The End Of Life

Chapter 104 - Oliver Schemes

David's words. The information and proofs he received were enough for him to believe his words. The slight fear and uncomfortableness David showed at the end could not be faked easily. 

'What happened to Mark? David's eyes showed fear for a second as he told about the craziness Mark displayed. It's too much to take in. The few days I was away from Mark, something happened to him.' He looked at Mark, sleeping opposite them. 

He could only exhale, thinking about the things happening. He looked towards David once again and asked, "Does he know this?"

"No. I don't think he knows that he has another personality in him. The conditions to trigger the personalities are not known yet. But when he changes into his secondary personality and by your words, which seem like his more offensive side, it takes time for him to turn back normal."

Kevin nodded and said, "No one knows this, right?" 

"No, you are the first one to know about this, and I also don't plan on telling about this to anyone else. I didn't have any plans to tell you, too, and only wanted to continue observing him. But after seeing his reaction when he saw his younger brother Oliver, his anger shot through the roof. He almost could not control himself. So, I decided to talk to you about it and know more about Mark."

Kevin hummed, hearing him, and said, "I hope you don't tell anyone about this doctor. Mark is a compassionate man. I do accept that sometimes he might go overboard. As I will also be with you guys from now on, I will also observe him." 

David nodded, and Kevin asked, "When will he wake up?" 

"His wound is not that serious. He only lost consciousness because of the blood he lost. He should wake up in another hour or two. We should get some rest till then; I will go sleep on the bed above Mark, you sleep here." Getting out of the bunk bed. He noticed Suzie was already asleep and went on the top of Mark's. 

Kevin, who had his stomach full after a long time, slept instantly after David left the bed. It did not take him long for them to snore. 

As everyone in the room fell asleep, on the top floor, things were thrown around in the room as a group of people stood before the angry man. Oliver was furious when he heard Mark was still alive. He decided to end his brother. His plan was almost perfect, but the people he gave the task to were not able to finish the job and, in return, got shot by Mark. 

"Young master, please try to control yourself. He was lucky this time, but I am sure he won't be lucky every time. We will get a chance to take him out before he leaves this place. From what they said, he should have a bullet inside him right now, and so he won't move quickly and escape another time." Said a man who looked like a bodyguard. 

Hearing his aid's words, Oliver slowly toned his anger down. The bodyguard was not ordinary at all. Oliver's mother hired a bodyguard to monitor him and would only report directly to her. In a way, Oliver was forced to listen to him. 

He turned towards him and said, "Wasn't it you who came up with this plan. Why did it fail? Don't act like you have authority over me. You are only a pawn used by mother, remember that." Scoffing. 

He slowly sat on a nearby chair and looked at the bodyguard. The bodyguard did not mind his words as they were the truth. He turned towards the people standing; Mark would notice them quickly. They were the people he fought against while searching for Kevin through the hallways. 

"So, you said he is wounded? Are you sure about this?" 

One of the men from the room Kevin was found limped forward. He had a bullet in his leg, and the pain was too much for him to handle, but he still nodded and said, "Yes, I kept a bullet inside his shoulder, his hand shouldn't be functional for a while." 

"We need to use this for our advantage and inflict damage on that bastard. I want him to fall into a deeper despair than the last time I played with him. He ran away so far away from home and came to this city. I would never have guessed I would meet him here under such circumstances. Do you have any ideas?" turning towards his bodyguard. 

The bodyguard nodded and said while pushing his glasses up, "I think we should go after his friend Kevin. It would be the best and most painful damage to him." 

"NO." standing up from his seat. He looked at the bodyguard in fear and said, "No, we will not go after Kevin. Even though we could mildly starve him, we can not kill him at any cost. His background is not something even my father would dare take casually. If anything happens to him, that woman would be enraged, and I am sure even during these times, my days would only be counted on a single hand." as his body shivered, remembering a specific person. 

The power that person had was immeasurable. She had everyone in her hands and played with them like pieces of chess she was always interested in. Her husband himself was a chess piece for her, and the only thing she cared about was Kevin. Last time because he requested her, she took action against their family, and it almost lost all its footing in the city. 

He could still remember the face of his emotionless father when that happened. It happened because he troubled Kevin without knowing about her. He took it too far that even the calm and conserved Kevin went to her mother. Her move seemed simple, but it took a whole year to return to their previous glory. 

But he was also lucky on one point. The fact that she only cared about her son Kevin. No matter how he played with Mark, that woman did not intervene in any manner. Even when Kevin asked her to do something, she remained indifferent about it. 

Seeing Oliver's shivering body and hearing the genuine fear in his voice, the bodyguard was taken back. The cocky young master was scared to the point he almost peed himself. He started thinking about another plan and immediately remembered another person in the group. 

"Young master, I think we can do another thing which might have a similar effect on that man." 

Oliver took a deep breath and calmed himself from the previous fear. He looked at him and asked, "What did you think of?" but the bodyguard looked at the other people standing in the room. Understanding his intention, they quickly scrambled out of the room. 

Turning back toward Oliver, he said, "We can do this…." and explained the whole plan.

Oliver's eyes shined as he heard the plan. He slowly had a cruel smile on his face and said, "Why did I not think of this. I played with him using the same plan in the past, and the result was awesome. Those were good times. Let's do it again anyway and see if his performance is any better." 

"I will leave it to you then. When are you planning on executing it?" 

"I think it would be if we do it tonight. There is a high possibility that he might wake up tomorrow and leave. So tonight, when he is unconscious, it is the right time to do it. Imagine how devastated he would be when he wakes up, young master." 

Oliver nodded and said, "Alright then, go ahead and take care of the execution. I want to see good results this time." the bodyguard nodded and went out of the room. Oliver left all alone in the room, sat back on the chair as he thought about the plan. 

'I hope this would be the last nail for your coffin, brother. But I still want you to live so I can play with you more. All the best brothers, I hope you make it as entertaining as the previous one.' with a crazy grin on his face. 

As the younger brother was plotting against him, Mark was lying on his bed, recuperating. His face looked peaceful, but his mind was far from it. He was back inside the darkroom once again. He looked around, trying to find the three people he saw when he was asleep in the military camp. 

After a few seconds passed by, which felt like a few years for him, he saw two figures this time. But unlike the previous three figures, which gave out a warm feeling, these two were the complete opposite. He felt his survival instincts scream, warning about the two people in front of him. But his body refused to move.

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