The End Of Life

Chapter 111 - Teaching Manners

Standing in front of the butler, Mark had an expression that screamed bloodlust. His smile was beyond crazy. The butler couldn't help but flinch seeing him. Sweat slowly poured down his forehead and his back was drenched wet. 

But the butler was able to gather himself and said with a blank face, "What would I know, Mr. Mark. If you suggest that I was the one who ordered them, then you could only be disappointed." not giving in. 

Mark's eyes went wide hearing him and started laughing while clutching his stomach. He couldn't help but laugh at their act. Both Oliver and the butler frowned, seeing him laugh maniacally. 

Oliver stood up and said with the frown, expressing his displeasure, "Don't act like a fool brother. Coming here and acting as you wish, do you think you can do anything you want here? Go out if you have nothing else to talk about."

Mark took a deep breath as he tried to control himself from laughing once again. As he controlled himself, he ignored his brother once again and looked into the butler's eyes. Oliver was very angry once again, seeing Mark ignoring him once again. But before he could say, Mark lifted his hand and gave a quick slap to the butler. 

The butler could not even react to the quick but strong attack as his head whipped to the other side. He held his cheek and coughed out two teeth. His face was pale and became red with anger very quickly. 

"This is because of your attitude before. I didn't like it at all. So have a slap and learn your position. And this is.." giving another slap, but with greater force on the other side, "for lying. I don't like people who lie." 

The butler was not in shock. He was never humiliated in such a way. He coughed blood from the anger inside him as he looked at Mark with his blood-red eyes. His anger was beyond control. 

"Brother, what do you think you are doing. How dare you attack one of my people? I will tell fa-" as Oliver shouted, he was also slapped like his butler. Mark did not want to listen to his nonsense anymore. Oliver stumbled back as he fell on the chair with a hand on his cheek, which had a clear print of Mark's hand. 

"Who, do you think you are, bastard? You want to go after my friends? You would rather wish you were dead." said Mark as he looked at the butler and kicked him right on his knees. The butler groaned as he felt the bones break. His face was now ghostly white. 

Before he could shout in pain, Mark caught his throat. Gripping his throat, he didn't allow him to even breathe properly, much less talk. The butler tried to escape his grip as he tried to pull Mark's hand away. But it was no use against Mark's enhanced strength. 

"For a newcomer, you really do have guts don't you." sending a hard punch right at his face. The butler's nose went crooked as he received a hard jab. More of his teeth were breaking. But Mark did not stop there. He continued to rain down the punches. 

As he was raining down more punches, Oliver recovered from the hard slap. His cheek was completely swollen. He looked at Mark in horror. But when he saw him raining down punches on his man, he immediately shouted, "Stop it you bastard. He works under my mother. You should know the consequences of what will happen if she knows." he stuttered. 

Mark's punches momentarily stopped as a woman's face flashed in his mind. His anger grew when it did as he clenched his fist tighter and delivered a punch with all his strength. The butler who was in a miserable state could not speak and was barely breathing. When he felt relieved by the sudden pause, he wanted to retaliate. But came another stronger and faster pitcher. 

His face was now bloody red. Almost all of his teeth fell out due to Mark's continuous assaults, and the last punch knocked him off entirely. Mark smirked seeing the butler's state and released his grip on the neck. The unconscious body fell down and Mark did not end it there. 

He stomped his foot right on his leg, breaking the bones entirely. This woke up the butler once again as he wailed in pain before passing out again. This caught the attention of the bodyguards outside. They rushed in with the guns in their hand and saw the butler's bloody figure and Oliver's swollen cheek. 

"Raise your hands. Don't move an inch, or there will be a bullet in your body.:" said the guy who looked like the captain of the bodyguards, pointing the gun towards Mark. Mark only smirked seeing this and took out the gun with him and aimed it at Oliver's head. He did this in one swift motion that caught everyone off guard.

With a gun pointed right at his forehead, Oliver's face went pale as he panicked. He waved his hands frantically, ordering them to keep the guns down. The leader of the guards could only frown and make a signal for everyone to keep the weapons down. 

"Not bad brother. Seems like you have some brain. Now get up." pulling him by his arm. Mark continued to point the gun at his forehead, prompting the rest of the people to back away and give space for them as they walked out of the room. The guards followed right behind them looking at Mark with caution. 

They slowly walked out of the hallway and came to the central place once again. Mark looked down towards the ground floor and smirked as he got an idea. 

"Now that things are over, brother, don't try any nasty things anymore. But if you are missing me greatly, just sit down and wait. Cause your turn would also come. Including the wicked woman you call a mother." and pulled him back. 

Caught off guard by Mark's sudden pull, Oliver stumbled as he hit the railing and fell off the first floor. He went straight down to the ground floor and wailed in pain. It looked like his legs were in pain as he clutched them. The bodyguards ran towards them seeing it. 

Mark walked away from the crowd. As they were looking for him, they heard Oliver's shout from below, "Useless bastards, come and pick me up. Leave that psycho alone for now." barking at his bodyguards. But his eyes contained uncontrollable resentment towards Mark. He grit his teeth and remained quiet for now. He coughed out blood thinking about what happened.

'You bastard. How dare you slap me and throw me off the railing? Just you wait, I will make you experience more pain than before. You will beg me to kill you when I torture you. Just you wait.' his eyes burning with hate. The bodyguards immediately ran down for Oliver and left Mark. 

Mark went down the stairs and reached the first-floor hallway once again. He looked at his bloody hand and went towards the washroom. Cleaning his hands neatly and checking his clothes, he looked at himself in the mirror. His face still had traces of his crazy smile and aura, which he emitted a few seconds ago.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, suppressing his emotions. He did not want Kevin, Suzie, or even David to know what happened just now. Returning to his normal composure, he walked out of the hallway and made his way towards their room. Once he reached the room, he took another deep breath and opened the door. 

Once he entered he noticed all three of them were done eating. They seemed to like having a chat among themselves and turned towards him when they saw the door open. 

"Ah, you are back. We thought it was taking you forever to complete whatever work you went for." Grinned Kevin. He already had a rough idea of what the 'work' was about. He noticed it when Mark was going out and did not stop him. 

He also noticed the personality change like David told him before. Just like David told him, Mark seemed a bit cold and distant all of a sudden when he was exiting the room. 

"Yes, I was lost and found my way back after a long time. Anyway Suzie, some dinner please, I am starving." Rubbing his stomach, he asked Suzie. He told a simple lie to Kevin. 

Suzie nodded and gave him his dinner. He gulped down the dinner and quickly sat down for a chat with the rest. After talking for a long time, Mark told everyone to sleep as it was getting late. He wanted to move towards the military camp early in the morning.

They turned the lights off, closed the door, and got to their respective beds. David was above Mark like before and Suzie above Kevin's. Mark looked at the bottom of the bed on top, thinking about things that happened. He closed his eyes, feeling exhausted.

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