The End Of Life

Chapter 107 - Suzie's First Step

Both of them couldn't react to his sudden charge. Before the tall guy shouted, Mark was already in front of him with the mop in his hand swinging at him with full force. The mop went straight for the head, without holding back. The wood broke due to the force, and the man staggered backward. He clutched the now bloody head and kneeled down. 

Mark did not stop there as he turned around and kicked the short guy right in front of the cubicle. The force behind the leg was enough to send him towards the wall and drop on the ground clutching his stomach in pain. 

Seeing both of their reactions, he felt he underestimated his strength after adapting to the environment. His strength was easily 2 times when he was normal. Still clutching the half-broken mop in his hand, he turned towards the cubicle. Suzie long before stopped crying when she heard the loud noises outside. 

He gently tapped on the door and whispered, "Suzie, It's me. Come out. Don't be scared." as he said that, there was no response from the other side. There was only silence in the washroom. The two men were scared out of their wits seeing Mark's strength. They never thought someone would find them. 

20 minutes ago, the bodyguard of the most powerful man in the camp called them. They were asked to do a task and were also promised rewards in return. They felt ecstatic hearing him. When they inquired about the task, it was to rape a girl. They felt more ecstatic hearing that. It was a simple job. 

They accepted the task and went to the ground floor. Asking around, they found which halfway they stayed in and waited in the hallway. After a few minutes, their target walked out alone and both of them exhaled in relief. It scared the two cowards that someone would be with her. After she entered the washroom, both of them followed right behind her. 

But as they entered, the girl noticed them and immediately went into a cubicle and locked it. They rushed towards the cubicle but were too late. They started banging on the door and threatened her to come out. But it was useless as she remained inside, crying. As they got irritated and wanted to bust the door open, they were attacked. 

The attack was too quick and once both of them fell; they did not raise their voice once again. They noticed the anger in his eyes as he charged at them and were scared of what he would do to them. 

After a while, the door slowly opened, and a very weak Suzie came out. She had tear stains all over her face as her body continuously trembled in fear. Her mind went black when he saw the two lecherous faces entering the washroom behind her. It reminded her about her time in the school. She remembered how helpless she felt at that moment. 

The fear she tried to suppress for so long slowly came out. She immediately rushed into the nearest cubicle and locked the door. She sat on the toilet seat and looked towards the door. She then heard footsteps towards the cubicle accompanied by the door beginning knocked. Her body shuddered as she heard their threats. 

As the door shook more, she pushed her body against it to stop them. Tears rolled out of her eyes and she cried thinking about her current situation. But then the people stopped banging on the door and a groan followed it. She heard sounds of fighting from the other side and felt more scared. 

Things got quite quickly. She suddenly heard the door knock and got tense. But after hearing Mark's voice outside, she felt relieved once again. Even after hearing his voice, her body did not stop shaking as she slowly opened the door. She saw Mark's warm smile on the other side. 

"It's ok Suzie." 

Suzie stood there, not moving as she looked into his eyes. Seeing her body shivering with fear, Mark did not take her into a hug. But instead thought of something else. He looked to the side and saw the thugs he hit, crouched down holding the parts he hit, looking at him in fear. 

He suddenly got an idea. He turned back towards Suzie and took a step back. Seeing him go back, Suzie got scared. She thought he was abandoning her. Tears started filling her eyes. Mark felt sad seeing her condition when he took a step back, but he held on. 

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Suzie. The temperature in the room dropped by several degrees as he slowly said in a cold tone, "Hit them." pointing his finger at them. Suzie showed no response. She looked at the two people on the ground for the first time and seeing their gaze on her, she felt scared. 

She stepped towards Mark, trying to hide behind him. But Mark took a step back once again and said, "Don't come near. Why are you scared? Is it because they might do anything for you? If you continue to be like this, things won't change."

"I told you this before and I am saying this once again. You will be a burden if it continues like this, Suzie. I won't allow you to travel with me. I will leave you here and won���t see you ever again. So change. Face the fear against these kinds of bastards." 

"You should not feel scared. Instead of fear, you should feel anger and disgust against them. You should feel anger on yourself for being powerless. You can not depend on people every time you see a man like this. Now face them. Show the rage inside you. The rage you are scared to show. Take this and show me." handing her the half-broken mop. 

He had to make things clear. If Suzie continued to stay like that, it would only be harmful to her. Going forward, he won't have the chance to stay by her side every single moment. If she can not get over the fear she was in, things can not move on. 

This was the best way he could think of. Seeing the wounded thugs, he knew they won't put up much of a fight anymore. Mark was sure of this because of two things. One was the damage he already dealt with, and the second was the fear their eyes could not hide. Both of them could only put on a strong front but were actually cowards. 

He looked at Suzie and saw her looking at the mop in his hand. He pushed the mop further towards her and said in a louder tone, "Take it. Show me, you are not a person who fears thugs like them. Take it." pushing it into her hands. 

Suzie looked down at the half-broken mop in her hand. She could see some bloodstains on one end of the mop. She looked back towards Mark and saw the same icy cold stare. His hand was pointing at the two people on the ground. She could not stop her body from shivering. She looked at the two men on the ground. Both their eyes looked at her with fear. 

But seeing their eyes, she could not see the fear. But only the lustful gaze she saw before when they came towards her. She could only remember how they were trying to break through the cubicle door, despite her crying. She thought about Mark's words. 

His words resonated with something deep inside her. The anger she felt against them. The anger she felt against the man who almost abused her a few days ago. The anger she was feeling at the moment as she saw the two bastards who were ready to rape her if not for Mark's interference. 

Mark noticed her wavering emotions and knew she was considering his words. He only needed to give her a little push. He slowly said, "Do it, Suzie. I know you can do it. Show me your anger and the hate you have inside you. Power it all out on them. Face your fear." 

As she heard him once again, her thoughts became clearer. She gripped the mop with both her hands. Even though her body was still shivering under their gazes, the anger, and hate she had slowly made her take a step forward. The fear she had was being suppressed by the anger. 

Mark smiled seeing her take a step towards them. The step signified her willingness to face her fear. The step showed the anger she had deep inside her. 

"Go, Suzie. I am here if anything goes wrong. Show these bastards the anger you have in you." taking a step back. He gave her the last push she needed as she took another step with greater confidence. 

Gripping the mop tighter, she slowly took steps forward towards them and stared at them. Both of the thugs had a pleading expression as they looked at her. They wanted to revolt, but they saw Mark's gaze and couldn't move.

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