The End Of Life

Chapter 121 - Soldier (III)

It was only me and my partner as we went towards the nearest. Quickly jumping over the platform, we made our way inside while shooting the zombies inside. The zombies outside couldn't come in cause the platform was too tall for them to simply jump over it. 

Going to the back, we noticed there were only two windows as we made our way towards them while still being on guard. Slowly walking towards the farthest window, I opened it not making much noise, and looked down to see the same small alleyway I walked in. I turned to the sides and finally caught the ladder. 

It was within an arm's reach from me to the left side. I looked to the right and saw my partner's joyous expression. Giving him a nod, I took out the walkie-talkie they gave us before. 


"We found it. Once again, we found it. It's in the food court section in the sound shop."


"Good job, Jason. We will meet. Hold them back No shoot them down. Dave, watch out. Guys, you head on it seems we won't make it out of here, we are surrounded." As he shouted towards the end and cut off his line. 

My eyes went wide hearing him scream at the end. I could only close my eyes and pray that they would survive, even though it was as clear as day that they wouldn't. 

With 3 members gone, including the captain and the lieutenant, I quickly sent out another signal for the others asking them to hurry. Strapping it back on my waist after receiving the confirmation from the rest three remaining members aside from both of us, we shared a look. 

Both of us are feeling down. My thoughts weirdly went towards this mission as a whole. This wasn't any normal mission we went on the past few days. This was on a whole another level for a group of 8 militants. 

The scout's report was way off compared to the real situation, and the number of zombies was no way near what they predicted. The hostage situation was also different. There were no hostages at all and were in fact zombies inside the predicted location. 

This made me thinking some crazy thoughts about the whole ordeal. He shook his head, denting the thoughts he was having. 

"Do you think this was all a set-up too? I think it is Jason. You know how the situation is at the camp. It's either the military or the local government which can exist in the camp as the lead position. The report was also strangely given by the scouts, which were part of the local government too as this area is under their jurisdiction. It was already strange for them to come towards us for this mission." 

Suddenly hearing my partner speak out my thoughts made me shook. I could only sigh and reply, "let's not think about this now. We need to survive this situation to think about this." 

He could only nod hearing this too. The door suddenly burst open as one of our friends burst in with a broken arm and shouted, "Guys let's go they are here and coming." Coming towards us. 

I readily stood beside the window, making it easy for me to reach out for the ladder. And out the window. 

"What happened? Where are the others?" Asked my partner anxiously, looking back at the one who came in. 

"No one there. They got run over by them immediately when we came out of our store. We didn't even have a proper chance to retaliate against them." He grunted. 

I quickly got out of the window and went onto the ladder while strapping my gun behind. I slowly looked below and in the distance, I had to jump down. I cursed the builders seeing the half ladder. The only way to reach the ground was now to jump as the ladder was only halfway. 

If I don't jump properly, I am bound to break a few bones. Noticing my friends' anxious expressions, I could only grit my teeth and hope for a nice landing. Leaving the ladder and jumping down, I landed on my shoulder and probably broke it because of the intense pain which hit me. 

I hissed as the pain was growing and slowly stood while looking towards my hand broken friend, attempting to get on the ladder. My partner on the other hand was helping him to get on. I looked around for any zombies and sighed in relief when there were none around us. 

Looking up again, I saw something which made my eyes go wide. The zombie already reached my partner and lashed onto him. Before he could react, the zombie already bit his neck down while he retaliated by shooting it down. 

But this didn't stop from his neck veins on his neck slowly turning black as he stumbled near the window. He looked down towards me and then our friend on the ladder who was hanging by one hand before going inside without making a single sound. 

I could only grit my teeth seeing this and looked towards the guy on the ladder before waving my hand to hurry up. He nodded before jumping down and landing on his back. I couldn't give him much support as one of my shoulders was probably dislocated too. 

Grabbing him up with the proper hand and making him stand. We both made our way out of the alleyway, limping while taking the support of the wall. Reaching the end, we expected to see our jeep but instead saw another crowd of zombies in the distance slowly making their way out of the mall. 

With our current situation, we could not fight back and only hope those zombies wouldn't notice us while we try to escape and survive. Giving a nod to my friend, we slowly made our way towards the end of the street.

While I was walking in the back and looking at the zombie horde behind, I suddenly heard a car alarm go off.

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