touching the edge of the space fold, he was immediately transferred to the back door of the capital.

"Reality is wonderful!"

Just now, the moment Ukaros was transferred, the sensors on his body also collected information.

The space power enveloping the capital can not only transfer physical objects.

Judging from the data display, even the energy that causes violent fluctuations can be easily transferred.

Such as the violent shock wave generated by an explosion.

Or lethal gamma rays or whatever.

All destructive energy cannot pass through the barrier covering the capital.

Ucarus carefully recalled which civilization in the universe has this level of technology.

But search your brain.

No matching target was found either.

"Maybe I know too little."

There are too many advanced civilizations in the universe, and Ucarus is just the captain of an outpost, so it is naturally impossible to know too much with his authority.

He teleported from the back door to the front door again.

"It seems that it is impossible to destroy the space device here."

"At present, the only way is to increase the dose to release black water.

Black water is not energy.

It is a multifunctional genetic weapon.

When released in increased doses, it becomes one with the air and the body of those exposed is decomposed in an extreme amount of time.

Before the engineer creates life, Du 907 will choose a sacrificer.

The sacrificer drank black water with extremely high concentration. After the body was decomposed, the genes combined with other organisms, and after hundreds of millions of years of gestation, new life would be born.

This is the means of creation.

It can also be used as a means of extermination.

"Since you are hiding inside and can't come out, then you can only use this method."

Viruses are not energy.

Ucarus took it for granted that no matter how powerful the space power here is, it is impossible to isolate the air.

So he immediately took everyone back to the spaceship.

Then send two engineers to the lunar monitoring station to fetch black water.

Blue Star's world-destroying operation was initiated by the monitoring station.

There is still black water in stock.

As the engineer left the capital, in the main building, Laura showed a dignified expression.

"Another alien?"

Just now she caught ten extremely weak signals, and Anna had also caught this kind of signal before.

It just disappeared quickly.

They have never seen such a weak signal creature, what exactly is it.

"Last time it was one."

"This time there are ten."

"No, you have to tell the master quickly."

Laura looked at the time, it was 7:30 in the evening, and it should be 8:30 in the morning in Shanghai.

The master should have woken up.

Without further ado.

Laura leaves the open space and returns to the city...

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