The End Of Life

Chapter 126 - Time

Taking the letter into his hands, Dan flipped it over and noticed the military stamp in the right-hand corner. Nodding, he gave back the letter to Mark and said, "Alright, the letter seems authentic. I will inform this to the General, please send this group to the medical faculty to have them checked." He turned to the side and gave orders to another soldier. 

Mark didn't think about it much and gave a nod to his teammates before they all followed the soldier to the back of the buildings. They crossed the compound and walked into the hospital. Entering, they noticed many people walking around and checking injured patients. 

They slowly followed the soldier to the end of the corridor and stopped in front of a door which had a sign to the side saying 'Testing'. The soldier asked them to wait outside while he went inside and came out with a doctor beside him. 

"Please follow me inside. The check-up is very simple." and turned around. They followed them inside and the doctor led each one of them into separate cubicles. Their check-up was rather simple, unlike the one which they had in Stargaze city. 

The doctors asked them to take off their clothes and conducted a thorough search on them for any signs of zombie attacks like a scratch which is usually accompanied by the rotting of flesh and dark bulging veins. 

Mark also felt this was a better and more efficient way of doing things instead of studying their blood. They also had to explain the reason behind the more bloody marks on the body they received the past few days. After thorough examination and questioning, the four of them were sent away by the doctors.

"This is a much better way of doing things. Even though examination of the blood is a relatively safer method, for times like this where there are an abundance of patients and limited time and doctors," said David while they followed the soldier out of the hospital and entered the apartments once again. 

Mark gave a nod, and they followed the soldier in silence. The soldier took them to the same place they were when they talked with the colonel and asked them to wait as he went to call his superior once again. 

"Do you think we will be able to leave tomorrow?" asked Kevin. 

Suzie shrugged at his question and said, "Probably."

The soldier took little time but came back with the colonel by his side. Dan looked at all of them and said, "It's good that you guys aren't infected. I showed your letter to the general, and he agreed to the request. But it would take some time for it to be handover, as there are still some preparations going on."

"By when can we expect it to be in our hands. We already wasted some time on the way here and are kinda behind on the original schedule we panned out," said Mark. 

Dan nodded and replied, "I understand. We will try to get it done by tomorrow morning at the latest. So please try to rest till then. Show them the guest rooms in block three." he turned towards the soldier and gave out orders. 

Mark and the rest could only nod to the colonel's arrangement and follow the same soldier once again to their rooms for the day. Their guns were still with them to the side as they slowly crossed the 2 blocks and finally reached the third. 

It was a six-story apartment block smaller than the rest, which was eight-story blocks. Going inside, they followed the soldier on the stairs. 

As they followed him, Kevin asked, "How are your electricity and food supplies keeping up?" while looking around. 

The soldier didn't turn around and said, "It's mainly solar power, which we heavily depend on right now. Most of it goes to the hospital and only some of it comes to these blocks, enough for the lights to run at least. We can give out food two times a day." he continued to climb the stairs as they passed the 3rd floor 

It was the same situation in Stargaze city. The other sources couldn't be operated normally right now, and the people could only make use of what they could find without much effort, which was from the sun. But it also seemed like the food supplies in Evergreen were considerably lower compared to Stargaze city.

The soldier stopped on the fourth floor and took a right as they walked down the hallway and reached the dead end with two rooms on both sides. 

"This will be your accommodation for the night. We will serve dinner at 7. The canteen is in this building, you can come down when it's time." he pointed to the door on the right and opened it for them. 

It was a simple room with two bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a living room. They entered and the soldier who stood at the door said, "Alright, I will leave you guys to be then. I highly advise you guys to stay within this house until it's time for dinner. Not everyone is nice in this camp." and walked out of their sight immediately. 

They looked at each other's faces when they heard the last sentence. Kevin looked around and said, "Well, it seems like there are some serious problems in this camp. Well, they are at least able to give us a place to stay for the night."

"Every place has its own problems," replied David while turning towards the rooms. 

While the team was looking around the rooms they gave them, in Block 1 there was an intense debate session going on about the letter they gave to the general. 

In a round table office, 10 people were seated as they continued to scold one another with a letter in the middle of the table. 

"General, Don't you dare tell us you are really planning to give them the communications technology we were able to painstakingly recover in the past few days based on a letter?" roared a man, slamming the desk in front of him, showing how displeased he was.

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