The End Of Life

Chapter 100 - Little Game (II)

Looking around the area once again, Mark turned towards the south hallway and asked Suzie, "Do you want to rest, Suzie? I can search for a room for you to stay; meanwhile I search the other hallway." 

Suzie shook her head and said, "No, It's ok. I will help." moving closer to him. Mark exhaled and nodded. He could not change her decision. They slowly made their way to the south hallway. Unlike the displayed paintings in the previous one, this had models and scenarios instead. 

They could see various wax figures and models through the glass as they made their way across the hallway. Each scenery behind the glass depicted the major revolution in human history. He paid close attention towards each model. 

Kevin could be inside one of the scenarios. They reached the end of the hall, and similarly, like the previous hallway, he could only go either right or left. Going towards the right, they reached a similar room. He looked upon the first floor and noticed there were more sceneries above. He looked towards the two on the ground floor. 

One showed the current development of humans, while the other showed the world before humans. The one on the left was the present one. It had various models of cars and people wearing modern clothing. But on the other side were complete dinosaurs. There was a model of a volcano with a T-Rex and triceratops around it. It was beautiful scenery. 

"Kevin, are you here? It's me, Mark. Make some noise so I could know if you are here. Kevin." Shouting so he could get some clues as to where he was. 

Mark became alert as he heard a few steps behind him. He looked around but couldn't find anyone then looked above, but it was also empty. He motioned Suzie to stay to the side. He went closer towards the scenery behind him and observed the humans in them. He looked at the car but could not find anything. But he didn't back down and instead swung a nearby chair in the mirror. 

The mirror did not break, and so he continued to slam it with the chair. After a couple of more tries, a wide crack emerged, and he smiled. Bringing it back further, he swung it using all his strength on the crack. The glass finally shattered and crumbled. Clearing the class with the chair, he went into the scenery. He touched the models of the regular people first and noticed the museum made them with wax. 

He made his way towards the car and stood on the other side, looking at the wax figures inside. He did not notice anything different and so turned around, exhaling. He doubted him hearing anything, but as he turned, he saw a shadow on the other side of the car, facing the wall. He took out his gun instead and slowly went to the other side. 

Mark was cautious as he searched for Kevin. He already faced a few surprise attacks and was lucky enough to get out only with a cut on his leg. As he tip-toed to the other side, the man suddenly turned around and shot towards him. Mark immediately ducked and hid. He could hear the man's steps on the other side and so clutched the gun tighter. 

As they came nearer, Mark jumped ahead and turned back. He shot towards the noise and hit the man's shoulder. He dropped the gun and clutched his shoulders. Mark stood up and made his way towards the guy. He picked the dropped gun and kept it inside the bag. 

"So do you want to talk? Tell me where my friend is held captive and be quick. I got no time." Squatting before the man. The guy only grit his teeth and clutched his shoulder tighter. He has no intention of talking with him. 

Sighing, Mark said under his breath, "Why do you guys make it so hard for me. Just answer the damned question." He looked at the man once again and smiled. He was already irritated with the people in the previous hall and couldn't take their nonsense anymore.

The man felt like the devil was in front of him, looking at Mark. Mark slowly went for the hand which he was covering his wound with and removed it. He looked at the bullet hole in the shoulder and smiled at the man once again. He turned the gun and pressed it over the wound, making the guy cry with pain as he struggled. 

The cries made Mark annoyed as he stuffed a cloth inside his mouth, holding back the noise and continued to press harder on the sound with the gun. The blood oozing out was not faster, and the man's face became pale because of the blood loss. The man had tears in his eyes as he was pleading Mark to stop. 

Mark finally stopped pressing and retreated the gun. The gun was covered in blood, and he slowly cleaned it. The man clutched the injury once and looked at Mark in horror. Looking at the clean weapon, he asked once again, "So, do you know anything about where he is held?"

He was looking at the man in the end. Looking into Mark's eyes and the smile which was still plastered on his face, the guy almost pissed himself. He quickly shook his head and said, "No, No. I don't know where he is held. But I heard he is kept in the southern hallway itself. But I don't know the exact location. Now please leave me alone. I told you everything I know about." begging Mark. 

Looking at the fear inside the person's eyes. Mark knew he wasn't lying and so nodded. 

"Alright, I will believe you. But remember, if I can not find him after searching the entire southern area, I will come back here, and when I do, you are dead." turning back, he went out of the place into the normal area again. The man felt shivers as he heard Mark's remark.

He waved towards Suzie and then took her up. He held her hand, being cautious. Reaching the first floor, he looked around towards the models and sceneries it was offering. They were the same compared to the ones below but were smaller. 

He walked towards the nearest one and looked through the whole thing carefully. He was searching for any people hiding inside like the person below. After inspecting each scenery and model, he couldn't find any persons inside the showcase. 

They walked back down, and he noticed the man already fainted due to excessive blood loss. But as he was exiting the place, he stopped and looked to the right. It was towards the scenery with volcanoes and dinosaurs. He did not search this one and went near it. Touching the glass, he keenly observed each model. But as his eyes passed by one of the triceratopses, he stopped and looked back. 

Squinting his eyes, he got a better look. It was a shadow, but not of the triceratops. It looked more like a human. He smiled, seeing the effort of someone hiding. But he couldn't cancel the chance of it being Kevin. 

He did not want to alert him, so he took out his gin and aimed it for his feet. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet pierced through the mirror and also the person's leg. Cries of agony came out from behind the model. The one on the left, who fainted unconscious, woke up and noticed Mark shot his partner. 

He could only curse his luck. He informed nothing about him, but he had the bad luck to be caught. He quickly closed his eyes, scared that Mark would notice him. The man behind the dinosaur limped outside and shot towards Mark, but the bullet missed its target completely. 

Noticing it was not Kevin, Mark exhaled and shot the guy's hand, making the gun fly out of his hand. He once again smashed the glass and went inside. He went near the T-Rex's feet and picked up the gun. Keeping it in his bag, he questioned the guy once again. 

Surprisingly, he was more Cooperative than the one before. Probably after hearing the earlier cries of pain. But this one was more useless. He knew nothing and was only doing this for better living conditions promised by his brother. 

Mark exhaled, hearing him, and got out of the place. He exited the room and went towards the main hallway. The only place left the room to search in the western part of this side. He reached the main hallway and stopped.

"If what he said was true, then the only place left to search for Kevin would be down this corridor. If Kevin isn't there, he will experience hell." looking at the left corridor. 

Taking a deep breath and concentrating on the corridor in front of him, he made his way in with Suzie.

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